View Full Version : Celeste LOVES her toy

03-13-2007, 10:34 PM
We have had wonderful luck with our baby Celeste who is almost a year old. Celeste is very well behaved, very social and very spoiled. She chatters all day but for the last few days she's quiet and I find her very intensely doing the swishy with a rope toy. She does it often through out the day. I think this is because there is a good bet Celeste may be a boy as we've never DNA'd her. My husband worries she may be sick and was wondering what you thought. Any advice is appreciated.

03-13-2007, 11:53 PM
If Celeste is a male, he may be paying you back for naming him Celeste (jk!).:rofl: Take a webstroll to Avian Biotech. I did the DNA feather method myself following their instructions with a few tips from others here on the board. The cost for one bird is about $23-ish, but it might be worth it to know what you've really got there. As for illness, monitoring eating habits, poopins, and interaction with you are important factors. This could merely be Spring in a male's airspace, but my motto is "when in doubt, check it out" with your nearest and/or best A.V.:)

03-14-2007, 12:12 AM
Your probably right about the name :rofl: . We have starlings and because they don't mate in captivity we don't need to know healthwise. With lovebirds it seems more important. When we bought Celeste they felt her hips but we knew that was just a guess. I think it's more important in Celeste's case because it could affect health. If there is any change in eating, pooping etc we have a great avian vet. We never hesitate going for the smallest reason. We never intended on having a hookbill until we saw sweet Celeste alone in a cage at the store. We left with more than we needed and a good book. I would never recommend getting a bird on impulse but we had an idea of what we were getting into. I am so glad we did because she has become such a wonderful companion. The best are the snuggles since starlings aren't known for their:lol .

03-14-2007, 12:54 AM
:rofl: should have searched old posts first :rofl: Something tells me Celeste isn't a girl as the salesperson promised. I ordered the DNA test but my bets are on a boy.

03-14-2007, 09:38 AM
:rofl: should have searched old posts first :rofl: Something tells me Celeste isn't a girl as the salesperson promised. I ordered the DNA test but my bets are on a boy.

Don't let little birdie fool you either! Phoebe does the swishy swishy with her cuddle buddy every day! It didn't stop her from laying seven eggs!

Keep in mind that with Spring around the corner, birds will get into the nesting mood. There will be some behavior changes too. If Celeste is about a year old, it would be normal for her/ him to start displaying sexual behaviors.

03-15-2007, 12:38 AM
Thank you for that advice. After some reading Celeste has been doing lots of male mating behaviors. Celeste just grew in her wing feathers and has been flying. We thought the behaviors were because she was so happy to be flying until she started doing the swishy many times a day with her toy. To be honest I expected her to be much worse when she started flying because I read they could be bratty when flighted. She does fly aways when it's time to go in the cage but so far it's game like. We made it clear in the cage means in the cage, well as clear as you can make anything with a lovebird. Please know that Celeste stays in the house and her flight space is very safe. We will probably clip her wings at her yearly check up next month. Also know we love Celeste for who she is even if she's a he and gets very cranky. We've done our best to train her by positive reinforcment and so far it's worked. My expectations have always been realistic because she can't change what she is but I can. Personally I think I have the perfect lovebird but I am a little biased:rotfl:

03-17-2007, 05:42 PM
The DNA test came today and the feathers have been pulled. Oh how I dreaded doing that but Celeste didn't even try to bite. She let me know she hated it but I think it was more tramatic for me. My husband took it the hardest and he wasn't even in the same room:rofl: . He loves Celeste and it has taken them longer to bond. He was so worried it would break or weaken the bond that we have worked so hard to create. That worried me too but I had to get it over with so I wouldn't have to dread it.

Her behavior has changed again. Today I went to pet her and she presented ready to let me have my way with her. I'm glad that I ordered the test since an egg probably would be the only other way to truly know.

If you would like to see Celeste I have a slide show of current pictures here. http://jazicat.spaces.live.com/ Everyone who has looked says her tail color indicates she's a boy. I just :rofl: and say nope I'm not so lucky as it would be that easy.