View Full Version : wing clipping

03-25-2007, 09:51 AM
Just clipped Chaddys, had her since an egg,feeling guilty as ****, she was getting way too out of control,except for her parents,Rica and Lo, everybody else is clipped too, her cage mate Norma and my 2 new ones Marious and Cosette(after Le Mis) favorite Broadway show.(go and see it in May, Janie!)Guess I'm feeling guilty here, but I have to handle her more and this was the only way and being a somewhat free spirit myself I'm feeling it for her.Sundays I usually let them have free reign of the birdroom, just found her off in the corner looking very confused. I know they go through a period of depression after this, how long does it last, she can still fly mind you just not like she used too:( :(

03-25-2007, 10:43 AM
It may take a couple of days. After all, she's upset and she will definitely want to make you feel guilty for curtailing her potential activity level! My aviary birds are not clipped but many of my personal pets are clipped to some degree, depending on which bird and how much potential trouble they can get into. Safety is the issue and that's what we want for our fids!!!