View Full Version : wings cliped or not?

02-22-2007, 11:54 AM
i got my birds wings cliped when i got her and there starting to grow back now. im still trying to tame her should i clip them again or not cuz she seems to be braver and coming out of her cage more now there growing back. i still can't go near her thow.

02-22-2007, 12:05 PM

Yes, your bird may be more confident when the wings grow back. If you are working with your bird it may be best to have the wings clipped. It is also a safety measure for the birds. If they fly too fast they can be injured hitting the window, a wall etc. I keep my birds wings clipped at all times. Good luck.

02-22-2007, 03:09 PM
I agree with Linda. For taming and for safety's sake, a wing clip is best. Of my three only one is 100% fully flighted but only after having him for over three years (he's 10 years old) and only after being positive his attitude remains in check when he is flighted. The other two are tame but they could/would get into too much trouble w/o at least a partial clip so while they have pretty good flight, they still get clipped when it's too much flight for them.

02-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Out if curiousity: how often do you folks clip your lovie(s)? How long b/t clips?

I'm sure that it can vary from bird to bird to a degree...


Buy A Paper Doll
02-22-2007, 09:36 PM
I clip them as often as the feathers grow back.

They usually grow in only one or two at a time and it is very easy to clip the feather even with the others at that time, as opposed to waiting for them all to grow in and clipping them all.

My birds' wings are clipped. One of my lovebirds got outside one day (hubby's fault) and in a slight breeze was able to glide about 60 feet before landing behind the neighbor's yard. That was with clipped wings. If her wings hadn't been clipped she would be gone.

02-23-2007, 05:31 AM
Out if curiousity: how often do you folks clip your lovie(s)? How long b/t clips?

I'm sure that it can vary from bird to bird to a degree...


It seems all the time. :lol I clipped my birds 4 weeks ago and I neeed to clip Blu again. With one flight feather grown back, she can do amazing air acrobatics again. Same with Kio, my green budgie. The feathers don't grow back all at once. It's one at the time. Last time I clipped the flight feathers for my neighbour, there was one feather growing on each side so I had t go back two weeks later to reclip. It's a never ending ending task :lol

02-23-2007, 07:56 AM
i got my birds wings cliped when i got her and there starting to grow back now. im still trying to tame her should i clip them again or not cuz she seems to be braver and coming out of her cage more now there growing back. i still can't go near her thow.

If you still cannot go near her reliably without her becoming agitated and evasive, then I would definitely keep her wings clipped, for her safety. A bird that is evasive and runs/flies from you can very easily hurt themselves by flying into windows, wall, hanging plants and such - to say nothing of the harm that can come from we clumsy humans as we flounder about, trying to catch our wayward birds.

A non-trusting bird and no wing-clip can end very, very badly. I would not risk it.

- Eric

02-23-2007, 08:04 AM
If you still cannot go near her reliably without her becoming agitated and evasive, then I would definitely keep her wings clipped, for her safety. A bird that is evasive and runs/flies from you can very easily hurt themselves by flying into windows, wall, hanging plants and such - to say nothing of the harm that can come from we clumsy humans as we flounder about, trying to catch our wayward birds.

A non-trusting bird and no wing-clip can end very, very badly. I would not risk it.

- Eric

I agree! A lovie who has not yet bonded or learned to trust you is an accident waiting to happen w/o a wing clip.

02-23-2007, 01:18 PM
Absolutely agree! I clipped two more of Keeghan's wing feathers on each side because his flight was so good I was afraid he would fly into the window glass. I think this will help me interact with him better without following him around alot, too. I figured now (three days ago) was the best time to do it, since he didn't trust me yet, anyway, as opposed to waiting until some trust had built and spoiling that trust by clipping him myself later. If you have other pets, be sure you protect your lovie from them more than ever if clipped, since they can't gain altitude.

02-23-2007, 01:35 PM
i clip kiwi when his flight wings grow back, and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason how often that is. i know when he is able to maintain height when flying, and some distance that it is time to give him a clip. he is a strong flyer even with his feathers trimmed!!

02-23-2007, 06:01 PM
Like Robyn, I have one that flies wing clip or not (Luka).

Just one thought: be aware of blood feathers. As new feathers grow in, they'll have a blood supply for a while. You don't want to clip those until they're done and the blood supply is no longer in the shaft. Please review the information in the Resources forum, it has excellent information on clipping.


02-23-2007, 07:31 PM
I have a flier wing clipped or not too. My Piper is like a speeding jet when he flies through the house. One day he's going to crash land in my face if I'm not careful. But not matter how many feathers I clip, he can zoom anywhere. No Miss Lori (bellarains), you can't have him :p , but he sure is a cutie pie, huh?