View Full Version : Hey everyone

02-16-2007, 04:02 PM
Haven't been on in a while. Long story made short --never, never think its alright, to put butane in the wood burning stove to get it to light quicker on a cold night:roll: :roll: :roll: mishap happen about 2 weeks ago , healing nicely , thankyou, less eyelashes and brows( but a great and inexpensive skin peel!):) Gonna take some pics this weekend of the babies, or should i say teenagers, they will be leaving next week. Keeping one, the runt, chad and getting him a mate .Also moved them into a new room they can call their own, and they do let me know the minute i come in from work. Well hope all is well with everyone will post some pics this weekend Chris note: Momma rica got it out of her head to stop laying eggs after the move, and has become the Rica i used to snuggle with (she still hates everybody else, esp her kids, but thats rica)

02-16-2007, 04:39 PM
Chris, OMG! :omg: I am so sorry to hear about your mishap but thankfully, what you lost will grow back and as you said, "cheap peel!" I'm looking forward to new photos of the kids! :D

02-16-2007, 05:06 PM
Chris! My goodness... I am so grateful to read that you are OK. Be careful, buddy! Hope that all is well with you, your family and your fids!


02-17-2007, 11:29 AM
WOW Chris, sorry about your accident! I'm glad you're healing nicely...:( That's pretty scary.

Looking forward to pictures of the teenagers! :)