View Full Version : Youtube clip

03-30-2007, 02:50 PM

I saw this on youtube. It looks like it has been there a while so some of you may have seen it. Besides the fact the lovie is sooo adorable I was amazed at the amount of trust in had in it's owner! I wanted to rush into the birds room and try it. Well then reality hit and I realized if I tried this I might lose a finger by Reilly and Finny would fly away and give me that "why are you trying to kill me" look.

It really is adorable and a great display of how truely lovable lovebirds are!

Reilly and Finny do like to be on me but the only thing they ever let cover them is my hair. But in their defense... Reilly is still young and only with us for 3 months and Finny was completely wild when we got him which has only been about a year or so.


03-30-2007, 03:53 PM
Cindy, very cute clip! :)

That could be any one of my three. They all like that kind of attention and head rubbing. Oliver more so than the other two but seriously, mine do like all the rubbing I offer and especially on the neck, under the lower beak. Big Boi turns his head from side to side so that I don't miss a single feather. :D

03-30-2007, 04:23 PM
Yep, that's one cute bird. I've got quite a few that allow that type of interation...most males! :rofl: The hens tend to be a bit more, shall we say, intense. :rofl:

03-30-2007, 05:11 PM
Yep, that's one cute bird. I've got quite a few that allow that type of interation...most males! :rofl: The hens tend to be a bit more, shall we say, intense. :rofl:

MJ, while I was looking at that clip I was thinking.....I'll bet that's a male! :D

03-30-2007, 06:04 PM
Cindy, very cute clip! :)

That could be any one of my three. They all like that kind of attention and head rubbing. Oliver more so than the other two but seriously, mine do like all the rubbing I offer and especially on the neck, under the lower beak. Big Boi turns his head from side to side so that I don't miss a single feather. :D

Ditto loves to do that too. In fact he loves sleep in the palm of my hand with my fingers wrapped around his back with nothing but his little head poking out, beak resting on my thumb! :) Of course it's kinda hard to stay still like that, especially while watching a hockey game. :lol

03-30-2007, 08:02 PM
Oh, that was SUCH a fun clip to watch! I found two videos of a bird in Japan (I think) that is the SPITTING IMAGE of Beetle :)

There are a BUNCH o' lovie clips on YouTube -- they are really such wonderful companions. I hope this helps increase the understanding about how great these diminutive parrots are!


03-30-2007, 08:17 PM
Must be related to Goofy, He'll do anything to keep me from using the laptop including yanking the keypads off and scattering them all over. Better pay attention to him OR ELSE! Love this video, it shows how much trust a tiny bird can have in us much larger humans. Even the skiddish ones trust us enough to let us near them. Nothing short of a miracle!......M ang G

03-30-2007, 08:38 PM
That little lovie is adorable so I just had to look at the other clip of him in the guy's shirt. He's so cute in that clip too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHgH6XKIMDU

03-30-2007, 08:42 PM
Youtube can be dangerously.....addictive! :D I kept waiting for the guy wearing the shirt to scream when that lovie got a hold of some flesh under the shirt! :rofl: Really cute!