View Full Version : Any suggestions?

02-28-2007, 06:38 PM
I am officially in love with Haku:blush: and now in true dumb human form, i want him to love me too! Three weeks ago he was acting like if i killed his whole family and now he is acting just like i beat up a distant cousin, so we're making progress.... but i want him to be able to explore and gain confidence. would it be okay if i let him walk around in my room? More specifically, what potential hazards should i look out for? I know i'll have to cover the mirrors and close the windows of course, and he is already clipped.

I realize that what your parents tell you as a child is really true.. your heart does get bigger and bigger with every baby (fid8) )you have, and you grow enough love for them all... is this why people end up having so many birds?:rotfl:

Lora & Marvin
02-28-2007, 07:08 PM
EVERYTHING!!! lol I haven't had much trouble with Marvin walking around, but that's because he's very attatched to my shoulder! But I'm sure just about everything COULD be a potential danger. In my personal opinion, as long as you keep a close eye on Haku while he's exploring, then you can just stop him if he gets into something he shouldn't!!!

02-28-2007, 07:35 PM
I'm just paranoid! lol, with good cause of course... but i guess Haku can do a bit less damage than Evie my Amazon, who has destroyed my shoes, clothing, hair accessories, chair legs, kitchen table legs; chewed corners off my mom's furniture, broken necklaces and watches etc... i always take them from her before she ingests it, but she will get this crazy gleam in her eye and go walking pigeon- toed all quickly toward something and just rip it apart... if only i didnt love her so darn much:)

02-28-2007, 10:49 PM
:2cents: When Bo started to explore I used to take something out of the cage that she was attached to and put it where I wanted her to play and show her lots bright coloured things. I still show her the windows and tap on them to show her they are solid. I never take my eyes off of her for a second when she is out playing . The No Birds on the Floor Rule gets broken too often. I found that joining in to what she wants to do very effective for forming a bond . I sing silly songs with her name in them. (she the only being that likes my singing):happy:

03-02-2007, 09:19 AM
I realize that what your parents tell you as a child is really true.. your heart does get bigger and bigger with every baby (fidhttp://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/../glasses.gif )you have, and you grow enough love for them all... is this why people end up having so many birds? Yes!!

I would limit Haku to a small room where he can't really get underneath or behind anything. They can get themselves into trouble faster than we can stop them! Prevention is the best remedy.

Honestly, the best room for a bird to roam in seems to be the bathroom with the toilet seat closed. Also, make sure he can't get into or underneath any cupboards.

Remember, Haku may rule your heart, but you are still his guardian. I frequently remind my birds that I'm only looking out for their safety. :) They don't always like to hear that, but I know in my heart that it's true.

03-02-2007, 10:16 AM
I have several hard-fast rules for my birds for their own safety but keeping them off the floor is at the top of the rules list. Even if I lived alone, I know that even I could easily step on one and living with a husband and two sons, I know that floor birds are an accident waiting to happen. I do have a bird room and when I'm in there cleaning, I don't move a single body part w/o looking to see where all three are. For some reason, when I'm on my knees using the shop vac, they love to go to the floor and walk up behind my feet. :omg:

Barb suggested a small bathroom for taming sessions and that is exactly where I took my younger two when I first got them and worked with them there for a couple of weeks. In that case they were on the floor but I was sitting right there and knew they were safe. As soon as they learned to "step-up" that was that and I don't allow them on the floor anymore. Not that they don't sometimes fly to the floor, they do, but I immediately tell them to step up and remove them from the floor. I will admit that watching them waddle across the floor is one of the funniest sights I've seen. :D