View Full Version : I'm Sick at Heart!

03-24-2007, 07:52 AM
I can't think or cry. I am just so stunned that this could be happening in America and on EBay. Please take a look and tell me who to contact?


03-24-2007, 08:04 AM
Hey Cathy,

This is not the first time we've seen these type of auctions. While it sickens me to think that someone could actually sell, or give permission to someone to sell a part of their beloved pet, or that an animal didn't get the respect that they deserved when they departed this world, I am assuming their are no laws to prevent this.

You can however contact Ebay to let them know how horrifying this is to you, and to others. It won't be the first time they have been contacted about it, but maybe, just maybe if enough people voice their opinion, eventually they will not allow the selling of passed parrots parts.

If I recall correctly, someone did contact the seller in the past, and they explained that it was just the feathers, but it still makes me sick to think someone allowed this to happen to their pet, as some of the auctions state:cry:

After reading through every auction, I found where someone had asked a question, here's the response link http://contact.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ShowAllQuestions&requested=remains4u&iid=160097294548&frm=284&redirect=0&ShowASQAlways=1&SSPageName=PageAskSellerQuestion_VI. Personally, I am against this, but this is the second time I've seen people who sell parrot wings and tailfeathers, and am assuming it has been authorized by Ebay. Maybe PETA would also voice an objection? Couldn't hurt to forward them this sellers user id, and hope they will.

03-24-2007, 06:26 PM
I agree that while it bothers me to see those complete wing feathers, even from a dead bird, I doubt it's in any way illegal. I wouldn't do it to any pet for any reason but obviously there are those who do. :(

03-24-2007, 06:30 PM
That is horrifying and extremely sad. I'd have to question the character of a buyer, as well. Just aweful.

03-24-2007, 07:30 PM
omg.. that just brought tears to me eyes.. I am working on right now getting ahold of ebay and see what if anything we can do. :cry: :cry: .

03-24-2007, 07:36 PM
okay seriously can someone tell me why someone would even want these and why they would pay so much? how does he get so many feathers...is he cutting them off of live birds or killing them for the feathers? wait maybe I don't even wanna know the answer to that one. I looked and I don't see where to contact Ebay about it either. There's a special place for people like him!

03-24-2007, 07:48 PM
Our world is full of unenlightened people who feel or have been taught that animals are just objects, commodities and disposable things. They fail to recognize that each species has a right to live, raise families and enjoy life on this same planet we live on. Our hope for the future as a human race is to recognize and respect life, whether animal or human. I believe there is an energetic/spiritual connection between animals and humans. When we harm animals, we eventually bring harm to ourselves.

03-24-2007, 08:05 PM
I would think that to sell full wings or tail parts you would have to be a licensed taxidermist! I complained to eBay, as I was DISGUSTED! Do they know how these birds died? Isn't it a health issue? Also, he is selling these parts in the Arts and Crafts section....ok, tail feather that have shed, fine, but WINGS AND TAILS....that he states as fresh now, but will be dried by shipping time! At least pluck the **** feather and sell them, but to have body parts? Would people buy antlers with parts of deer still attached? This person sickens me as well as his friend who owns this bird ranch, even though he states they come from different breeders...yeah, right. I don't know anyone who cares about their pets that could let someone rip them apart after they had died and sell those parts!

This seller explains away his disgusting act, but claiming he would donate his body to science. Yep, I see the similarity, having your deceased body used to teach the medical profession is the same thing as making money off bird parts on the internet....whatta humanitarian animal lover.

Sorry if anyone thinks this practice of selling bird body parts is ok, I don't and never will.

03-24-2007, 08:14 PM
ok well I am getting pretty upset here. I have been on ebay and I found where to report people and items. I wrote the email but when i hit send NOTHING happens!!! I can't figure it out!!! I have been all over that site looking at how I can do this.. sigh this really breaks my heart :( I'll keep trying.

03-24-2007, 08:19 PM
deleted post

03-24-2007, 08:29 PM
I understand what yours saying but at the same time was that chicken wing or hamberger at the store someones pet? Do you think its ok if someone started selling cat and dog parts on there? I'm not trying to start anything but I find it pretty fishy that these are "fresh" wings and tails.. and they all so happened to die of natural causes..all at the same time. I would like to know whats in the water! You are allowed to believe what you wish, as well as everyone else. I have reported the seller..

03-24-2007, 08:32 PM
If I'm not mistaken, this topic has come up a number of times, although not on this site. The bottom line has always been that nothing can be done about it. ~Gggrrrrrrrr~ I don't like it, it makes me sick but there are humans that have no qualms about selling anything at all and there will always be those who are willing to purchase anything that is for sale. I can only hope that the explanation of the feathers coming from birds that have died is true. It goes right back to the almighty dollar and what we are willing to do to make a buck. It's a very sad commentary on our society today, although similar things have been going on for a very long time.

I much prefer to give away moulted feathers, and I do that on a regular basis.

03-24-2007, 08:34 PM
But then again, we eat kill and eat animals everyday.

At least there are regulations set out by government to keep people from being exposed to diseases and whatnot when it comes to consumables. Also, the animals that we eat are bred for that purpose.

Who knows the real story put forth from this person, and if these animals actually died of natural causes. He could have easily plucked the feathers from these deceased birds and sold them as such. Instead he advertises full body parts.

I got flack for expressing my views on movie forum about a donkey that was killed for the purpose of a movie (done in another country where it is legal). I know it's hypocritical to eat meat and wear leather, since all the killing and processing is done out of view, therefore sheltering us from what is done to provide for us. I obviously prefer it that way, or I would become a vegetarian again. I guess I am a hypocrite, because for me these actions (killing for a movie, selling bird body parts) just seems so much more different then eating meat (I don't wear leather or fur).

03-24-2007, 08:44 PM
The bottom line has always been that nothing can be done about it. ~Gggrrrrrrrr~ I don't like it, it makes me sick but there are humans that have no qualms about selling anything at all and there will always be those who are willing to purchase anything that is for sale.

That's it, in a nutshell. It's unfortunate but very true.

03-24-2007, 10:10 PM
I've only been a parront for a little over 3 years and I really didn't know that this happened or that it had been discussed before. But, I hope that all of our complaints to EBay will make a difference.

03-24-2007, 10:24 PM
I've only been a parront for a little over 3 years and I really didn't know that this happened or that it had been discussed before. But, I hope that all of our complaints to EBay will make a difference.

Cathy, I had no idea that something like this was ever sold on eBay till your thread. I should not be surprised but, I am. I don't use eBay often but I would imagine that almost anything can be bought there. How did you happen to come across these feathers, what took you to those links?

03-25-2007, 06:09 AM
Its sad to have to read this is happening on a worldwide market. This reminds me of when stuffed cat remains were being shipped from china and sold at several flea markets. Persons like these individuals don't understand the ramifications involved when they, lets say, inveigle other members of such a large medium. The next thing that may happen is others who I'm sure are just as HONEST as this person will also realize the profit only, and not the sacred, moral responsibilty that should be given to all living things. I believe the research and ceremonial benefits are lost when remains from animals regardless where they came from are offered for sale in this manner. I don't know of any native americans who use these type of feathers or even purchase them on Ebay for their use in ceremony, unless of course their not real native americans. Me and Goofy have already sent this person a question on Ebay about HIS remains being offered for sale, and hopefully he finds in himself some responsibility and moral decency to no longer offer these remains for purchase. ....Michael N' LovieGoofy

03-25-2007, 09:02 AM
i clicked on the link, and all that came up was car parts from the seller.
But here in U.K. on E-bay am pretty sure anything of that type of thing is Illegal to sell here. Not even alive animals are allowed to be sold. ( think fish and tanks sold together are. i dont use e-bay.) What i dont understand is, that the couple who 1st set up E-bay are english then as you all know gone global. I from reading from these posts find is sick etc and should be stopped Now.!!. On my local rag there is a lady asking for people not to throw out their Bird feathers, as she sculpts from them. But deffo not asking for dead animal parts.
Sadly (if they can get away with it.) People will always sell anything if they know they can make a fast buck on it, and get some sickos buying these type of things. makes me mad.

03-25-2007, 09:08 AM
Sadly (if they can get away with it.) People will always sell anything if they know they can make a fast buck on it, and get some sickos buying these type of things.
That says it all, Cassy!
The only way to stop this kind of sale is not to buy. There will be no supply if there is no demand. Will it happen? Personally, I doubt it. :(

03-25-2007, 09:51 AM
E-bay removed the items it seems. Have to say I am glad they did.


03-25-2007, 10:05 AM
I hadn't checked the link today, Steph, but thanks for posting that info. I'm glad that E-bay is so willing to respond to questions/complaints.

03-25-2007, 10:36 AM
I know the time left on the first few items were ending last night. I hope that eBay removed any remaining items, but I think the auctions just finished. I looked at his previous sales, and he had sold more than what was displayed.

I plan on looking from time to time, and complain everytime he has new ones displayed. It may not make a difference, but at least I will feel like I tried in a little way to stop it.

03-25-2007, 10:39 AM
Too bad we can't post any feedback without purchasing anything.....

03-25-2007, 11:47 AM
I also plan on Checking in on the seller from time to time. They all did end last night but I went ahead and reported every auction and even wrote ebay a email about it. They say due to privacy laws they can't send an updated to the outcome but lets hope they have the heart not to let this go on.

03-25-2007, 02:03 PM
Maybe we can speed up the process of having his body parts donated to science, hmmm, you will always have these bastards around, sorry for the harsh language, there the same ones who won't bother to slow down when they see a cat in the road etc, there is a very special place for this sleeze, theres gotta be , oh ps PETA will know, trust me, Regards, Chris

03-26-2007, 12:00 PM
I didn't catch this until today.
Just a thought and not to upset anyone, but:
Couldn't the friend who runs the Parrot ranch be reported to the Humane Society? Surely if that many birds are dying of natural causes, something is wrong....the facilities, the food, the water, the workers....bird flu.........

While we wouldn't want to set off a vigilantee witchhunt, the welfare of those birds is what concerns me.

03-26-2007, 03:51 PM
I actually did a search last week for lovebirds on ebay (I am an ebay junkie) I saw the auction for two dead lovebirds. I did in fact cry! How someone could do this is beyond conprehension. Having lost my dear Evie this hit me very hard. I hope ebay pulls these auctions in the future!


03-26-2007, 08:14 PM
Couldn't the friend who runs the Parrot ranch be reported to the Humane Society? Surely if that many birds are dying of natural causes, something is wrong....the facilities, the food, the water, the workers....bird flu.........

He does state that he gets these birds from more than one source. He says this in his answer to a question on one of the ended auctions. There was a statement on all his auctions that he received these birds from a friend's bird ranch, but that was the same on all listings. I would hope, for the parrots wellfare, that he is getting these parts from various breeders, therefore answering why he has had such a large supply.

03-27-2007, 10:02 AM
I am working with a Sgt. for Animal Control in Riverside, CA on that case. I am also contacting Vermont and NY on the cases of two other sellers doing the same thing. One seller had 3 listings of 90 plus parrots each>:

I will keep you posted on what happens.

03-31-2007, 06:45 PM
The fact that no statement has been issued in regards to how these birds died, opens the door to the possible spread of disease and abuse of animals within a medium of great proportion and worldwide distribution. This should be banned from any market given the obvious concerns most humans have towards pets and wildlife. If anyone here has their own ( My Ebay ) I hope you go there and voice your concerns to the Ebay community. If enough poeple get together on this problem maybe someday we won't have to post about such a terrible thing in such a beautiful place......Thank you all... Michael and Goofy