View Full Version : taking a step backwards

03-26-2007, 06:07 AM
we seem to have gone BACK in our progress of getting our birdies friendly (have given up on tame! :( )

Before, they used to love coming out for a fly around and to explore but they haven't come out in ages now!

They tweet at us as they normally do when they want to come out but as soon as the door is opened for them they back off.
We leave it open for a good hour but they don't seem interested :(

03-26-2007, 06:18 AM
stupid animals! :blush:

would go and prove me wrong! Just flown out of cage - first time in about a month!! :clap:

03-26-2007, 07:10 AM
:lol They like to prove you wrong!:lol

When my hen goes into serious nest mode, she doesn't want to come out of her cage at some point. If you have a male/female pair, they may decide to "nest" and may be less inclined to come out for play at those times. I'm not suggesting that is why - just an idea of why they might change their social behavoir.

03-26-2007, 09:37 AM
I wondered whether its because the clocks have changed and its thrown them out a bit, anyway, they've been out now for 4 hours now! LOL

03-26-2007, 04:52 PM
Neither my birds nor I adjusted well to the time change this year! I'm with them! Sleep in!

It sounds like they are making up for lost time now, out for 4 hours! :omg: :lol :clap: