View Full Version : uhh ohhh.....it's starting

02-28-2007, 10:01 AM
Ok so in all fairness, I kinda knew it was gonna happen eventually, but to be completely honest I was not entirely prepared.

This morning I caught Tango doing the.....well, you know what he was doing....with his happy hut. And not just for a second or a minute, I'm talking the whole time I was getting dressed, brushing my teeth and washing my face, until I finally had to interupt him to take the hut out so I could go to class. Right now I'm just hoping he sticks to directing his affections towards his Happy hut, at least then it can only happen first thing in the morning and right before bed, when I'm the only one there to see it. I think I would have trouble explaining the behaviour to my housemates, or my friends, or god forbid, my parents. I'm sorry but discussing my birds sex life with my parents is not high on my list of things I want to do in my lifetime.

02-28-2007, 01:19 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

When Kiwi first started this i was slightly mortified, thinking of ways to explain his behaviour to non -bird people. Well, I couldn't and luckily Kiwi only does it around us, his flock. However, the first time my older son saw it (20 years old) and my husband, they were totally grossed out! :omg: :omg: Believe it or not, they have totally gotten used to it.

And kiwi does it now on my HAND! :( :blush: >o ALL THE TIME!! oh what i wouldn't give for the days when he just did it on a kleenex or his happy hut!! :(

He has been doing it for almost 6 months now, with no signs of stopping. Soooooooo.............I accept him with all his quirks and attitudes, cause he's my baby boy. And hopefully he will lessen the amount soon. After all, he has gone from 6-7 times a day to 3-4. Isn't that great???????????????????? :omg:

02-28-2007, 02:32 PM
I swear: I only caught Beetle doing the swishy-swishy once. I was so SHOCKED that my wee baby birdie was growing up... he gave me SUCH a look when I caught him. I hope that I haven't shamed the poor beeb...

I used to have a male rabbit that was completely enamored of my right arm. I was maybe 12 at the time so all my classmates got quite a kick out of his antics...


02-28-2007, 03:12 PM
Jenna, :rofl:

I swear you'll get used to it. My younger two are at it for hours during the day! I don't even notice anymore unless I have company and notice them trying to figure out what my birds are doing! :whistle:

The gacking is what drives me crazy. Shy gacks to his birdie buddy so much that I have to change one out for him almost every day. Gross! :rolleyes:

02-28-2007, 04:03 PM
George is the only one of my birds that "swishes". George has done it ever since he came into our lives. He'll even use a perch if nothing else is around. Not shy either....doesn't care who is around or whether it's dinnertime or not. :rofl: :rofl:

02-28-2007, 04:45 PM
i actually saw the lovebird swishy for the first time last week. i was at a local greenhouse/aviary with my mom and they had a huge cage with several lovebirds. one of them was awfully content with swishing away on his perch...my mom was like "boy that one sure itches doesn't he?" i just laughed and said "welll i guess you could say that." he went at it for ages! my mom didn't believe me when i told her what we saw...LOL!

02-28-2007, 07:48 PM
George is the only one of my birds that "swishes". George has done it ever since he came into our lives. He'll even use a perch if nothing else is around. Not shy either....doesn't care who is around or whether it's dinnertime or not. :rofl: :rofl:

that's what amazes me - the not being shy part!!!!:omg: kiwi doesn't seem to care what we are doing while is he "busy" - he just keeps on going till he is good and done!!!!!!! we sometimes have conversations going on at dinner, and off he goes...................... as i mentioned before, he hasn't yet done it in front of company yet....did i just jinx myself??????? :(

02-28-2007, 08:32 PM
:lol Peter humps his happy hut all the time. Thankfully he doesn't gack on stuff. Luka, in the same cage, never does any of that.

I don't really pay much attention to Peter's humping. If anyone asks (like visitors) I just say *ahem* his tummy itches. :roll: Most of the time, if I don't bring attention to it, no one pays much attention to it.

Peter is a wonderful bird. I'm glad he likes his happy hut.

Buy A Paper Doll
02-28-2007, 10:06 PM
Milo's location of preference for doing the swishy - swishy, is the back of a hand. I guess I should add, that's where he goes if Melody is not available. :blush:

If you think they are not shy when they are doing it alone, you should see them go at it in pairs. No place is sacred! On the computer keyboard. On the lampshade. In the food dish. In front of my MIL who then loudly asked them, "Are you having a good time?" :x

02-28-2007, 10:22 PM
that's what amazes me - the not being shy part!!!!:omg: kiwi doesn't seem to care what we are doing while is he "busy" - he just keeps on going till he is good and done!!!!!!! we sometimes have conversations going on at dinner, and off he goes...................... as i mentioned before, he hasn't yet done it in front of company yet....did i just jinx myself??????? :(

Give him time, he'll do "it" in front of company. :D I can reach in and pet my two when they are going at "it"......they don't skip a beat. Gotta love 'em! :D

03-01-2007, 07:16 AM
If you think they are not shy when they are doing it alone, you should see them go at it in pairs. No place is sacred!:lol We could practically add sexy music for George and Gracie. :lol She hangs onto the bars of the cage! :omg: