View Full Version : Busted!!!

06-19-2005, 09:06 PM
I have 2 very forlorn looking young lovies this evening! Last night, I walked into my dining room and found one of them under the table. I figured that whoever fed them last must have left the door ajar and one managed to escape. Didn't think much more about it until this afternoon when I came home after being gone for about 2 hrs. Under the dining table is the same lovie! Well, I was the last one to open the cage and I distinctly remember closing all doors! I immediately searched around the house and came up with 3 belt loop clips, one for each door that could be opened. Clipped the doors and continued on with my afternoon.

Well, this evening when I walked near their cage, there they were on the bottom near the food dish door, looking like the end of the world had happened!!! I took them out to play but the clips are back in place. Lovies will not play when their slave is away!!! :lol :lol :lol

06-19-2005, 09:28 PM
Yesterday I went downstairs to prepare to go to work and Nerin was sitting atop the curtain rod looking for all else like she belonged there. Escaped in the night and wandered about teasing the other birdies with her escape tactics. I though Neaera was the only one who could escape. I was wrong.

Buy A Paper Doll
06-19-2005, 09:58 PM
Aww, Linda, you took away their fun! Poor babies.

I caught Melody working on the door for her food dish today. If she could lift out the dish, she could escape, but it is too heavy for her.

06-19-2005, 10:05 PM

Bela and Lacey are secured in cause I know how little lovies can be such good escape artist, I however underestimated Cappie my GCC. I was dusting in the living room one day, and all of a sudden I heard a splash sound, followed by this noise that Cappie makes when he is bathing. It kinda sounds like, dute,dute,dute,dute. I looked around the corner and there he was splashing away in the water dish on his cage playtop. This would not concern me so much if I didn't have three cats. Thank God, they were all still in garage and I hadn't let them in. Yep, you got it, his little food doors are now all secured also :p

06-20-2005, 09:32 AM
That's one of the reasons I got Ditto the big cage when I did. The old one just had sliding doors where the food and water dish went in, the kind that slide up. We used to hold them closed with quick links. The little bugger figured out how to open them. He never opened the ones holding the doors shut though. But after he figured out how to open the ones hanging his toys I saw him go to the ones on the doors, turn them around so he could get at the part that opens and start working them. Fortunately it took him a day or 2 of working to actually get them open so I just made sure that I tightened them everytime I walked past the cage. Boy did I get evil looks when I did that. >:

Joanie Noel
06-20-2005, 05:16 PM
You wouldn't believe how many mini locks I have. :rofl:

~ Joanie

06-20-2005, 05:43 PM
You wouldn't believe how many mini locks I have. :rofl:

~ Joanie

I'm tempted to put a combination lock in the cage to see if he can open that. :rofl:

06-20-2005, 06:02 PM
I had a B&G Macaw that could open any kind of lock except a combination lock! I found some very clever ones but she could open them faster than I could put them in place. By the time I left the room, she was right behind me!

06-20-2005, 06:11 PM
I have sliding up doors on food and water. I have luggage locks on them..lol. The cage door though is a squeaze one. So far no escapes but would take 2 lovies to get it..lol.


06-21-2005, 09:42 PM
Hi Linda,
Aren't the lovebirds so smart. Jake hangs on the outside of the cage when the big door is open and he opens the food door half way and lets it slam down, again, and again, and again. It's a fun game. I have been using twistie ties, but those beaks are very strong.

Buy A Paper Doll
06-21-2005, 09:46 PM
Friend of mine said when he had birds (tiels) he used plain wooden clothespins to clip the doors shut. The birds chewed their way out regularly so eventually he just kept a bag of clothespins by the cage and replaced them every few days.