View Full Version : Taking a poll/please give some feedback

03-05-2007, 07:02 PM
ok short and sweet to anyone one who has done it,(that didn't come out right!) DNA: feathers vers. blood sample, aka: nail clipper:confused: :confused: :confused: need everyones:2cents: just got both kits, thanks guys Chris

03-05-2007, 07:07 PM
Chris, I have never done either but if I had to, I would do the feather plucking method. Just my :2cents:

Good luck and better YOU than ME! :D

03-05-2007, 07:40 PM
I recently did the feather-sample kit. I was nervous about plucking the feathers at first, but talked to my Avian Vet and he assured me that it's a mild discomfort, but only for a second or two. When I did it, I got about 2-3 feathers at once, so I only needed to do it twice.

03-05-2007, 07:49 PM
I can't comment on the blood DNA, as I've never done that. I did do feathers, and it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Three fast pluck, and I had 7 good feathers to send in.

03-05-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm voting for a blood sample but that's all I've had experience with... Of course, I didn't do the nail clipping: Beetle's breeders did!


03-05-2007, 08:17 PM
When doing the blood method, you need enough blood to go through the little card they give you. You have to be careful not to touch it as you may contaminate it. You'll have a wiggly and screaming bird in your hands and it's a struggle. I would recommend the feather plucking method.
If you go with the nail clipping, you have to hold the bird after and make the bleeding stop. There may be a chance for the nail to strat bleeding again if the bird picks at it.

Your vet can help you with either one method that you choose.

03-05-2007, 08:21 PM
:2cents: I used the egg method :omg: My lone hen ,Bo , was kind enough to lay some eggs for me :rolleyes:

03-05-2007, 08:44 PM
Do what you think you will feel the most comfortable doing.

I used the blood test on 15 of 16 birds. I knew one was a lutino hen.
To make it easier, I filled out each card first and inserted the card backwards in the little zipbag so that the test circle was sticking outside the zipbag.
I toweled the corresponding lovie, clippedthe toenail, dabbed the blood droplet on the card and set it aside. Then tended to the lovie...reassuring it and making sure there was no bleeding.

Once each card was dry, I reinserted it correctly into the zipbag and sealed it.

I gave you some more instruction in you other thread on this topic.
Good luck.

03-05-2007, 08:50 PM
I usually do blood samples for DNA testing but there's always the risk of contamination. I've not heard of the contamination problem with feather sexing so I think my vote has to go in favor of feathers.

03-05-2007, 09:01 PM

I just did the feather DNA test a few weeks ago for my two (first) Lovebirds and I would always choose feathers..... I bite my nails (very very bad habit I know :blush: ) and if I bite to much, it hurts.... and I mean really hurts. So I wouldn't want to do that to my lovies. Feathers plugging was very very easy. I just took them out of the cage with a towel and hold them chest up. I had no problem at all... and I guess the plugging noise was more hurtfull to me, than the actual plugging for them :) I used Avianboitech, they received my feathers on Feb. 9th and on Feb. 12th I received the results via Email and a few days later in regular mail. I did send 6 breast/chest feathers for each bird.

So I hope you choose the best for you and your lovebird :) ... good luck and let us know, how you and your bird did. :clap:

03-05-2007, 09:27 PM
My vote goes for feathers also as far as comfort, risk, problems etc go.
Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that the first feather sample you send in doesn't always contain enough DNA to determine sex, and they'll still cash your check, and a notice saying "please resubmit another sample and payment". Yep, you have to pay again to send in another sample for testing, even though its' the same bird !
I do it via blood now, although I know about the contamination risk, I still find they get the conclusion on the first sample I send.
Hope this helps...

03-06-2007, 03:33 AM
Got to be feathers.
Chris if this is any consolation, its just like ripping a plaster off of a cut extremely quickly. Stings, But quickly forgotten. If you have never done Blood D.N.A at all,you could be more nervous and worried that you may cut to much into the nail, causing more stress on the Birds. Like others have Put go what you feel really comfortable with. Why dont you pull a couple of hairs out of your head quickly and see how much it hurts. Not alot, but thats how the birds would feel, just a little sting and its over.
I feel in my honest Opinion, that Blood sampling are for those who know how to to do it properly and expertly. So feather testing gets my vote.

03-06-2007, 04:19 AM
I tested my three babies with feathers, and it was quick and easy. And correct. That is to say that the two said to be hens have laid eggs and the boy has never laid hens but is very keen on humping his toys and cozy!!

03-06-2007, 06:55 AM
Big chicken here! I couldn't do it myself. I had my vet do the DNA testing and he did it via blood from a toenail.

One comment, I had Luka done by the doc and the bleeding was stopped after enough was massaged from his little toe. He seemed fine and we went home. Well, once at home back in his cage, he was hopping around - being himself. Then I realized his toenail had started bleeding again! It was stopped by the time I got him out of the cage to examine him and stop it again - but it really gave me a scare. Lesson: after a nail stops bleeding, keep an eye on the bird for a while!

If I had to do it myself, I'd pluck a few feathers.

03-06-2007, 08:33 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys, think the feathers win

03-06-2007, 09:04 AM
There is one more method if you have the option of sexing newly hatched chicks. Avian Biotech can do sexing from the egg shell, which has blood on the inside of it.

03-06-2007, 10:49 AM
There is one more method if you have the option of sexing newly hatched chicks. Avian Biotech can do sexing from the egg shell, which has blood on the inside of it.

Barb, I recently read that, about the egg shell. Course, if Chris gets eggs, he'll know he's got a hen! :lol I wonder if many breeders have the egg shells tested? I asked Jeanette about that and she did know it could be done but has never used that method. Probably because she only sexes birds when she's deciding on keeping one for her breeding program or when a client (like me) is dead set on buying only one sex. I passed on the first violet she had when I met her after the DNA came in.....hen! :lol

03-06-2007, 11:24 AM
Janie, I'm pretty sure this is a very reliable method as long as one shell doesn't get contaminated by another. AB said shells can be preserved by freezing them in a well-sealed bag. I've probably still got Didjit's shell in my freezer :lol but I don't really care about his gender. At this point we're pretty sure he's a boy. :lol

03-06-2007, 12:33 PM
I opt for the blood method as plucking feathers is just something I can't do. Seems odd, I can make the toenail bleed no problem, but cannot pluck feathers. :blush:

03-06-2007, 04:38 PM
Jeanette, the wonderful breeder that I got my 2 lovies from does it with feathers and that's good enough for me.

03-06-2007, 04:53 PM
I opt for the blood method as plucking feathers is just something I can't do. Seems odd, I can make the toenail bleed no problem, but cannot pluck feathers. :blush:

MJ, much as I'd hate to do either (I'm in that chicken club with Suzanne) I am floored that you can't pull a feather but can make one bleed! Do you play pool? :rofl:

03-06-2007, 07:19 PM
lol guys this poll is starting to crack me up, def feather thing for me, and just for Janie----YMCA--YMCA....................lol

03-06-2007, 07:42 PM
lol guys this poll is starting to crack me up, def feather thing for me, and just for Janie----YMCA--YMCA....................lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
03-06-2007, 08:23 PM
I vote "let the vet do it when I am not looking." Milo was having bloodwork done anyway so it wasn't too much trouble for the vet to get a little more for the DNA sample.

My other vote is "go with a sex-linked mutation and avoid DNA tests altogether" which is what I did with Melody.

03-07-2007, 12:26 PM
MJ, much as I'd hate to do either (I'm in that chicken club with Suzanne) I am floored that you can't pull a feather but can make one bleed! Do you play pool? :rofl:

As a matter of fact Janie, yes I do play pool. :D Remember the story about the bad word? I was playing pool when that happened! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

03-07-2007, 02:56 PM
As a matter of fact Janie, yes I do play pool. :D Remember the story about the bad word? I was playing pool when that happened! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

MJ, you're quicker than that! THAT is the reason I asked if you played pool! Not only do I remember that story, I've SAVED that PM! It's a keeper! :rofl:
Anytime I need a good laugh, I read it! :D :D :D