View Full Version : In love with Budgie

03-06-2007, 12:25 AM
Well the title explains it all lol I havent been on here for a while so to any newbies im Genevieve :) I adopted a 2-3 month old Peach face named Pumpkin 2 months ago...Anyways I also have two budgies and at play time they all hang out together, the problem is Pumpkin is becoming very fond of one of the budgies and when its buddy comes to say hi to its friend, Pumpkin scares it away...Is this healthy? I dont want to put my other budgie through unecessary stress either...Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated...

Also, I would buy Pumpkin a friend...ive been thinking about it but i just dont know how well it would get a long with another peachface as it was bullied and attacked my other peachfaces before i adopted her. Its pretty tame but would rather be with Oscar than me...Thanks!

03-06-2007, 12:42 AM
It sounds as if your lovie is looking for love. I am thinking your lovie is female and I would be very reluctant to put the other budgie in a position where it might get hurt. It could most definitely get badly hurt or killed...females can get extremely nasty with the competition. I am guessing that this is what happened to Pumpkin before you got her.

Whether Pumpkin is male or female, the best chance of a friendship would be with another male, so if you can find one a bit older than Pumpkin, and intro them slowly after quarantine, then you might get some birdy peace in your house again. But then again, no guarantees!! Just be sure that you don't end up with two females. That can work sometimes but usually not.

03-06-2007, 01:13 AM
Thanks :) I'd really rather not buy another Lovie because im so worried about her getting hurt and theyre hard to sex...But i will definetly consider it if there are no alternatives.

03-06-2007, 10:31 AM
I dunno if that's necessarily indicitave of a hen. She seems awful young, did you look at the photobucket picks? It's not impossible I suppose, and I can't say for sure since my experience is limited to Widgie, but the birdie still has black on its beak.

Still, at any age, a bonded lovie can get defensive of it's "mate." We had to, and still are, teach mine to not just be with his fav person. He goes between me and my bf equally now, but still sometimes refuses to go to others! He's not that old either, and has not displayed overt sexual characteristics of either gender. My point being, in a long way, I'd still watch out for that other budgie!:wink:

03-06-2007, 02:58 PM
Yeah im going to! Thanks Ducky :) Ive decided im just goign to work harder with taming her to like me instead :) Hopefully its possible!

03-08-2007, 09:17 AM
wow.. I had the same thing happen just recently with my budgies and lovebird as well. Layla (lovie) liked my green budgie and not the blue one. She tried to scare it away when it got close but after a few times they learned to tolerate each other. Layla still prefers greenie But I think greenie gets annoyed wth having a young bird hanging around her all the time...hehehe...