View Full Version : Do you have a favorite??

03-09-2007, 03:30 PM
I feel guilty, I have a favorite of my flock. Ok, two, but one even more than the other. I don't have children, and wonder if I did if I would also have a favorite. I love them all, but enjoy these two more than the rest.

These 2 are always on me when they are out. These two always make their way to me, away from the flock. The other lovies are pretty content to play on their play gyms or in each other's cages.

Do lovebirds get jealous of each other?

03-09-2007, 03:57 PM
I have Amaretto and then two budgies, Bo and Lulu. And I have to admit that I favour Amaretto a bit more then the budgies (although I love them all). The budgies aren't tame and Amaretto wants to be with me 24/7. >o

03-09-2007, 04:27 PM
I love all of my lovebirds but my favorite is Echo, followed closely by Sierra, even though Sierra is not hand tame. Echo reminds me very much of his dad, Alex, and Alex and I had a very long, rewarding relationship, again, even though he was not hand tame.

03-09-2007, 04:31 PM
My George. "I will hug him and squeeze him and pet his feathers and name him George." He was our first bird and he is still the love of my life. I nearly lost him last year after moving due to stress, have no idea how old he is, but he's the most handsome yeller fella ever. I do have many birds that I have varied relationships and adore them all, but George is the man.

03-09-2007, 05:01 PM
I used to think my favourite was Nemo, my bald, wild, sweet tempered lovie, and I do love him, but the other day, Pidget ate a tiny piece of tiger leaf plant and I was sure I would lost him since he had a serious reaction almost immediately. I'm old enough to know that the old saying "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" is sadly too true, but I had never realised how many of Pidgets little gestures: he clucks like a chicken, screams with delight when I come home, rubs his little head on my arm, the way I can hug him (well, I actually put my arms around his cage and he comes and hangs beside my chest but it's our hug), has a "PIIIIDget" call and flies to me for protection when the others are teasing him, etc, etc, I take for granted. So I guess it's my Pidget after all. Who knew?

03-09-2007, 05:35 PM
I most definitely do have a favorite....Oliver! And yes, while I love my sons equally, I do favor one of them over the other. When you get along with one human being so much better than the other, how can you not favor that one?

I am positive that my Shy is a very jealous bird. He doesn't like it when either Oliver or Big Boi are on me. Oliver and Big Boi will "share" my shoulders but Shy can't stand for them to be on me so I usually take them to another room and leave Shy behind and then take him with me for his time with momma. Course, Oliver gets much, much more alone time with me and that's they way it's always going to be. I love 'em all and take good care of all three but Oliver is my boy! :D Sitting on my shoulder right this minute just beak grinding his little heart out. :)

03-09-2007, 06:32 PM
Ok I don't feel so bad having my favorite.

Chubby that had the beak wound is the favorite, even before she was injured. Checkers and Chubby are inseparable, so Checkers is the favorite too, but Chubby is my "cuddle muffin or cuddy muffin". She lets me hold her and I talk right into her chest and she loves it.

This is how I felt about Kiko before I introduced Touki and Kiko became the territorial monster she is now...I still love her, and she has taught all the other lovies to say "Kiko"...so we know who the boss is.

03-09-2007, 07:08 PM
I've given this a lot of thought. Its difficult to admit it but Goofy's my favorite bird.....of course he is the only bird I've got. I do have a favorite daughter though! ......Of course I only got one of those too. I'm not too sure I want any more birds or daughters because then I'd probably have too many favorites.....Michael N' Goofy

03-09-2007, 07:11 PM
Yes, I do. Molly will forever be my favorite among my four. He was my first. I didn't know Molly was a male until later, but he knows his name and I won't change it. I handfed him from 3 weeks old and he was a single bird for about the first 9 months of his life. He is extremely bonded to me. I spend alone time with him more than the others, he is fully flighted and he only does swishy-swishy on my paper-toweled hand :rolleyes: I wouldn't do that with just any bird :p Yep, Molly is my special buddy :clap:

03-09-2007, 07:37 PM
I think just because you favor certain birds or like to hang out with some more than others doesn't mean you love the others any less. I have favorites. Zimber is the number one of all number ones cause he was our first bird and has been with us going on seven years. He is so much a part of our lives I can't imagine not having him around. I also love my Won Ton who is the best daddy and friend a person can have. Now that I have Mijo, things have changed. I spend a lot more time with him but our relationship is growing deeper than most I've known in my life, including humans.

When Spike, Greenie and Daisy got sick I was beside myself and spent every waking hour and maxing out my credit doing everything I could to save them and make them better. I love all these birds but they are not so much human friendly and like doing their own thing. In fact, I used to think Daisy was one of my least favorite. She was as beautiful as a lovie could get but very skittish and stand-offish. When she got sick and died, I cried and cried and cried and all I could think about was all the cute things she did and what a wonderful bird she was. She had the sweetest face and eyes and used to love to break into other lovies cages and just hang out in them when no one was around. She loved her mamma and her mate Blu like I wished she loved me. I miss her deeply and know that while neither of us really hung out with each other she was happy and loved.

03-09-2007, 07:57 PM
Well, it's hard to choose????? but my first birdie was Bella, and we do have a very special bond. Maybe too special, as he will only swishy on my shoulder, or ponytail, even though he has a mate:rolleyes:

Janie, I thought I knew which Son was your favorite, and then I questioned myself. I know you and Jeff have a special bond, but then again, Sam is your baby, so I'm just not so sure anymore:confused:

03-09-2007, 08:12 PM
I only have one lovebird and therefore, one parrot... So Beetle is my favorite!

I'm making it easy on myself for the time being ;)


03-09-2007, 09:21 PM
Janie, I thought I knew which Son was your favorite, and then I questioned myself. I know you and Jeff have a special bond, but then again, Sam is your baby, so I'm just not so sure anymore:confused:

S A M!!!!

03-09-2007, 11:10 PM
Well...... I wasn't going to come right out and say it, but since you did...... I was right:p

03-10-2007, 07:21 AM
Lori, I was right too. I always remember this because Janie wanted to name Oliver "Sam", but Sam (the son) wouldn't let her. :)

03-10-2007, 10:14 AM
Well my favorite is Mollie, my first lovebird. While she can be pretty feisty and bity at times, she still snuggles, eats sunflower seed from my hand and is the first to greet and rub her beak between the bars for outside time. She is the matriarch of the flock. The says "thankyou" for her sunflower seed with the same two tone chirp.
My second favorite is Max the male conure. He now says a gravelly "hello" when I come into the birdroom and is getting tamer with each outside visit.

The rest of the flock know they are loved and each little personality is prescious. But Mollie will be my firstlove!

03-10-2007, 10:21 AM
:whistle: nope never had a favorite bird or child.lol.

Ok, yes I do. Whisper had a very special place in my heart being born here. But I loved all my birds very much. All my human kids are special in own way to me. But my third has a very special place with mommy. Just like my husband favors our second..lol.


03-10-2007, 11:11 AM
Well it only had to be 1 Lovebird that used to be my Favourite and some of the mods wanted him cos he was such a good Fid (i.e. feeding all birds even kakariki`s and Rosellas.) And that had to be Cheeky Chappy. Boy i do miss him. He was such a good daddy to. At mo i got no favs, but Legs, 1 of the birds i adopted off of Bella is growing on me, he such a cheeky devil, and a right wind up merchant with my Birman Leo. He plays try and find me in his cosy, and the look on my Birman`s face is a picture, he looks at me as to say, well how do i see Legs then. But my boys (cats.) will always come 1st then Red the Parrot.
Am pretty sure the others will grow on me once i see their true characters come out, they still getting used to their new surroundings.

03-10-2007, 01:45 PM
I cannot say I have favorites. I have a special bond with Max and always wonder if his needs are met.
Sam who is no longer with me, I still cherish her memory.
Blu, my little sweet Blu. What can I say. A blue sunray every day. I treasure those moments she decides to be cuddly.
Phoebe? Well considering how we got her, she too will always have a big place in my heart. She is so clumsy at giving kisses but it's such a big part of her charm.
And Kio, my little hyper hyper active little boy who will challenge a bird twenty time his size and make HIM go back in his cage deserves a lot of respect.
Last one but not least. My smallest baby Yuki. Little white ball of feather. He/she is so tiny compared to the others, needs extra care because she's always left behind. She looks so lonely sometimes that you can't stop yourself from picking her up and cuddling her.

And my furry baby Danny Cat. The thought of loosing her last November has taught me to be more tolerant with her. She's an old lady and so what if she wants to sleep all night on my bladder! I only have to get up 3, 4 sometimes 5 times a night thanks to her. But I know I will never regret having let her cuddle me in her old age.

I think my favorite is still my sweetheart of a husband. He comes first even if sometimes it doesn't seem like that. :blush:

03-11-2007, 07:07 PM
I've always had favorites within the flock. It used to be Melody (my first lovebird), but I have to admit that he has slipped to second place. My favorite bird in my flock is Aeyu; she is the one bird that will, without fail, beg at her cage door until I open it, take her out, and give her a love. She always goes right back in without a hassle, and so I know she wants to interact with me and not just use me to get out of her cage for a couple minutes.

She's gone out of her way to create a special relationship with me.

- Eric

03-12-2007, 04:09 AM
I only have Daisy and Clover so...

Daisy is my favorite. And so is Clover.

But that'll change at times when one bites me, then the other one becomes my favorite for a while. :rofl:

My mom used to tell me that I was her favorite child. Then she would tell my older brother that, then she would tell my younger brother that just after telling the other ones.

But now... She says that Ginger (our poodle) is her favorite child.

Buy A Paper Doll
03-13-2007, 06:48 PM
Well, of course Milo is my very favorite because he is such a sweet and laid back little bird.

And of course Melody is my very favorite because she has such a strong little personality.

So it's a tie. ;)

03-14-2007, 08:35 AM
I don't have a lovie... yet.
But i think it's completely normal to have a favorite.
When I had more than one budgie, I had one favorite :Cinnamon (blue). He was as sweet as could be and loved sitting in my hand. He was so kind an generous to the other birds and never got into a squabble. Everybody who saw him loved him. He was a special bird. I loved them all very much but he was special.
With my dogs, I have a favorite too :) But they are all loved the same and treated the same. And I wouldn't know what i'd do without any one of them.
I don't believe in *showing* favorites (having one is another story). I try not to.