View Full Version : Information about your Lovie(s)!

04-09-2007, 05:15 PM
Hey guys! I thought I would start a fun thread to really get to know everyone and their beloved fids(plus im procrastinating because I should really be studying for my finals :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :whistle: :rotfl: !! Here's what you do!:clap:

Your Name : Suzy

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Oscar

Age: 9

Colour : Pied(maybe green or blue we aren't sure) Lovie!!

Sex: Male

Favourite Threats : LOVEEEESS millet!, grapes, popcorn, and always tries to drink my tea in the morning but I never let him! although I have turned around once as he dipped down for a sip ( bad boy!>::x )

Favourite Past-times/activities: He loves to look outside as the other birds fly around as well as sleep down my shirt and cuddle in my hair. He loves coming in the shower(my bf is very jealous:blush: ) with and licks off the water droplets from my face/shoulder and hair. hehe

Other random things you'd like to share : He doesn't have a mate, but he loves to umm you know.. :x :wink: with his.. Happy hut and my hair... silly males they all think alike:rotfl: :rolleyes:

hehe Hope to read yours soon!!:lol

04-09-2007, 07:52 PM
OK, I'll play, since I'm also supposed to be studyig for finals.

Your Name : Jenna

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Tango

Age: 1

Colour : ummm, I don' think they have a name for his colouration, since he's a hybrid, but he looks like a normal green peachie, only he's got black cheeks and a yellow bib, just like a green black mask.

Sex: well he's not sexed, but for now we'll say male.

Favourite Threats : millet, brocoli, apples, avicakes and nutriberries, and brown rice.

Favourite Past-times/activities: sitting in the window sill, cleavage diving, ponytail climbing/chewing, oh and getting into anything and everything that's against the rules.

04-09-2007, 07:58 PM
"Cleavage diving" - Oscar is also quite fond of that LOL cute!

04-09-2007, 10:31 PM
Your Name : Danielle

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Haku

Age: not quite sure:confused:

Colour : slate masked

Sex: err... let's say male too!!:rofl: i think....

Favourite Treats : it was all seeds when i first got him, but now he's crazy about pasta and anything green and leafy... i know, whose bird does that:roll: i guess he was REALLY tired of seeds!

Favourite Past-times/activities: rocking in his wicker basket, playing with his bell, bathing every single day in his water dish... sometimes he even floats like a duck, it's hilarious:rofl: calling out to the birds in trees nearby, and trying to imitate everything that the girl of his dreams, my Amazon Evie, does... :D

04-09-2007, 10:52 PM
Your Name : Mandy

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Daisy

Age: 10 months

Colour : Peach face/ blue

Sex: Male Im sure due to fav actions on a happy hut

Favourite Threats: millet, Nutriberries popcorn, plain popcorn, pumpkin seeds

Favourite Past-times/activities: Screaming for mommys attention cause he knowns I will cave, Spazing out and running all over looking for trouble, playing on his jungle gym, popping keys off the keyboard and taking a ride on the mouse, fav toy is anything with a bell on it!

Other random things you'd like to share : learning how to copy sounds!! knows how to do the meep meep (like road runner) can give kisses (not to me of course but all the toys get TONS of kisses):lol and I swear is mocking me in some way..whenever I talk to Daisy she (bad habbit keep calling him a her) opens his mouth and moves as if to say something but no sound comes out. I stop talking the beak stops moving :rotfl: :rofl:

04-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Your Name : Sarah

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Pigwidgeon (Widgie for short)

Age: 9 months

Colour : Dutch Blue Peachie

Sex: Ummm... I call him a male!

Favourite Treats: MILLET!!!! And junk food when my boyfriend feeds it to him. :mad: :rolleyes:

Favourite Past-times/activities: Being on me! Down my shirt, under my hair, just hanging out! :D Also chewing up paper and rubber!

Other random things you'd like to share : He'll whistle nice when he wants something! Sometimes he'll yell to be out and I'll ignore him, so he'll stop and think for a sec, then whistle the pretty one to see if that works better! :rofl: And he's a leech! He's taken to sitting between my shoulder blades when it's time to go back!

04-10-2007, 07:18 AM
Awww Thanks for the reply guys, your birds all sound soo cute!!
Ducky, Oscar does exactly the same thing when trying to get him in his cage.. He'll be on one shoulder I'll reach around he'll move to the other and then I'll go for that shoulder and he'll just hang on my hair in the middle of my back! :lol Its always the best when your trying to go to school and you're already late.. :rofl:

04-10-2007, 12:45 PM
I'll do one bird, for now. :)

Your Name : Lisa

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Laharl

Age: 1 year, 10 months

Colour : Cobalt Peachface Lovebird

Sex: Unknown (Is supposed to be a male, so I named him accordingly)

Favourite Treats : Spray millet, birdy bread, raisins, broccoli, brown rice.

Favourite Past-times/activities: Laharl loves hiding in warm, cozy places, whether it be in my pocket, or under my shirt. He also loves hangin' out with his best pal, Etna.

Other random things you'd like to share : He's got to be the messiest bird of the bunch. He dips EVERYTHING in his water dish, and when he's not doing that, he's taking a bath in it. :) He's the sweetest lovie of the flock, too, and definitely not alpha bird.

04-10-2007, 01:42 PM
Your Name : Kate

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Amaretto (Am)

Age: 1 year, 3 months-ish

Colour : PF Lovebird, Seagreen mutation

Sex: Male

Favourite Treats : Millet, by far. He also loves Hagen's Egg Granules.

Favourite Past-times/activities: Being a velcro birdie. If that fails, then eating. If he's full, then playing with his fave toys. At night, he preens for an hour or two.

Other random things you'd like to share : He's learned to make the "kissy noise" and when he tries to do it he sounds like he's dying. hen he says "pretty bird" after he's "kissed"..so it sounds like, "pretty bird, pretty bird, *dying/kissing sound*". :p

04-10-2007, 09:11 PM
Your Name : Jessica

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Celestino

Age: 1

Colour : Cobalt Seagreen with a violet factor

Sex: Male

Favourite Treats : Millet, broccoli and carrots.

Favourite Past-times/activities: Hanging out with Mom and Dad. Trying to mimic all birds. Doing somersaults so I can maximize the cuteness factor for more out time. Listening to Mom whistle and getting kisses.

Other random things you'd like to share : Until about a month ago everyone called me a girl and my name used to be just Celeste. I am split to ino so Mom thinks it's really cool just to have added ino to my name. I go crazy when I see any bird and immediately charge it. I love to try and mimic the other birds in the house but for some reason I'm never allowed to play with them.

This was a great idea and I've loved reading about your bird:)

04-10-2007, 09:44 PM
Your Name : Natalie

Lovie(s) Name(s) : Mimi and Mango

Age: ??

Colour : masked...green bodies, yellow and orange chests, black heads and the prettiest red beaks.

Sex: Don't know for sure, but will bet money Mango is a boy and Mimi is a girl: Mimi can get moody and I swear I have seen Mango try and...um get frisky with Mimi :omg: Also, Mango always "feeds" Mimi.

Favourite Treats : Millet, yogurt dips, nutriberries....I try to give them fruite and veggies, but so far they aren't having it.

Favourite Past-times/activities: Swinging on their swing, eating, grooming each other, snuggling, flying around their room, chewing, and playing with their toys.

Other random things you'd like to share : They are VERY curious and constantly are looking at me to see what I am doing. Mango gets very excited when I cheap with him...when I try to copy his happy cheap, he hops around the cage and bobs his head up and down. They also LOVE flying around and can get pretty demanding when they want to :) They are just wonderful little creatures!!

04-11-2007, 06:57 PM
Your Name : Lauren
Lovie(s) Name(s) : Kirby

Age: 1

Colour : Peach-Faced

Sex: Male

Favourite Treats : So far, my finger and any bare skin within reach and millet.. broccoli is a no go :(

Favourite Past-times/activities: Hanging out in his cozy tent... singing to the Beach Boys... almost forgot about that one.. My roommate is about to kill me for constantly playing his favourite song by them "Good Vibrations"


04-11-2007, 09:19 PM
I'm sure this is all going somewhere indelible!

Your name: Michael

Lovies name: Goofy

Age: combined 51 but we both act like 2 yr. olds

Colour: Olive peachface yellow and orange tail

Sex: typical cross dressing "male"

Favorite threats: No cinnimon rolls, millet, or brown rice for you unless you eat your vegge's! ....OH! Treats...just reverse the order.

Favorite pastime: Ear nibblin, whisker pullin, hair pullin, purse snatching, petty theft, body searches, wish I could take his place occasionally, and good conversation (peeping sessions) etc,etc.

Other random things to share: The cell phone, T.V. remote, loose change, poopins, bath time, upside down looks, and whatever your eating that I'm "NOT" supposed to have otherwise back in the cage for me.

Well Goof...I think we should have pled the fifth!

Names withheld by request..........