View Full Version : So Hyper!

03-31-2007, 07:16 PM
Ok I know Daisy is still less than a year old but still she is SOOO HYPER! Do they mellow as they age? I have had lovies before but none where as hyper as my little one now. I'm sure it doesn't help that my boyfriend plays with her like she was a dog.. you should see those two go at it! :lol .

03-31-2007, 07:41 PM
Good question. Goofy gets hyper, spastic sometimes but maybe their just young and full of energy. Sometimes he can't wait to be let out either and go's ballistic when I pull in the driveway after work. When I let him out he runs so fast he doesn't have to fly to get to me and barrages me with kissies! I'm wondering how often is Daisy hyper? And is it aggressive hyper or playful? ....MichaelGoofy

03-31-2007, 08:03 PM
Daisy is hyper ALL the time. In the morning and at night the only time she is calm is right after a bath. Its a playful hyper...her thing is running nonstop. People talk about their lovies sitting on their shoulders or just hanging out all calm and sweet and STILL. I don't know if Daisy knows what standing still means :lol Her fav thing to run around on? Me :)

03-31-2007, 08:22 PM
. When I let him out he runs so fast he doesn't have to fly to get to me and barrages me with kissies! MichaelGoofy

I bet that little Goofy could give the Roadrunner a run for his money!!: Now if you could just get him to say Beep Beep!:D :rotfl:

03-31-2007, 08:27 PM
Its so funny you said that! Daisy heard that "beep beep" one day on the TV and went crazy so I started doing it to her and she picked it up!! Its very cute the only thing is she does it in a very high pitch so if she is on me it kills my ears :rofl: .

03-31-2007, 08:36 PM
Come to think of it the only time Goof's still is if he has both my hands giving him a massage or like Daisy after a bath but then he's soon busy trying to get me to scatch his cheeks, beak, or tummy or up my shirt, down my back, in my ears, on my head, or off to visit anybody else who may be within his air space or feet space. Probably normal wacky birdy behavior. I wish I had half his energy sometimes......Michael N' Goofy A GO GO!

03-31-2007, 09:47 PM
Do they mellow? Uh, I don't think so :lol Lovebirds are very active & social birds. Mine "hang-out" with me, but they don't stand still. I'm a playgym to them and that's what I get. Lovebirds are usually very active in the morning and in the early evening. Mine do take a couple of naps during the day - one being right before I get home from work. They are ready to go when I walk in the door. Keeping them entertained can be a challenge, but they have their special places to play and they have a blast :clap:

03-31-2007, 11:25 PM
I thought Daisy would like somewhere special to play so I went out and got her this play gym and added some food and water bowls, toys etc. I'm lucky if I can keep her on that for more then 5 min before she starts screaming and flying to me. Sigh.. but I wouldn't give it up for the world I rather have her hooked then to be wild and want nothing to do with me :D :D

04-01-2007, 09:47 AM
One of my three, Oliver, is very, very mellow. I don't know if he was ever a very curious and active lovie since we adopted him when he was already around 7 but since we've had him, going on four years now, he has always been a very quiet and mellow little bird. I didn't really know how lovies were suppose to act till I got Big Boi and Shy. :D WOW, they are very active and the best part (for me) is that even Oliver is a little more active after living with them for the last year and a half. All three of mine have very quiet moments during the day.