View Full Version : Oh heck.!!!

03-21-2007, 11:15 AM
>o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o >o

Ok as some of the Forum users know, I adopted Bella`s Lovies.
well (hang head in embarrassment.) Birds got mixed up. The photos i posted are not of Miss lemon and Poirot, But of the 2 girls. (still playing footy with them ) Reason why i know this, I caught Mr Poriot err umm umm Doing what nature does best. So nest box is in, (well hanging outside cage and not chewed. its my own nest box.) and Miss Lemon as been busy making a nest inside. (running out off willow, honeysuckle and Bamboo Eeek.!! )
Now what i am Planning to do is, let her go through laying process, candle the eggs, if 1 just happens to be Viable i will let her sit on that along with Dummie eggs. Reason why i am doing this is, 1 if egg hatches she will rest, seen Poriot doing a very good job of feeding her. 2, If Egg hatches, Poriot pretty sure will feed chick if all goes well. I just have to wait and see.
But before she went into nesting and mating mode, she did feed from my hands. But now she is skittish and i leave them well alone.
Today its been lovely, so i wheeled cage in front of patio windows, and hung a bowel of water on cage door and they had a good bath and wash. (so did my windows. :roll: ) The girls loved it to. Legs not to sure at mo.
If all goes ok, and egg hatches, i will get chick D.N.A`ed and if its female will go in with the girls, but if male, Legs Will have a Brother. Bless him. My Parrot as taken a shine to him. :lol
So as you can imagine my red face oops. Ho hum. Keep you posted.
I try and gets some photos of the girls playing Footy with the ball i put in for them, its so funny.
Cassy. ( a red faced 1.)

03-21-2007, 11:22 AM
:rotfl: Cassy,

That's then main reason each of my birds is a different mutation. It's easier to tell them apart :roll: Good luck!

03-21-2007, 02:06 PM
Yeah, different mutations seem like a really good idea to me too at times :p . The other day I made a mistake and mixed up Piccolo and Elmo. I ended up with an angry Pidget (who loves Piccolo and is scared of Elmo), an angry Nemo (who loves Elmo and is scared of Piccolo) and the two very angry mixed up youngsters themselves. Well, at least you found out in time :).

Good luck with the future pairings :)!


03-23-2007, 07:06 AM
You may have got it right first time, you know. The girls pretend to mate with each other quite a lot!

The way you can tell for certain is to check the colour of their rump feathers. Miss Lemon has turqoise rump feathers, Poirot's are a darker blue. The girls both have the same colour rump feathers as Poirot. So if you have 2 in a cage with exactly the same colour rump feathers, they are the two girls!

If it is Poirot & Miss Lemon nesting they should do a good job with any chicks. The only thing to watch for is that Miss Lemon plucked her chicks pretty badly when they were about 23 days old and she had to be taken away from them. Poirot finished the job of feeding and weaning them by himself, and was very good.

Good luck!

03-23-2007, 02:01 PM
You may have got it right first time, you know. The girls pretend to mate with each other quite a lot!

The way you can tell for certain is to check the colour of their rump feathers. Miss Lemon has turqoise rump feathers, Poirot's are a darker blue. The girls both have the same colour rump feathers as Poirot. So if you have 2 in a cage with exactly the same colour rump feathers, they are the two girls!

If it is Poirot & Miss Lemon nesting they should do a good job with any chicks. The only thing to watch for is that Miss Lemon plucked her chicks pretty badly when they were about 23 days old and she had to be taken away from them. Poirot finished the job of feeding and weaning them by himself, and was very good.

Good luck!

Yup Bella
It is Miss Lemon and Mr Poirot, that are mating and nesting. checked their colours. So birds got mixed up >o She is so busy at moment nesting, and err mating , Poirot every time she comes out of the nest, starts to make his click click noise. Just glad he`s not like red and Wolf Whistles at her instead ,like my parrot does :lol . See how she goes, i may take all eggs out. but will watch her closley. Girls are getting braver now,they only play footy in the mornings tho. HMPH!! :rotfl:

03-23-2007, 02:06 PM
I'm glad stuff like this happens to others - it reassures me that I'm not completely losing it when I do something like that myself! (Which is much more often than I would like to admit.):blush:

03-23-2007, 02:13 PM
Click, click, click. All the time! I remember it well. :omg:

If you can cope with babies or can find homes for them I have no problem in you letting nature take its course. Whatever you think best. I was never able to let them rear another clutch after the first because I knew I couldn't let any babies go, and I was getting overrun with bird cages!