View Full Version : Pumpkin :)

03-23-2007, 08:07 PM
Okay so Pumpakin (as my little sister calls her) Is still not so happy... when i put her back in her cage she runs back and forth watching the budgies...she loves terrorizing the budgies! She is getting a huge cage next week as a suprise, should i get her a friend? Does it have to be the same breed of lovebird if i do? Thanks guys!

03-23-2007, 08:59 PM
Pumpakin, I like that:)

As far as getting a friend for Pumpkin, yep, another peachface would be what you want. As far as getting her a friend/mate, I can't recall if she? is DNA sexed, but if not, I would do that first, and that way, you know what you need to look for.

Two hens may or may not get along, for that matter, there is no guarantee that Pumpkin and another bird will get along either. Slow introduction is key for that to happen though, but be prepared to have two separate birds if it does not work out.

I started with a single lovie, but I did want him to have a friend of his own species, as I do work, and only have 1-2 hours a day to spend with him on average. A single lovie is fine though, if you have the time to spend with them, so think it over, and make the decision that is best for you, and for Pumpkin.

03-23-2007, 09:01 PM
Ditto to Lori! :) If you got a peachie, I'd get another peachie and I would definitely DNA Pumpkin before adding a second lovebird.

03-24-2007, 06:01 PM
But how will i tell what sex the new lovebird is?

03-24-2007, 06:21 PM
Some breeders will conduct a test at your request and add the charge to your purchase price. It is very much true that they may not take to each other no matter what. If Pumpkin is a male, you could try getting another male if you don't want babies as males are a little more likely to hit it off with one another. You'll want to quarantine them at first and begin introduting them to each other slowly.:)

03-24-2007, 07:54 PM
ditto to everyone else. just because you introduce 2 people together doesn't mean they're gonna get along let alone bond with eachother....same is true for birds. I know there's a big debate about having 2's of them but my personal opinion it's still nice for them to have someone of their "own" to interact with.