View Full Version : Screaming!

Buy A Paper Doll
02-19-2007, 09:35 PM
Melody had recently "renovated" their last cozy (read: put a window in it rendering it unsafe) so I wanted to find something they could hide in that was a little more sturdy.

Elle keeps posting the most adorable photos of her lovies hanging out in a coconut so off I went to find a coconut toy for my birds.

I found coconut swings in one store. Perfect! I bought two and hung one of them up in the cage. Now, my birds are very adventurous and have never ever had a problem with a new toy. That is why I didn't bother with an introductory period with the swing. Normally they respond to a new toy by climbing all over it. But for some ungodly reason, they decided that the coconut swing was eeeee-vil and proceeded to scream. For a day and a half. :x

Now, Melody tends to scream a lot when she's, shall we say, hormonal. :roll: So I tend not to give her screaming a whole lot of thought. I give her and her cage a quick inspection to make sure there isn't a reason for her to be screaming; if all is well, I just let her scream. She usually gets over it after a day or so. Well .... after a day and a half of screaming on her part and half a bottle of Aleve for the headaches that followed, hubby and I finally figured out ... it's the @$%! coconut.

I took out the coconut swing. Life is (relatively) quiet once again. Lesson learned: Not all toys are allowed to come inside the cage right away, even with adventurous birds like M&M!

02-19-2007, 10:15 PM
lol:lol :lol I'm laughing with you. Sounds exactly like Nip. She can pitch such a fit you'd swear she was being tortured, then you rush in and she sits there with this "what?" look on her face. I've always enjoyed your signature message for that very reason. Sheesh, I sympathize. :rofl:

02-20-2007, 08:59 AM
:omg: that is too cute - of course you may not have enjoyed it the same way while living through it. :rofl:

They are tenacious, strong-willed creatures aren't they????? I love them all!!!:lol

02-20-2007, 09:42 AM
:rofl: Jen,

That sounds so much like Daisy :rofl:

02-20-2007, 09:46 AM
I'm so sorry! I guess Miss Melody does not like the fact that she cannot remodel a coconut!:rofl: