View Full Version : 5 month update :)

03-28-2007, 08:33 PM
So I haven't had a chance to post very many messages lately....I have been finishing up my Master's so things have been kind of crazy. Its been five months since I brought Mimi and Mango home and things seem to be going great. Here is the scoop:

Mango is interacting with me more and more every day. We are talking to each other :) Meaning, if I cheep along with him he gets really excited and starts bobbing his head up and down and swinging on his perch. He especially likes to do that with me when company is around...I think he knows I am embarrasing myself for him :P He is still a little weary of my hands. He tolerates my cleaning the cage and lately he likes to take sunflower seeds from my hand. I do this in the cage and out side of the cage.....today he was actually a little demanding. He won't do this with anyone else so it makes me feel a bit special :P

Mimi is another story....Mimi doesn't like me very much. Two months after they came home they started to enjoy daily flying sprees around their room. But I noticed as the months went by Mimi started staying out of the cage longer and longer, and no matter what I did she didn't want to go back in. I used to put snacks in the cage to coax her back in but it doesn't work anymore. A couple of weeks ago she was out of the cage for 10 hours...it was getting late and there was nothing I could do but use a towel and catch her to place her back in the cage. I know it scared her beyond belief....so I have been reluctant to let the birds out. But now, every morning they hop on the door and cheep at me to let them out. Today I caved and let them out. Again, five hours later Mango goes back in the cage but Mimi refused so I had to catch her yet again. I find it weird that Mimi is the one that likes to stay out of the cage seeing as though she doesn't like us very much, and its Mango that gets the hint after a couple of hours and goes back in on his own.

Overall my experience has been great with my babies...its has taken four months to get Mango to eat sunflower seeds out of my hand...but it was well worth the wait :) I am only sad that Mimi hasn't warmed up to me. Any suggestions how I can get Mimi on my good side??

03-28-2007, 08:47 PM
My first thought would be to do a mini wing clip, say 3-4 flight feathers off each wing. She will still have flight ability but she will not have the stamina that Mango has, at least not initially. Since she won't be able to fly as far or as fast, that would give you a little bit better chance at getting her back in her cage. Before you go to grab her, try offering a dowel/perch to see if you can perch train her to get her where you want her to be.

03-28-2007, 08:52 PM
Thanks!! I will give it a try.

03-29-2007, 12:28 AM
Glad to hear from you and that things are going well. Those females are so stubborn sometimes.:whistle:

03-29-2007, 08:24 AM
Yes, and I can't figure Mimi out. I surely thought today she would be very upset at me since I grabbed her to put her in the cage. BUT this morning (as I am typing this) she is on the cage door, biting on the lock cheeping at me ...she might be cursing me out or she still wants to come out despite the shock I gave her! Either that or she is trying to run away :cry:

I really liked the advice about the perch....I can't wait to give it a try. I really enjoy them coming out of the cage...and they are so happy when they are out....but I take no pleasure in scaring my poor Mimi.