View Full Version : Dog and Cat food Recall

03-16-2007, 09:39 PM
Just saw this on msnbc and wanted to let you guys know about it in cause this is what food you use.


03-16-2007, 09:53 PM
You can bet this is going to cause a major impact on P&G!!
Ever since Paul Iams sold out to P&G back in '01-'02 the company lines of products have been changed and downgraded. (IMO)
This story is damaging to them, to say the least!

03-16-2007, 10:26 PM
I totally agree with you that Iams has gone down hill, It used to be a great food, and I fed my dog that when he was younger, but I got nervous about quality when it became available at the grocery stores and walmart, and took him off it and put him on hills prescription diet from the vet clinic where I work, at least I know I can trust those foods. From what I've heard over the last while, I'm glad I did. Granted I never fed him canned food and never will unless it becomes necessary for his health, but this does not make me inclined to trust their product at all.

And this ladies and gents is a prime example of why you should spend the few extra bucks a bag and buy a high quality pet food, rather than 90% of the crap that's currently flooding the market. And please, please, if you can find the food at walmart or a similar store, or the grocery store, do not feed it to your pet, these stores DO NOT carry high quality diets, and the money you save on the food will not be worth it in the end. My all time favorite moment was during the BSE crisis, when there was some issues getting a number of brands of dog food up here, seeing one lady in the grocery store asking an employee about the "dog food in the yellow bag" (ie No Name brand) and when he told her they couldn't get it, she went on to lament about "the poor dogs, what are they supposed to eat, and it's not fair that they need to put them on different food", I just wanted to give her head a shake and tell her that the best thing she could do for her poor dog was change his food, but then again, she probably would have gone to kibble and bits or something equally horrible, cause it's cheap, and "the commercial says it's healthy".

Buy A Paper Doll
03-17-2007, 07:04 PM
Thank you, thank you for posting this!

I tried to get my dog to eat Science Diet and a couple other brands when I was switching her from the "Stouffer's TV Dinner" diet my mother had been giving her. The only one I had any luck with was IAMs. I guess it's time to start looking for another brand of food for her.

A friend of mine orders his dog's food online; I'll have to ask him for the website and see if I can coerce my mutt into eating it. I can't remember the brand but it's ridiculously expensive and very good quality. If it's good enough for his seeing eye dog, I'm sure it's good enough for my dog. :)

03-17-2007, 08:43 PM
That is scary. If you need info here http://www.menufoods.com/recall/

or call 1-866-895-2708

03-18-2007, 02:58 PM
Ok, I am concerned. My dogs eat Nutro and ever since this last bag, they have been vomiting way too much. I thought it was more a result of their current coat shedding (too much hair licked off), but now I have to wonder. Of course I don't have the original bag, as I dump the food into another container.

Called my petstore, and they didn't receive any of the shipments listed....

03-18-2007, 08:21 PM
The food that my grandpa uses for his cats is one of the brands that is being recalled. He called the number provided by Menu Foods website and they advised them to take back the food and take the animal to vet for a exam. His reply was that the exam could get quite expensive and the guy told them that that is why they have your name and phone number. So i guess that they are going to refund vet visit? Or to give them free food or something? I don't know.

Susan i hope all is well with you animals and that the reason for the vomitting is just their hair shedding. I wish you well.

03-19-2007, 10:51 AM
i cannot get through to ask questions, either by internet or phone. my puppy eats eukanuba dry low residue puppy food. i had heard that it is only the "cut and gravy" variety - does anyone know if this is accurate? any info would help this worried mom. i will keep trying the lines as well. thanks.

03-19-2007, 03:21 PM
Anyone who has questions about a particular food can go directly to their manufacturer's websites to find updates on recalls.
etc....or google search it and youll find the appropriate links.
I took the time to get all the info printed up last night so I can update my clients when I go back to work on Wednesday and I found this was the most effective way of getting the particulars.
Hope this helps!!!


03-19-2007, 09:06 PM
Thanks Kim,

I had difficulty getting on to those sites to see which products were involved, but CNN today said it only involved the "Cut and Gravy" products for dogs.

Our dog is a Mira dog, meaning we are fostering and training him to be a seeing eye dog for blind people. The Mira organization is very specific about the food we should use, in fact they supply all the food for the time we have him, which is usually 1 -2 years. I called them today just to reassure myself again, and they also told me that the recall does not include the dry food. WHEW!!!!!!! What a worrying thing this! :(

Purpose By Design
03-19-2007, 09:07 PM
You guys whould never believe this, but the same thing happend in South Africa (where im from) not even a month ago.I spoke my mother and she said dogs have been dying, even my little Fluffy-Maltese poodle (i rescued her off the street she was abandoned) that was 10 yrs ago and she was already an adult Dog at the time.And we think that she too died because of the canned food.My mother was going to take her to the vet when she realised that Fluffy was sick ,but it was too late ,she died before my mother could take her

All the canned dog food was taken off the shelfs in the stores.i wish i could remember what brand name it was.it just made me think.

03-19-2007, 09:08 PM
Thanks so much for this info. I don't use this product but use Hill's Science Diet instead but I will forward this info. on to my friends that have dogs/cats.

03-19-2007, 09:16 PM
I heard something about this. Luckily, I use Eagle Pack for my pets. If anyone is looking for a super premium pet food, definitely check out EP.

03-20-2007, 07:19 AM
QUICK UPDATE! The company decided it was a good Idea to test 50 animals to try to find out where the problem is killing 7 so far in the process. Its apparent certain institutions, Cleveland clinic, pet food manufacturers, etc, continue to feel they don't yet have the technology today to spare our precious animals this unnecessary torture. Oh yes, and by the way, they THINK it might be wheat gluten.......Michael N' Goofy

03-20-2007, 09:16 AM

Was this one the news Michael????? is there anywhere, anyone we can write to protest this????????? other than the company????

03-20-2007, 10:02 AM
I wonder if the Consumer Products Safety Commission (www.cpsc.org (http://www.cpsc.org)) would have any jurisdiction over this. The Better Business Bureau could be another avenue of recourse.

Any claims made regarding pet foods and treats need to be taken with a grain of salt. Their product claims do not need to meet any federal quality standards or industry performance standards. Read the claims, but look at the ingredients yourself.

Personally, I don't like preformed foods for any animal in my house, neither the cat, the birds, or ourselves. Something unnatural is helping the product hold its shape and texture.

It's also a sign of what happens when a privately owned company gets eaten up by a public company. There is too much emphasis on the stockholders' portfolios. Well, they took a hit this time!

03-20-2007, 05:24 PM

Was this one the news Michael????? is there anywhere, anyone we can write to protest this????????? other than the company????
YES. Just before leaving this morning it was on Fox 8 news in Cleveland,Ohio. I was taken aback by the fact that animals were used to test the toxic food, in my view only to add to the pain and suffering. Unbelievable, not anymore. Incomprehensible, yes. Also, I've never known the B.B.B. to ever amount to much as far as DOING ANYTHING about it. They may be a great sounding board but thats about it. The Better Business Bureau, although a household name, seems to be no more capable than a can of chicken noodle soup as far as stopping questionable business practices.....As far as doing anything about it will take the action no doubt of a lot of poeple and unfortunately a lot more suffering. ....Michael and of course Goofy