View Full Version : DNA Sexing Oliver

Purpose By Design
04-01-2007, 05:10 PM
I decided that i am going to have the test done ,i just received the DNA Sexing kit from avianbiotech.com.
Sydney and Oliver is getting along very well,they enjoy each others company.So we would like to be babybird free. We do want to house them together if Oliver is male,if not then they will remain in different cages.

Sydney is almost two and Oliver i think 3 months,will it ok to house them together with Oliver being this young or should we wait.

04-01-2007, 07:56 PM
I would house them seperately and have closely monitored out-of-cage time to see how they interact and get along before housing them together. I'd also wait until the DNA results come back. If you have two males, you're less likely to have an argument between them. Better to be safe than sorry.

04-01-2007, 09:30 PM
Ok well I just sent out for the kit myself. Daisy needs to be sexed if I ever get another bird. Would doing this be better then a vet? .

04-02-2007, 02:27 AM
Well its horses for courses if you want to use a vet for D.N.A. Testing.
I have always used Avianbiotech here in the U.K. for simple reason is, altho they not dear to do the testing, but what you pay , some of that Money goes into Bird research for illnesses ect. And there still so much more research needs to be done into our birds albeit they wild or tame, to understand the diseases and hopefully make vaccines ect. With a vet it goes into their pockets ect. So its up to you if you feel you can pluck the feathers or get a vets to do blood tests. Several options with Avianbiotech on what way to D.N.A.
Thats my personal prefferance, by using avainbiotech.

04-02-2007, 08:57 AM
I went with AvianBiotech over my Vet, simply because of the price. My Vet charged almost twice as much as AB and for curiousity's sake, I didn't want to shell out a whole bunch of money.

04-02-2007, 09:16 AM
I prefer take my own samples and send them to Avian Biotech rather than having my vet do it. I do this for several reasons. First, it's less of a hassle. I don't have to make an appointment and travel 30 minutes to my vet's office. Secondly, my vet will charge twice what I would pay Avian Biotech directly....

If you are going to short clip a nail, make sure that you clean that nail thoroughly or you can get an inaccurate test return. Female is always female, but male will return if the sample is contaminated.

Purpose By Design
04-02-2007, 09:52 AM
I wiped olivers toe yesterday with a little alcohol before clipping his toe nail(i dont think ill do it that way again,seeing him bleed made me very nervious)But we made it through and got the blood on the card and made sure that he was fine and the bleeding stopped,and he seemed to be fine.I think the blood may have touched my husbands hand:confused: ,not sure.
i thought that when they look at the blood they would definately know if it was a male or female?,i just hope the results will come back correct.i would hate to go throught that again.:x