View Full Version : PetSmart is PetStupid...

Ayla's Mom
02-22-2007, 09:43 PM
I am so upset at what I saw at PetSmart tonight. My husband and I made a trip there to pick up some more toys for Ayla, and we decided to take a look at their birdies...and we were appalled!
1) They had three peach faced and one masked lovebird in a small cage of about 20 in x 20 in x 30 in.
2) The masked lovebird had a dime-sized bald spot
3) NONE of the birds had little areas to sleep in.
4) There were about 17 parakeets in a small cage of about 20 in x 20 in x 30 in.
5) The cockatiels' beaks were caked with some kind of white dried stuff (not normal, from what I could tell), and they kept closing their eyes like they were dozing off.
6) All the birds' cages were caked in poo.
7) The birds seemed very uneasy
So on and so on...
Is there somewhere that we can file a complaint at?
I am so upset :( :cry:

02-22-2007, 09:46 PM
You might speak to the manager of the store and let him know what you've witnessed. If you don't see an improvement, you can take it to your local animal shelter officers, who will investigate the treatment and housing of the birds in the shop. I hate hearing about these things:(

Ayla's Mom
02-22-2007, 09:51 PM
Well, talking to the manager didn't help...
Mind you, this is the same PetSmart that I adopted my 12-week-old kitten from about four months ago back in Nov. '06. Well, they had not taken proper care of the kitties, and mine had gotten pneumonia that filled up his lungs with fluid, and only one week after we got him he died... :cry:
Even though we took him to an emergency clinic and paid lots to get him to get well, he died. And when we spoke to the manager, still nothing had changed: the kitties were huddled together in tiny little crates.
The animals at PetSmart just suffer so much :cry::cry::cry:

02-23-2007, 12:47 PM
I would report to their corporate office. Probably get the support of your local parrot rescues too!
I just gave up going to certain petsmarts... though there are some that would, at a drop of a hat, change things if they are made aware of problems.

02-23-2007, 01:02 PM
Since you have talked with the manager, I would lodge a complaint directly with the corporate offices of Petsmart. Here is a link:http://www.petsmart.com/global/customerservice/cs_contact_us.jsp

Ayla's Mom
02-23-2007, 02:06 PM
Thanks Deb.
I went ahead and sent a complaint to corporate. If I still see no change after a week, I think I'll be forced to do something more serious...:confused:what that will be? I don't know yet.

02-23-2007, 03:40 PM
Four birds in a 20 in x 20 in x 30 in cage when i bought mindy she was in a cage that size with around 10 peachface lovebirds. The store name was YOUPETABELIEVE IT in staten island ny. They are out of business now my poor mindy was abused and it took close to a year tame her. You should follow through with what you saw. Petsmart out here has birds but not in a bad condition.

02-23-2007, 05:10 PM
If I may make a suggestion. It would be a good idea to either video tape or take digital pictures of what you have witnessed. The introduction of this type of proof goes far beyond any verbal complaint and should expedite a response. Take pictures that also identify location, entryways, address, etc. Try not to take pictures of poeple or employees because in some states you may not have permission and it may compromise your proof. I don't know of any state in the U.S.A. where it is illegal to photograph animal abuse or neglect.......I hope you pursue this as I'm sure you would have plenty of support, you certainly have mine! Goof n' Michael

02-23-2007, 06:59 PM
Fortunately the petsmart here seems to take great care of their birds. The last time I was there they had 2 creaminos and 2 baby normal green peachies in a 5 foot high x 4 foot wide and 3 foot deep enclosure with all kinds of branches and toys to play with. All the cages even had fresh veggies and millet in there. They were tearing into the veggies for breakfast and having a blast! 8)

Definately report that one to the athorities.>:

02-23-2007, 07:16 PM
Two of the Petsmarts near me do a decent job with the small birds that they carry, thankfully. Could be better, of course, but generally speaking? I've been pleasantly surprised. More often than not the older store used the end cap cage (used to be use for larger birds, like CAGS or B&G macaws) for half-a-dozen budgies or lovies at a time, which is a nice change. I've seen fresh fruits and veggies in the cages with all the animals, too.

I try to NEVER confront a staff member or management while in the store if I see something amiss (unless it is something EXTREMELY dangerous/ life-threatening). I find it best to take a few moments to calm down (usually on the drive home) and take a few notes on what I observed. Then call to speak to manager on duty. Get names: ask to hear from the district manager. Demand follow-up.

I'm not sure who governs pet stores in your state but in NJ, it defaults to Fish & Game.


Robin VZ
02-23-2007, 07:57 PM
My husband and I made a trip there to pick up some more toys for Ayla hope you didn't buy anything, sometimes all they understand is whether the cash register rings or not
1) They had three peach faced and one masked lovebird in a small cage of about 20 in x 20 in x 30 in. might not be a huge problem if they're babies which could also be the reason for the bald spot on the masked bird. Or it could be an older bird who plucked itself? It's a hard one to call. Then again, if it's on the head or the back of the neck, it's a very bad sign of aggression by cagemates.
2) The masked lovebird had a dime-sized bald spot
3) NONE of the birds had little areas to sleep in. most lovies are happy with a high perch in the cage. Any kind of structure could trigger hormonal or territorial behaviior. Not sure what was missing here.
4) There were about 17 parakeets in a small cage of about 20 in x 20 in x 30 in. Agreed, WAY too crowded!
5) The atiels' beaks were caked with some kind of white dried stuff (not normal, from what I could tell), and they kept closing their eyes like they were dozing off. Could have been young birds with hand feeding formula caked on them but they shouldn't be left like that. Tiels are too prone to infections. I sure wouldn't buy one or get it close to my birds at home.
6) All the birds' cages were caked in poo. might not hurt to take in a digital camera. It could make the employees anxious enough to actually clean the cages.
7) The birds seemed very uneasy
So on and so on...
Is there somewhere that we can file a complaint at? Unfortunately, many times the authorities only care if birds have available food and clean water. Crowding may not bring any actoin. It may depend on where you live.
I am so upset :( :cry:

can be very frustrating and unhealthy for the birds

Ayla's Mom
02-23-2007, 11:26 PM
Thanks guys for all your responses.
I actually e-mailed corporate and this is the response that I got:

Dear Shirin,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us at PetSmart.

We are forwarding your email to the appropriate parties to ensure that your concerns are addressed appropriately and promptly. You should be receiving a response from PetSmart within a few business days.

Should you have any other concerns regarding our stores please submit an email request to our PetSmart store support group at http://www.petsmart.com/global/customerservice/storeFormRequest.jsp, or you may call, toll free, 1-800-738-1385 extension 2518.

Once again, thank you for bringing this to our attention.


PetSmart.com Customer Experience
1989 Transit Way
Brockport, NY 14420

I'll keep you all posted on what I get back :)

Ayla's Mom
02-23-2007, 11:39 PM
Oh, by the way, Robin VZ:

5) The atiels' beaks were caked with some kind of white dried stuff (not normal, from what I could tell), and they kept closing their eyes like they were dozing off. Could have been young birds with hand feeding formula caked on them but they shouldn't be left like that. Tiels are too prone to infections. I sure wouldn't buy one or get it close to my birds at home.
Well, the cockatiels were eating seeds and pellets and they looked pretty big. Also, IMHO, I DOUBT that a store would sell birds while they are still being handfed. Just my opinion...

Robin VZ
02-24-2007, 12:59 PM
Also, IMHO, I DOUBT that a store would sell birds while they are still being handfed. Just my opinion...

They sure shouldn't be selling birds that are being hand fed and breeders shouldn't sell them until they're weaned but unfortunately it happens frequently and lots of birds die because of it. In some cases, a store may tell a customer a bird is weaned because it has started eating some on it's own but the bird reacts badly to moving to a new home and reverts to needing hand feeding. If the new owner is a "newby", they have no clue and the bird may die. In other cases, stores give a two minute hand feeding lesson and turn the bird over to someone with no experience. This too ends in many deat hs. (sour crop, burnt crop and aspiration)

If the tiels didn't look active and had caked beaks, they might be ill or recieving medication to overcome thier condition. I'd be the most worried about the tiels from what you've described. I hope you get a good response from the store and some changes are made.

02-24-2007, 01:14 PM
Take pictures and send them to PETA. It works.

02-24-2007, 10:24 PM
Wow.... where is this Petsmart???? The ones I'vev been in have always been very clean and large enough cages.... Nice variety of birds too, I might add. They even had a GORGEOUS Parakeet (Indian Ringneck or something like that for like 6 grand! Mind you, thiss is NOT a budgie I'm talking about)

02-24-2007, 10:45 PM
Take pictures and send them to PETA. It works.
PETA is probably the last organization you want to get involved in this. Granted, it may work but PETA also doesn't want humans to have any kind of pets at all!

I will be very interested to hear what corporate has to say and if things change. Petsmart has come a long way with some stores but other stores are in horrible condition!

Robin VZ
02-25-2007, 01:53 AM
I have to agree with you about PETA. They don't want any of us to have any interaction with animals. I don't ever want them in a position of power. There's a big difference between real ethics and the PETA agenda.

02-25-2007, 07:53 AM
I still believe photo proof is 100% necessary. Inviting PETA or any other organization may result in these organizations benefiting their own agenda instead of what is really necessary. Petsmart operations could be similar to nursing home operations as employee and management positions may have a high turnover rate which results in overall experience being compromised. The result being neglect and overlooked undiagnosed illness. Personally the three Petsmart retailers in my area seem to do a pretty good job but the experience and observation necessary to care for birds in general DEFINITELY needs to be improved upon.....PLEASE keep us informed....Goof N' Michael

02-25-2007, 09:06 AM
PETA? You mean "People for the Exploitation and Takeover of America"?

Sorry, I wouldn't involve PETA in ANYTHING relating to animals. In my opinion, they are a complete and utter farce and hold as their primary goal the raising of cash to finance their political grist mill. Actually protecting individual animals (you know, that thing that they allegedly did when the organization was first founded) is so far down on their collective to-do list as to be virtually non-existent anymore.

Don't believe me? Check out this story (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/23/EDG11DC9BK1.DTL) from last summer, in which two PETA employees were caught after they took a mother cat and kittens, promising to already have loving homes lined up for them, and then killed the animals and threw their bodies in a neighborhood dumpster. The trial started in January for these two "ethical" PETA employees, and you can read about it on this website (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/Trial_Day1.cfm), although be aware that the website is far from impartial - even more so than the first editorial above. It is a blow-by-blow account of the trial, with a healthy dose of the website owner's own axe-grinding thrown in, but it outlines exactly what the PETA employees did - and how PETA's deep pockets (read: excellent legal machine) got the two employees off the hook.

...or how about the recent snowstorms in Colorado, when the state governor challenged PETA to rent helicopters, buy feed, and save ANY animals that were snowbound (like the state and other individuals were doing) - only to have PETA say (paraphrasing), "We have no interest in saving livestock that will just end up on a dinner plate, and PETA will not act to save the lives of any wildlife animals because this storm is an act of God".

PETA? No, thank you. If a PETA employee was on fire, I wouldn't waste the time or effort to spit on them to help 'em out. In my opinion, they are nothing but a collection of duplicitous, lying, unethical scam artists.

Just my opinion. I'm sure someone out there has a contrary view...

- Eric

02-25-2007, 10:50 AM
PETA is probably the last organization you want to get involved in this. Granted, it may work but PETA also doesn't want humans to have any kind of pets at all!

I sure do agree with that! Until a few years ago I had no idea how dangerous PETA's involvement could be when it comes to pet owners and their pets.

02-25-2007, 12:27 PM
I am curious which Petsmart in Northern Virginia. I purchased Finny from the store in Winchester (oh how lucky I was on that day). Besides getting lucky on that day only I had to complain several times to the management. I bought another lovie there who died two days later and devistated me. I made petsmart pay the vet bills as well as refund my money. This did not take away the sadness in the least but I felt they owed me at least that much. I also had to demand refunds and vet visits there due to bad grooming of my dogs. My schnauzer had razor burn so bad I had to take him to the vet as it was getting infected. Sammy (my pup) was so uncomfortable I was just livid with Petsmart.

They do not seem to care at all in my opinion. They refund your money, say so sorry and then move on. I will NEVER EVER buy any animal from there again. Nor will I use any service that they offer. I do continue to buy our dogs and birds food there (well not in NoVa anymore since we live in AZ now) but until I find another place to buy our food and toys ..... petsmart or Petco is our only option.

I would also like to mention one other thing.... Their process of selling birds. When someone (like me) walks into their store and purchases a bird you get a 3 paragraph page to advise you on how to care for them. This to me should be illegal. Had I not found this site fairly soon after I purchased Finny he would not be alive and well today. People need to know about food, candles, leaves and plants...etc. These things are not covered in their 3 paragraphs! Also when buying a second bird, they do not advise or even mention a quaranteen! When Indy died had I not gotten a necropsy I would have had to worry tons more if Finny was going to be ok as I put them both togther the first day because I knew no better. I would not even know to get a necropsy if it were not for finding this site.

Yikes can you tell this is a sore subject for me? I could go on and on but I will stop here as I think we all know anyway.

Cindy... Finny and Reilly's Mommie

02-25-2007, 12:36 PM
Not all pet stores are the same, that's for sure. I haven't been fond of my visit to Petsmart in Columbus, but the Petco is nice (where I got Peter).

I'd report them to the corporate office, over and over if necessary and the humane society (over and over). Or call you local TV station and see if they have a consumer alert section. Maybe they'll go out and video the store AND the manager (as he stammers).

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change
the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has...
Margaret Mead

Robin VZ
02-25-2007, 01:03 PM
I would also like to mention one other thing.... Their process of selling birds. When someone (like me) walks into their store and purchases a bird you get a 3 paragraph page to advise you on how to care for them. This to me should be illegal. Had I not found this site fairly soon after I purchased Finny he would not be alive and well today. People need to know about food, candles, leaves and plants...etc. These things are not covered in their 3 paragraphs! Also when buying a second bird, they do not advise or even mention a quaranteen! When Indy died had I not gotten a necropsy I would have had to worry tons more if Finny was going to be ok as I put them both togther the first day because I knew no better. I would not even know to get a necropsy if it were not for finding this site.

Thank you for your comments on the information available on this site. The kinds of difficulties you describe is the reason we got started in the first place. These dangers are real and it's difficult to read your story because of how painful your experience has been.
Sometimes you can find some of the same food products through local feed stores or bird/animal fairs. I too, hesitate to shop at these chains unless it's absolutely necessary.

02-26-2007, 05:53 PM
I sure do agree with that! Until a few years ago I had no idea how dangerous PETA's involvement could be when it comes to pet owners and their pets.


My :2cents:

PETA is generally not involved in ANIMAL WELFARE. Their agenda, whether you agree with it or not, is for ANIMAL RIGHTS. They have been instrumental in convincing the Petco chain to stop selling larger parrots (nothing bigger than a conure, I believe), true but the heart of their mission is to have animals on equal footing with humans. They do not want animals to be tested on, consumed OR owned by humans. They do not support assistance animals (guide dogs for the blind, etc.), either.

It would be in the best interest of any concerned consumer to submit photographic evidence to the proper authorities. That would be the town's/county's/state's human officer (usually through the state's ASPCA), the Humane Society, Fish & Game (or Fish & Wildlife), and the local media (newspaper, TV and radio). In addition, it does not hurt to contact the store's higher ups. I'm not saying that a single letter of complaint is going to get Petsmart, Petco, etc. to shape up. If ENOUGH concerned CONSUMERS voice their opinions, the corporate headquarters just might listen.


02-26-2007, 09:46 PM
I wonder what Eric thinks of PETA? (I don't know what my opinion of PETA is, but they are starting to scare me).

I haven't personally witnessed any terrible conditions in any petstore in my city. There was a kid tormentling budgies that I REALLY wanted to slap. I would definitly be taking pictures, I would of course bring backup, so I wouldn't get caught taking said pictures. I would also point it out to as many people around me, customers in the area, see what their opinion is on the conditions, suggest they complain too.

02-27-2007, 08:22 AM
I agree with Suzanne. While the majority of Pet Stores do not have good bird housing, some do, and my local PetSmart is actually very good. I have made suggestions from time to time when I've been there, and they actually seemed to appreciate the advice(good thing, they wouldn't want to see the evil side of me;) )

Another thing I've done, although it does cost me a little bit, is buy a toy, millet spray, ladder(cheap), or give them some of the Nutriberries is I've bought some. They of course have no objection to this, and to tell the truth, it just makes me feel better:)

This board has helped many, and lack of bird care education is half the problem. Pet Shops I'm sure don't pay very well, so the help they get is most times from non-experienced people. Some are lucky, but most probably are not. We can all help by sharing what we know, sometimes even though they act like they don't want to hear it(they hear it anyway), and also, by leaving the sites address is they will allow it. We don't care very much for them, but they still carry birds, who will still be bought, and hopefully some of those people will find their way here, or to another site to help them care for their fids:)

02-27-2007, 09:00 PM
I agree that the petstores for the most part don't give enough information when they allow people to buy animals. The petsmarts I have here are actually pretty good. I worked at one of them and I was just surprised the calls and customers that would come in ask for something and when you found out they were feeding a bird nothing but toast with peanutbutter and some millet occasionally I tried to do what I could to help educate. Alot of people did not do any research on their own before coming in to buy an animal, so we were always encouraged to ask alot of questions to try and help the people get everything they would need and some information if it was an animal we knew anything about. Most the people I worked with genuinely wanted to help and work with animals so things were kept up with. The Petco's in the area however I cannot say the same for. They paid less and usually if you talked to any of the people working there they don't even have pets at home to relate anything to. I really try to not go in them unless there is something there that I can't find anywhere else (like one type of toy my dog absolutely loves, that I can't find in any of the other stores in the area)
I'm glad I found this board BEFORE I fully decided on my decision to get my lovebirds, it's too bad more people don't do more research before getting animals.

02-27-2007, 09:37 PM
and lack of bird care education is half the problem.

AMEN Lori!!!
We can hope that through this board, and the various members with us, that bird ownership is taken more seriously, and people learn more about their commitment to one of these feathered kids.
Our PetSmart is so-so, so I rarely go in, because I end up mouthing off at the managers. We have a canadian equivalent, called "SuperPet" and while I am not impressed with their general dog/cat stuff, I have to say their bird section is amazing. The people are knowledgeable, the birds are always in clean well kept safe cages, I've never seen a dirty water bowl in there at any time. The food is specific according to breed of bird, ie: canaries have grit/seed/millet/veggies/fruits, lovebirds have seed/greens/fresh veggies chopped, leaves of kale or collard greens hanging, no grit etc, Macaws have pellets, veggies,fruits, walnuts, almonds, and lots of foraging stuff for everyone.
While I wouldnt rush out and buy a bird there, it's good to know that it seems like they know what they're doing from what I've seen.

Just my two bits,

03-02-2007, 02:06 PM
Any updated news on this?

I worked very close with our local Humane Society a while back and that's who I would recommend calling if nothing at the store changes. If they won't or don't do anything, a local newspaper or television station might be interested in the story. I'll guarantee something will happen if the story gets on television.
Like everyone else, I've had good and bad experiences with Petsmart, Petco and even smaller local "pet stores". Our local Petsmart has a huge display (about 7 feet tall x 4 feet wide) and had 3 lovebirds in there last time I went in. I was shocked to see three little birds in that big enclosure, but they looked really healthy and happy and certainly had plenty of room. Most of the big, chain type pet stores have staff that is not that knowledgeable and honestly, not sure how motivated I'd be to learn more while getting paid minimum wage for my hard work. Customers also can be to blame. People just walk in and say "I want a bird" without having a clue as to proper care and the costs envolved with being a parront. Simply providing a "bird" to these people along with a cage, food and whatever else you can get them to buy in that one sale is what seems to be important to them. I've made people cry, not employees, but actual customers in stores, by asking them hard questions. Guess I'm just a witch.
Ok, now I'm rambling, so I'll hush.

03-02-2007, 03:14 PM
Customers also can be to blame. People just walk in and say "I want a bird" without having a clue as to proper care and the costs envolved with being a parront. Simply providing a "bird" to these people along with a cage, food and whatever else you can get them to buy in that one sale is what seems to be important to them. I've made people cry, not employees, but actual customers in stores, by asking them hard questions. Guess I'm just a witch.

I knew I liked you, MJ :evil:

It's a wonder that I'm allowed to shop in some of the local pet stores. Don't get me wrong: I've made my fair share of mistakes in petkeeping. That's why I'm so vocal nowadays. If I can save someone heartache, human or animal, than it's worth it.


Ayla's Mom
03-02-2007, 04:09 PM
Here is the new e-mail I received from PetStupid:

Mrs. Bahrami,

My name is Ross. I am the Pet Care Manager for the store. Please know that I take the care of all animals under my supervision very seriously. After reading your letter I went to investigate the bird habitat for cleanliness. The cages are all in immaculate condition. There is plenty of food and water available, and there is adequate living space. Please rest assured that I continually monitor this and all habitats for compliance with all of PetSmart's pet care standards. I hope that you and your husband will come to us for your future pet needs. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. The store phone number is 703-335-1755.

Thank you.

Pet Care Manager


To which I say, "I have seen NO change"....
Guess you can't win.

03-02-2007, 04:16 PM
Nope, you can't win. As of last Saturday (when I saw that the petstore here got three unweaned African Grey babies for sale) I am no longer going to pet stores. I buy my food from my vet and the litter cat stuff from a pet food store which has no animals except for a sweet cat roaming the isle and purring at people. I have found a few web sites that have toys to suit the need of my birds and that's where I will be buying my toys in the future.

All I can do is stop supporting the petstore all together and spread the word around! 1- a quarantine is 90 days. They offer you a 30 day health garantee on their animals. 2- the employees do not have a clue on how to take care of these animals. ****! They need to get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word "weaned". 3- The animals are NOT well looked after. and the list goes on.

That's all I can and no, I am not winning. And neither are the animals. :2cents:

Lora & Marvin
03-02-2007, 09:25 PM
Hi All,
I would just like to comment on this whole PetSmart situation. As I can totally understand the frustration here, because quite obviously, the birds at this paticular PetSmart are NOT being properly cared for, I must remind everyone that it is not necessarily the entire chain of PetSmart franchises that are like this. I happen to work p/t in the Grooming Salon of the PetSmart in my town (Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) and I feel that our entire store does a FANTASTIC job of caring for all the animals(visitors included!!!)-the fish tanks are thoroughly cleaned once a week, the small animals (hamsters, mice, reptiles, guinea pigs etc) are cleaned every day and given fresh food water AND fresh veggies! We don't even sell rabbits anymore because of the current over population problem of the cute little guys. Our bird cages are cleaned DAILY and the birds are given food and fresh veggies and water EVERY DAY, as well as certain breeds (tiels/conures/canaries) are handled every day so as to keep them tame. And trust me,I'm an animal lover and would NOT post this unless I truly believed we were doing a great job at PetSmart (Newmarket). Perhaps it is just one of those 'one in a bunch' type stores with horrible employees who don't really care about the animals, just about recieving a paycheck every two weeks.
One other quick point to make (just looking at both sides of the story)- about the 3 paragraph pamphlet, although I agree this does not cover NEARLY enough information to maintain a healthy, happy bird, it is partly a new Pet Parent's job to research their pet of choice before purchasing it. Personally, before I decided to get myself little Marvin, I read 3 different "Lovebird" books, and researched VERY thoroughly through the internet (that's how I found this site). I had everything purchased and had it all set up and ready for him before I even contacted the breeder. It was literally MONTHS before I actually purchased Marvin that I spent researching. So although I am 110% on your side and I am glad that you contacted head office (shows you are a very kind and caring person), should we really boycott ALL PetSmart's / petstores!? Some of us really DO care about the animals we work with!!!
Let's hope that more people will continue to make mention to head office about this paticular store so that those animals can be treated properly.
Just my two cents!!

03-03-2007, 10:21 AM
Lora, no doubt about it, there are very good chain pet stores and some that are just awful, within the same chain. I have run into two people at a Petco here that were very bird knowledgeable and thrilled that I, as a bird owner, am too. Both of these employees own and love parrots and I know that makes a difference. One is a manager and told me that he's had extensive training on how to take care of every species they sell and he could answer every single question I through out at him. :) And I did ask him lots of questions! :D