View Full Version : New Peachface Lovebird :)

04-07-2007, 03:32 PM
So here's my story:

I recently bought a hand raised Lovebird from a small family run store (not a pestmart or any place like that) who is about a year old.

He is about a year old I was told and was originally living in a cage by himself.

I have had him for about 5 days now and he has been watching me from his "tent" i put in there. That tent was removed today after he attacked me and bit me to the point where I'm missing about 1/2 an inch of skin from my knuckle...

But he's cute so I forgave him. Anyways... I didn't react, no yelling.. I just grabbed his beak and pulled it off of me (hense why the skin came off *wooh*) and took his tent out.

Now he just follows me around as if to spite me.

So... I decided to open his cage door after "birdy proofing" my room.. removing mirrors, and covering up my window and TV with towels. And opened up his door... so far so good...

I then decide to cover my arm with a baggy sweater and see his reaction...

:rotfl: OMG BITING... so I moved my arm up and down to unbalance him and he stopped... After 3 biting attempts and the arm up and down business... I put him in his cage for 5 minutes... then let him out... he bit only a few times and then did nothign when my arm was near him...

YAY FOR BITING BIRDS!!! Any other techniques or information I should do for Kirby?

04-07-2007, 06:27 PM

Welcome to lovie land. I know those bites hurt, but give Kirby time, as he learns to trust you, he will come around. My best advice on taming is to let your bird come to you on his/her terms. Trust is something that has to be earned, and as Kirby learns that you mean him no harm, only want to love and care for him, he will be less, and less aggressive.

The most used word here concerning taming is "Patience". It's hard when you want to snuggle your little fid(feathered kid), but the time, love, and patience does pay off:)

Everyday interaction is also key, so keep up the good work, and I look forward to your first excited post when Kirby decides that you are "not so bad" afterall;)