View Full Version : My Chihuahua needs prayers

03-19-2007, 11:29 PM
We've been nursing Jack's right eye for about 6 weeks, hoping despite glaucoma he could keep the eye. Unfortunately, infection keeps reoccurring and it seems the best thing is going to be to remove the eye completely. :(

We bought Jack when my son was graduating from kindergarten cuz the kid just HAD TO HAVE A CHIHUAHUA! We celebrated Jack's 11th b-day on March 15. My son just turned 17 and the dog is now more mine than anyone else's but we all love him. He is my lap dog, my comforter and he sleeps closer to (and more often with) me than my husband!

I can live without Jack's eye, especially after all the pain he has gone through in trying to keep it, but the surgery does have some risks. I'm understandably worried about the little rascal. He needs to finish the current round of Clavamox, but surgery could be as soon as next week. I'll chime back in again when I know the exact date. Just say a little prayer for my Jackie. Thanks!

03-19-2007, 11:44 PM
Hope all works out for Jack, Deb!
I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers from now until he's recovered. Would your veterinarian let you be there for Jack once the surgery is over and he's starting to wake up? I do that all the time with my birds and my vet is all for it!


03-20-2007, 03:14 AM
Aww, poor doggie.

I'm really sorry about Jack's eye, Deb, and I hope everything works out well for him. (((Deb and Jack)))


03-20-2007, 06:43 AM
poor little guy, I know you're worried, and understandably so, I've actually seen a few cats and dogs have this same surgery and come through it with flying colours, I'm sure little Jack will do just as well, those little chihuahuas are tough little guys :) and I think you'll find he adapts quite well to losing the eye, I once knew a golden retriever who had both eyes removed in the course of two years (cataracts) and was still the most playful dog in the play yard at the kennel, and always managed to find the toys. Little Jack should be just fine once he's all healed up, and with a good mom like you, I'm sure he'll be so busy being spoiled he won't even notice the eye missing.

03-20-2007, 06:48 AM
I'm keeping my finger crossed for Jack. My thoughts and prayers are with you

03-20-2007, 08:21 AM
((((Deb & Jack))))

You are in my thoughts & prayers. Hope everything works out for the best. :grouphug: One of my co-workser has a chihuahua named Jack :)

03-20-2007, 08:38 AM
Dep, I hope everything goes good with your dog. My fam keeps all fingers crossed :) Don't worry to much, I'm sure he is going to be just fine.

About 2 years ago my cat Cecil had an 'open' eye/CORNEAL ULCERATION (he must have scrached it badly, it was so scarry :mad: ) and he was soooo close to loosing it. The Emergency Clinic didn't give me any hope at all. Unfortunately my regular vet pointed me to a great Veterinary Ophthalmologist and Dr. David T. Ramsey gave me the two choices... removing the eye (which would be the cheaper solution with less risks) or (because his optic nerve was thankfully not damaged, he had still a fairly good vision) he could make surgery and try to save the eye. It didn't take long for me, to decide and soon the surgery (with lots of risks) was over. After tons of medication and a big hole in my wallet :rolleyes: everything was back to normal. His eye is a little cloudly now, but other than that, he is just fine.

I'm sure, if you have the right doctor Jack shouldn't have any problems with the eye removal. I wish you and your little one the very BEST!!!

Maybe this link is a little helpfull http://www.animaleyecare.com/animalvision.html#glaucoma

03-20-2007, 08:54 AM
((((Deb)))) It sounds like you all have exhausted your options, and the choices have become very basic, unfortunately. Sincere prayers and best wishes for Jack and you all.


03-20-2007, 09:09 AM
i'll be keeping you and jack in my thoughts, hoping he recovers quickly, whatever the solution is. let us know how he is doing.

03-20-2007, 09:14 AM
Deb, my thoughts are with you and Jack. (((HUGS)))

Our sheltie was also a birthday gift for my son when he was 9...he's now 21 and as in your case, guess who's dog she really is? MINE! Like Jack, Chelsea is my constant companion. Her health is failing and I can't even think about it w/o getting sick.

I'm sure Jack will feel so much better when the source of his pain is gone. Bless his little heart, I will say a prayer for him. I'll never forget my Chihuahua (glad you spelled that so I could copy, :D), Madam Blackie. She was 4 pounds and slept curled up in the back of my knees. Gosh, that's been fifty years ago and I still remember her like it was yesterday.

Buy A Paper Doll
03-20-2007, 10:43 AM
Aw, Deb, I'm sorry.

Friend of mine, her parents have a cocker spaniel who had to have this done. The dog seems much happier and more comfortable now.

Hang in there!

03-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Oh my goodness Deb.
I used to raise Chihuahuas so I know how attached we can get to them.

They are definitely a resilient breed...did you know they were used in Mexico to hunt bear? Yep, they would surround a bear and dart in and out quickly, yapping the whole time until the hunters could get a shot.

I know you are concerned about the surgery and Jack's age. I'm praying the surgery goes well and Jack is back up and around quickly.

My Murdock is blind in one eye and is the best mouser kitty we have.

Jack will adjust with your tender loving care.

(((Deb and Jackie)))

03-20-2007, 12:54 PM
They are definitely a resilient breed...did you know they were used in Mexico to hunt bear? Yep, they would surround a bear and dart in and out quickly, yapping the whole time until the hunters could get a shot.

Kathryn, I had no idea and the visual of that just cracks me up! :D I'm not surprised.....like our lovies being a big parrot in a little body, Chihuahua's are most certainly a very big dog in a little body. :)

03-20-2007, 06:19 PM
Lots of ((((HUGS)))) and well-wishes for sweet little Jack. I hope that the surgery goes smoothly and that he has a speedy recovery!


03-20-2007, 09:17 PM
Thanks everyone - looks like the vet wants to do this even sooner than I was expecting. Maybe that is a good thing for all of us. It will be Friday morning, 8 a.m. central time. Jack isn't a toy chihuahua and also has a heart murmur.

Linda, you better believe I'll be there when he wakes up. I've already asked for the day off. My best friend's daughter has worked for my vet since she began college and is in her junior year. Even though I've been taking my dogs/cats to him for 20+ years, Courtney told him I would probably pitch a tent in the lobby through the weekend if they can't let him go home the same day [they laughed, but didn't!:whistle: ].

Unless something goes awry, I bet they will let me bring him home and nurse-maid him cuz he's a pill for them to deal with on a GOOD day. Kathryn, thanks for telling me the hunting bit - now I understand that Jack just thinks the vet and his entire staff are all of bunch of bears!:rofl: :clap: Thanks for the link, Anja, I'll visit the site.

03-20-2007, 09:31 PM
Will be thinking of you Friday morning and praying for Jack and the surgeon.
I can just see you in a tent in the lobby :rofl:

03-20-2007, 10:17 PM
:rotfl: Yep, eating Spam out of the can and singing silly songs around a can of Sterno while I make smores (somehow I can hear the dogs howling already).:lol Ah, I needed that picture in my head for a laugh.:D And do pray for my vet; if anything goes wrong, he might have to leave the country quickly via the back door!

03-22-2007, 11:56 PM
Friday morning at 8 - I'm a wreck. :eek: Jack's poor eye looks worse than ever, :x so the Clavamox and all the drops aren't entirely ridding him of the infection. He feels like he has a slight fever tonight, too. I'm so ready to get this over with. The anticipation is aweful. I'll post tomorrow with an update. Thank you, everybody, I truly appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

FRIDAY, 1:00 p.m. The surgery went very well. I also had them do a dental on him, since he was out. As soon as he awakens and can eat something, we will know if he can come home today or will need to stay the weekend. Whew, I feel like 50 lbs has been lifted.

03-23-2007, 08:55 PM
So glad to hear the surgery went well. Here's hoping your little Jack is feeling better. The drugs can sure make them a little loopy.
Give him some head scratches for me.

Buy A Paper Doll
03-23-2007, 09:20 PM
Thanks Deb for keeping us updated on the little guy. I'm glad to hear everything went well. Hopefully he will get to feeling like himself again soon!

03-23-2007, 09:33 PM
Glad to hear he's home again. We have a Wire-Haired Dachshund who has dry eye in her right eye. We have to put artificial tears in there all the time along with other medications. One is Optimune cream then another liquid drop which we get from a regular pharmacy. It's something we'll have to do for her for the rest of her life as it will never improve, but she's a trooper. We call Sheba our $1,000 baby because in 2003 she had a ruptured disc in her back which required back surgery. She pulled through that surgery just fine although the vet wasn't sure she'd make it the first few days. She gets around just fine except we had to stop her from jumping on the couch and we built a platform at the back door since the vet said she should never climb steps again.

My thoughts and prayers go out to your baby. Hope he gets well real soon.

03-23-2007, 09:48 PM
Deb, he's not even middle age yet, he'll do well, My Mom's chihuahua took on 3 medium sized dogs in his lifetime (sherpard, sherpard mix, ano shepard) 3 times in his life, lost an ear was spilt open (stomach) almost lost a leg, they are tough little cookies, "Rocky", my Moms dog finally closed his eyes just past his 20th birthday, peacefully, thank god. Be well and strong Jack!

03-23-2007, 09:53 PM
Thanks for the update on Jack. I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. Hopefully, he got to come home today.

03-24-2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks, all, Jack came home late Friday afternoon. Kathryn is absolutely right, until noon today he was as looty as a froop, or is that fruity as a loop, or poofy like a lute.:lol [He enjoyed your head scratches.] His appetite has returned, he's leaping up on the couch, and he's back to yapping at the squirrels. Chris, I'm laughing about Rocky's conquests - sounds just like a huahua...by rights, they could be viewed as the Tasmanian Devils of North America.;) I hope I'm as lucky as your grandmother was to have him 20+ years. Dachshund's are often onery, too; Jack says "way to go, Sheba!" Again, I appreciate the thoughts, kind words of encouragement and prayers. You're all terrific, but I knew that already.

03-24-2007, 06:29 PM
So glad to hear that he's home and on the mend, Deb! :clap:

03-24-2007, 06:36 PM
So glad that the surgery is over, Jack is home - YEAH!! - and from your description, well on the road to a full recovery. Thanks for the update. It must be like a weight has lifted off your shoulders!!! :clap: