View Full Version : Flight suits

03-07-2007, 08:45 AM
What do you guy think of these? I tried putting one on Daisy once and she flipped out. I'm still thinking of it though cause she likes to roam (always being watched of course!) and loves to be all over me and my boyfriend but he can't stand all the poo!! He swears its everywhere!! :rolleyes: Have any of you had any luck with the flight suits???

03-07-2007, 09:44 AM
I think that lovebirds are way too small for flight suits and not a single one of my three would stand for that. They most certainly would freak out. I don't really understand, other than to make a buck, why manufactures make them for small birds. :confused: While they might be fine for a larger parrot, I've never read of a single lovebird that could deal with one.

At the top of the forum there is a "Search" feature. Great to use when looking for information like this. I just put "flight suits" in the search and came up with these previous threads.....hope they help. :) As you'll see from the link, flight suits have often been asked about here. First time I saw one in a bird specialty store, I thought, "gee, that looks like something fun!" :lol My birds, I'm sure, would not agree with that! :whistle:


03-07-2007, 12:45 PM
Flight suit? More like a fight suit. My birds would go simply ape chit if I dared to put one of those things on them. Lovebird poop is so small, it's rather senseless to put a diaper on them. Simple clean up the poop right away or wait til it dries and pick it up them. Even my bigger parrots, who poop bigger, I just couldn't see putting them into one of those things. It looks like a torture device to me. Just my :2cents:

03-07-2007, 06:35 PM
Who needs flight suits? They go good on a ritz! And I know I've heard this before ( Why yes I do have some grey poopon ). Personally I would wear the flight suit and not my poor little Goofy. Think I'll start saving them in a jar and see how many there are in one year. Perfect to send your enemies as they flatten out nice and fit in an envelope! I should start telling my friends whats on their back before they leave but none of them have ever called and said anything....Oh well...Michael N' The B52.

03-07-2007, 06:45 PM
I like the Bird Diaper by Avian Fashions: http://www.bird-diaper.com/. They have a neat gallery of various birds wearing their products. I'm not 100% sold on the lanyard/leash for a bird so small but that's just my opinion: I'm too afraid of my wee tiny parrot getting picked up by a gust of wind...

A member of a parrot forum I visit has a lovie that doesn't mind being dressed up in the goofy little outfit. He wears his little rainbow suit outside and doesn't put up a fuss. He's a pretty laid back lovie, though.


03-07-2007, 06:52 PM
My little Oliver is one very laid back little lovie but I am sure a flight suit would scare the poop out of him and damage our relationship for a long, long time.

And the poop thing.....guess that the older you get, the less it bothers you. :D

Robin VZ
03-07-2007, 06:59 PM
boyfriend but he can't stand all the poo!! He swears its everywhere!! :rolleyes:?

Tell him to be glad it's not a macaw.....:rofl: One shot and he'd have to change clothes.

Actually, I used to make play capes for when I had large groups of birds out playing and it did a fairly good job of keeping my clothing clean. I used to sell these at bird fairs. Even put D-rings on them so toys could be hooked on. If you look in the pattern books, you might find a pattern you could alter to work for that purpose. I used denim and would also put a pocket on the front which was sewn on two sides and tacked on the other. Babies liked to snuggle up inside the pocket.

03-07-2007, 07:02 PM
Robin, I have 5 "Ca Ca Capes!" I'm wearing one right now. Heck, I'm always wearing one it seems! :D I did buy them from an add I saw in BirdTalk Magazine and I love 'em!

03-07-2007, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone!! The poo doesn't bother me much at all its just my bf but this is his first bird so there is ALOT he doesn't understand. :)

03-08-2007, 06:57 PM
Tell him it works great for the complexion. I wonder about those flight suits. Wouldn't they get poop on their little duppa's? Still doesn't seem like a good Idea. Kind of reminds me of that cat or dog that got their head caught in a paper cup only with a bird its the other end. .......Goof N' Michael

03-08-2007, 07:30 PM
I'll bet if you blindfold him and put one on a ritz cracker he'd never notice. Tell him it works great for the complexion.


I'll try that.....next time I have guest over! ;)