View Full Version : teeth chattering

joan gault
06-20-2005, 07:25 PM
My male lovie is making a chattering noise (like someone's teeth chattering), something that the hen does not do. Has this any special signifigance or is this just a normal thing (he's not sick as everything else is normal).
Joan :confused:

06-20-2005, 07:27 PM
Your male is trying to solicit your hen; this is a noise that male lovies make when they are feeling amorous.

joan gault
06-20-2005, 07:30 PM
That's what I thought about the chattering. I am going to have to move my computer because these two are driving me nuts but I think the babies are adorable. Now I know why they call them *lovebirds* lol.

06-20-2005, 09:48 PM
Now I know why they call them *lovebirds* lol.
Exactly! The clickety-click is very typical of the birds wanting to solicit or feed each other. My bonded males do it for each other. One of my males does it for my female that he's NOT allowed to mate with (different species). Lucky for me (right now) she just likes to be fed when she's in her cage and he's not. They are quite entertaining!

I love all the noises they make. My favorite is when they get nappy, and squeak and peep.

06-21-2005, 02:06 PM
Molly & Daisy don't like each other so they do this to me individually. It's so sweet :) I know they love me when this happens :D

06-21-2005, 02:26 PM
Molly & Daisy don't like each other so they do this to me individually.

Ummmmm, maybe Molly and Daisy are both :rofl: boys...????

Generally, after a good amount of clicking, it will be followed by ear scratching, gacking and pacing back and forth doing a sort of "rubber-necking" dance and a bit of quick wing flapping. :happy:

06-21-2005, 02:32 PM

In my house that is followed by grabbing hold of my ear with the beak and doing the swishy on my shoulder,the whole time making this popping kinda noise :o Oh yeah, and anyone who dares to put his hand close to me in this moment is likely to loose a little blood :eek:

06-21-2005, 02:47 PM
:lol MJ,

I think Molly is a male and Daisy is a female. Molly does everything a male characteristically does. Daisy on the other hand clicks and squeaks at the same time. She looks a little lost as she's not sure what she's suppose to be doing. It's too funny :lol Molly has switched from doing the swishy-swishy on his blankie to using a paper towel. I have a psychic friend who told me my "assumptions" are right. She's usually been right about what she's told me so I'll go with that and not pluck feathers. :p

06-21-2005, 03:41 PM
Friday does this to me all the time, although I have escaped the gacking and erm... swishy.. experiences :rofl: He's a very jealous birdie, and gets upset when my husband comes near me. Ray makes sure to get lots of smootches right in front of Friday's cage, and then laughs when Friday starts to chew him out :lol


Buy A Paper Doll
06-21-2005, 08:08 PM
Milo makes the clicky-clicky noise, then humps the back of my hand while I'm trying to work the mouse on my computer. If I interrupt him by attempting to type he goes absolutely ballistic, runs screaming across the keyboard, and bites at me.

I do a lot of one-handed typing.