View Full Version : Progress with Twinkle!

03-06-2007, 05:53 PM
Tho I think the progress was because he was exhausted! He stepped up on the old treat stick while I was holding it!! I slowly lowered it down to eye level, he was nervous but stayed on the stick! :) :) got him almost to his cage and of course he flew off!

Have not reclipped their wings yet but will soon. They've had enough for today, both twinkle and rainbow were breathing so rapidly by the time we got them back in their cage. I feel bad for them being so scared! I wasn't going to take them out of their cage today, just let them come out if they wanted to... Rainbow came out fast and as soon as she did Twinkle followed.

Another bit of good news is that after I caught twinkle and got him back in the cage, Rainbow knew she was next! She flew down to her cage! If the lid was off she would have flown right in it! She was too worried tho when I came to take the lid off so we spent another 20 minutes chasing her around while she flew from the shower curtian rod to the closed air vent. It took some careful planning to have the lid off long enough for her to feel ok about flying down to it again.. .without letting Twinkle out! :)

Having Lovebirds is exahusting! LOL

03-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Having Lovebirds is exahusting! LOL


WOW, you are having a time of it but I think you are making progress....and getting plenty of exercise at the same time! :rotfl:

03-06-2007, 06:21 PM
They sure can be exhausting in the beginning, but it is so worth it!! :) With all the effort you are putting in, you will develop a nice bond and relationship that will also bring a lot of love. Cause there's nothing better than a lovie buddy or two!!! :happy: :happy:

Purpose By Design
03-06-2007, 07:15 PM
Keep at it, one day you will look back and say all this running around was well worth it when you have that special bond with your lovies.:)