View Full Version : $%#& Nesting!!!

04-07-2007, 09:39 PM
In my last post about Peachie and her nasty/nesty behavior, many of you told me to keep her away from those spots where she likes to "nest".

I have, and it's been going quite well.....Let me give you the lowdown. I've had to block certain areas of my house, such as under the stove, behind my curio cabinet, under the dressers and night stands, etc. I thought I had them all blocked, until tonight while I was eating my dinner. She was happily playing on the kitchent counter while I was eating a quicke meal of stir fried veggies, when all of the sudden I realized that she was making a lot of calls to me, but I didn't see her anywhere. She had gotten BEHIND MY REFIGERATOR!!!!!!!!

Some of you know that I'm in a wheelchair, and therefore that limits my lifting capabilities. I tried to coax her by calling her, but it seemed that she could not get up to the point where she had gotten in. I called my husband, who had a night out with his friends planned. Needless to say he was not too happy when I asked him to come home right away. Then, he reminded me that it is HOT behind the refrigerator. Then I really started to panic! My baby was scared and hot and couldn't get out of that tight place, not to mention all the dirt and crap that must be back there!

I told him that I was going to try to move the fridge, but when I tried it would not budge. I called the maintenance company and told them the situation. I had to wait until they paged a maintenance man.....

Then I tried to move the fridge again, but from a different angle. This time it worked! I turns out that it is on wheels (unlike my old refrigerators) and it rolled out from the wall very easily.:clap:

Peachie popped out from the back of the fridge right away and boy was I glad to see her!!!! I think she was glad to see me too, she came right to me.

Naughty bird! She is too smart and curious for her own good. Will this "quest for a nest" ever end? :rotfl: Until it does, she will continue to keep me on my toes (ha ha). I have run out of ways to plug up her hiding places!

She is now safely tucked away in her cage and she is grooming herself. Soon I hope she will hop into her happy hut and go to sleep. She's had a big day.

Good night little Peachie. Tomorrow will be a different adventure.

04-08-2007, 09:05 AM
:omg: :omg: :omg: What a night you had and what a relief to read the happy ending here. My refrigerator is also on wheels but there is no way *I* could move it. I think your "super powers" must have kicked in! :D

Jackie (Butterfly) had a similar situation with her little hen, Olivia. She was able to coax her out and then found a way to block the back top of the frig so that Miss Oliver could not repeat that performance. It is amazing what they can get into and again, I'm so glad you were able to rescue her. :)

04-08-2007, 09:07 AM

I am so glad that Peachie is alright. That little one is determined to give you a heart attack isn't she?:lol

Well, I guess that's one more place you have to block off. Jackie here had a problem with her birds and the fridge too, so maybe she can give you some tips on how she blocked off hers.

04-08-2007, 04:57 PM
OMG! Isn't that too scarey? Yep, I've had two of my lovies find thier way behind the frig. Olivia fell behind it and landed on the power cord :eek: once. The next incident, Daisy fell behind it and found his way to a cutout in the wall where the water faucet is for the ice maker. He stood there until I could get a perch long enough to reach him - whew! Right after I got Daisy out Olivia fell again :rolleyes: I couldn't get to her cause she was further up and over too much. I went to find a longer perch and when I got back Olivia had found her way to the floor and came around the corner of the frig. She saw me and ran to me. I don't know who was more fightened. The opening where they fell from is at the top. There's a 3 inch space from the top of the frig to the cabinet above. I went to HomeDepot and found a piece of crown-molding that was the exact width and they cut me a piece. Fits perfect and I now have a safer kitchen for my babies My frig is 26 cubic feet and I cannot move it. It is so heavy it took two men to move it and get it into the wall space. Hope this helps for anyone who never thought about this happening or problem :2cents:

Buy A Paper Doll
04-08-2007, 05:28 PM
OMG OMG OMG that bird is determined to keep you busy, isn't she?? It's amazing how much trouble the little devils can get into, in just a blink of an eye.

I'm glad to hear everything turned out OK.

04-08-2007, 09:19 PM
Wow, Holly!
I'm glad you were able to move the refrigerator!! Did she fly there? or run there? My hen has her wings trimmed, so I can have her out often. My males are NOT trimmed, but they tend to stay close and not get into too much trouble. Their main goal is to find the hen (and mate with her).

It sounds like you have a handful (typical hen!).

04-09-2007, 10:14 PM
Hi all. I figured out that she was getting behind the fridge by wedging in through the side, in the little space between the fridge and the cabinets. It's such a small space, and it's amazing to me that she didn't find it before. For right now I put a cutting board there and she can't get in.

And yes, her wings are clipped, but because my place is small, she has figured out how far she can fly, and at what places she can fly from my shoulder to get to counter tops, etc. Oh....and if she gets on the floor, and I want to get her back, she knows just where to hide under my chair so that I can't reach her! And she moves as my chair moves so that it turns into an endless game of "hide from mommy". I have to be very careful not to roll over her, so I usually don't move my wheels until I see her come out. :evil:

These are the places around my apartment I've had to block:
Under the dressers - folded towels pushed through the small opening
Under the nightstands - I turned them upside down and used a staple gun and heavy cardboard to block the opening
Under the stove - Shortened a broom stick so that it is wedged in and she can't move it. The first one I put there she'd just push out of the way.

She has yet to discover under the couch and loveseat. These places may frighten her too much. She can get behind my curio cabinet, but i'm not so bothered by it because it is attached to the wall (earthquake safety), and it's not hot or anything. Everything I've tried to put there she can just climb up and go over.

I don't think she has any fear of anything. She has so much spirit in her! Right now she is talking to herself in her little happy hut. She's happy because today I gave her some millet while I made dinner to try to keep her mind off of wanting to go into the drawers. Just like a toddler....."they're little angels when they're sleeping." Well, that is, when every little noise doesn't make her call out in alarm!