View Full Version : Sometimes i wonder why we call our selves Human.!!

04-13-2007, 11:27 AM
What i am about to post, will make disturbing reading. I saw this dog on my local news. Why oh why do people do these Henious crimes to our beloved animals. I keep board posted if he pulls through.
heart felt sympathy to the owners.

family pet was left close to death after being tied up and set on fire by thugs.

Two-year-old border collie Ozzie was found by an RSPCA officer in St John's Lane, Bedminster, with horrific burn injuries over his face and body hours after going missing from his owner's house nearby.

He had apparently been tied up using electrical cable before being set alight.

Despite Ozzie being allowed home after treatment, owners Michael and Pauline Kaines have been told that it is "touch and go" whether Ozzie will survive because of the extent of the injuries and shock he has suffered, as well as the risk of infection to his wounds.

The family are distraught at what has happened and cannot understand how anyone could treat an animal in such a way.

Mrs Kaines, 57, a full-time carer for the couple's grandchildren, said: "I have never been so disgusted by something in my entire life.

"I have had a dog before, I have watched television programmes about animal cruelty and I have never seen anything so bad.

"It made me feel physically sick.

"He's very sedated at the moment but he is in a bad way.

"He wants to sit down but is unable to because of the burns and on the back of his legs you can see his bones where the burns are so bad. He is in so much pain."

Mr and Mrs Kaines were given Ozzie as a gift from their daughter two Christmases ago, after their previous dog died.

Mr Kaines, 54, who looks after Ozzie at his St John's Crescent home now that he and his wife are separated, and also cares for his disabled mother, said: "I couldn't believe it when I saw him.

"Initially we were told he wasn't going to make it but he seems to be fighting for his life.

"We are looking after him now. We have bathed him and given him his tablets.

"He is normally such a happy-go-lucky dog and very trusting, so to see him like this is very hard and upsetting.

"His flesh and fur is all burnt and the smell of it is terrible.

"I just hope they catch the people who did it."

The RSPCA is appealing for witnesses or anyone who believes they know who is responsible for the attack on Ozzie to contact them.

Ozzie disappeared late last Thursday evening. When he was found in St John's Lane, at around 1am last Friday morning, RSPCA staff thought he had been in a house fire.

But after tracking his owners through his microchip they learned he had gone missing from his garden just a few hours earlier.

RSPCA inspector Glyn Roberts said the case was the worst he had seen in his 17-year career.

He said: "The burns were so bad that when Ozzie was found it was assumed he had escaped from a house fire.

"Then we discovered melted electrical flex around his neck, which suggests he was tied up before being set on fire and probably only got away because the flames burned through the flex.

"He is such a nice, friendly little dog, so much so that he probably ran up to the person or people who did this.

"We are appealing for any information or anyone who heard or saw something to come forward because we want to catch whoever committed this sick, horrific, crime and bring them to book.

"This is not just run-of-the-mill neglect or maltreatment of an animal - it is malicious and deliberate harm."

Anyone with information should call the RSPCA on 08705 555 999 - information can be given anonymously.

04-13-2007, 11:54 AM
Thank you for sharing this story with us, Cassy.
Human cruelty against living things, period, is very upsetting. We see so much violence in every day life that this can be viewed as "normal" by some of our society. Personally, I have a problem killing/injuring any living thing (you all know what my exceptions are...) so I find this very shocking! I do hope this has the best possible outcome for the Ozzie.

04-13-2007, 12:21 PM
It's absolutely disgusting what one living creature can do to another. I hope the culprits are caught, tied up and set on fire. :mad:

04-13-2007, 12:30 PM
It's horrible that this type of animal cruelty happens all over the world. I too hope the culprits are caught. They'll get their's in the end.

04-13-2007, 01:52 PM
I always ask the question "how can someone be like that" or "how can someone do that"? It's a question no everyday, moral person can answer. These people who do things like this are obviously 'wired' different then the moral majority. Look at what they have learned about serial killers, as children they often abuse, torture animals.

I don't think any of us here can understand why someone would do this, as I know none of us would EVER do anything like it.

Poor Ozzie, I hope he recovers and isn't in pain. Keep us updated on his progress.

Robin VZ
04-13-2007, 01:55 PM
And sometimes it is just plain greed! >: >: >:
I had a Doberman stolen from me about 15yrs ago and she was one of many who disappeared from the immediate area. Seems a "human" and I use the term loosely, from the area was paying kids $5 per dog for whatever they could pick up or steal and was reselling the dogs as meat to local Asian people. I am not angry with the buyers, many of whom may have not realized any laws were being broken or that the animals were stolen pets but the man doing the selling certainly knew. His penalty; they took his kennel license away....>: >: >: No fine, no jail time. Think how many children cried themselves to sleep because their pet disappeared. I'm still VERY angry at this individual after all these years. He should have been chained in the sun with no shelter, food or water like he did to the animals he tor tur ed.
I hope they catch the individuals responsible for the inhumane treatment of this dog and that the penalty fits the crime. We can hope.

04-13-2007, 02:07 PM
Sadly the penalty for those who commited such a cruel act against that poor dog will probably not be anywhere near what they really deserve. I can't understand why anyone would cause such pain and such suffering to another living being. Poor Ozzie. I will be praying that his little body will soon be spared of all pain.


04-14-2007, 09:04 AM
Prayers for Ozzie and his family. This is horrible news. Reminds me when I was a kid two older guys set cats on fire in a park across the street from me, in the tennis courts that were sunk down, with gasoline. I pelted them with rocks whenever I could, and hit them too, to get them to stop. Had to go back at night to retrieve the cats to bury them and put up a cross. Always cried on the way home with them....:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ........like now. Wish we had the answers to fix. I'm sure poeple who do this, at least some, haven't had a loving hand or kind thought extended their way and will seek attention at whatever the cost, human, animal, themselves, or otherwise to fill for their ignorance, prescribed by their parents and society. I frown on the mental illness excuse as I've found that most poeple who suffer mental illness are well taken to animal presence and would harm themselves before anything else. We have enough problems with saving our animals from human overpopulation. Its unfortunate we have to deal with this. Wonder how much of our existence depends on theirs?........Michael and Goofy lovebird

04-14-2007, 10:00 AM
It's absolutely disgusting what one living creature can do to another. I hope the culprits are caught, tied up and set on fire. :mad:

On the News last night (my local news.) The owners actually had the dog in the studios, and thats the exact words the woman used.
There is now a reward by our local paper going to find out who did this Henious Crime.
Next week Ozzie as to undergo another operation to remove all the Infection that as now developed under the burns. I just hope and pray this Dear Defenseless Dog can pull through the Operation. Let you know.

04-20-2007, 09:28 AM

He still not out of the woods yet, but here is the latest update on his progress.

Ozzie the dog, who was tied up and set alight by thugs, is showing signs of improvement according to vets.His owner, Michael Kaines, yesterday took Ozzie for a check up at the PDSA and, although his vet said he is not out of the woods, he is displaying energy and fighting spirit.

Today Ozzie, the two-year-old border collie, is set to see a veterinarian specialist burns surgeon at Bristol University's Clinic of Veterinary Science in Langford.

Mr Kaines, 54, of St John's Crescent, Bedminster, said: "The vet said Ozzie still has a long way to go in terms of his recovery but also said he was doing well and was surprised to see how energetic he is.

"Ozzie is now eating and drinking well and seems to be feeling a lot better, so we are keeping our fingers crossed."

Ozzie, who had an operation at the start of the week to remove his burned, damaged flesh and fur, is due to have another operation of a similar nature on Monday.

Pledges of reward money, letters of support, gifts and treats have been pouring in for Ozzie after the Evening Post first reported his story.

The reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Ozzie's tormentors now stands at more than £4,000.

Ozzie was found by an RSPCA officer in Bedminster early on Good Friday, hours after going missing from Mr Kaines's house nearby.

RSPCA inspector Glyn Roberts yesterday renewed his appeal for help to catch those responsible.

04-20-2007, 11:57 AM
Hang in there Ozzie! Poor guy.

04-20-2007, 12:00 PM

Thanks for the update. Poor Ozzie. I'm so glad to hear he's doing better and fighting for his life. What a brave animal he is. Keep us posted :)

04-20-2007, 12:49 PM
Poor Ozzie. Glad to hear he's doing a little better and hopefully is not in as much pain. Thanks for the update Cassy.

04-20-2007, 06:52 PM
Thanks for the update. Even though you and Ozzie are an ocean away, I send my thoughts for a full recovery of this doggie!

04-21-2007, 01:47 AM
It makes you wonder what kind of world we live in when people so cruelly disregard another living creature... I hope for Ozzie's recovery and that the people who did this to him will be brought to justice.

04-23-2007, 07:20 AM
15 Year old arrested. here is more updates re ozzie. I wont put the photo of Ozzie as its to distressing. Here is was i copied from my paper.

Sad that the Owner had to do most of the dective work himself. here you go full story.

A teenager has been arrested in connection with the attack on Ozzie the dog, who was tied up and set on fire.It follows an investigation led by Ozzie's owner, who helped police make the breakthrough in the case.

Officers this morning arrested a 15-year-old boy at an address in Windmill Hill after Michael Kaines took a detective to the spot where the two-year-old border collie was attacked.

Together, they found the other half of the electrical flex used to shackle him to a wire fence in Victoria Park. The ground near the fence is still blackened from the flames which left the helpless dog with horrific burns.

Mr Kaines has been on the case since Ozzie was found seriously injured on Good Friday. He had only gone missing from his home in St John's Crescent, Bedminster, a few hours earlier.

The 54-year-old owner has spent the last few days speaking to people who live in the area and has managed to piece together the chain of events which led to Ozzie being tied up with electrical flex.

Police today took into custody a teenage boy - who has not been named for legal reasons - on suspicion of arson and cruelty to an animal.

As this edition of the Evening Post went to print, he remained in custody and was being questioned in connection with the attack.

It is understood he may have been in hiding for the last week.

Mr Kaines said: "I've had to do a lot of detective work myself.

"I was given some inside information which lead me to the place in Victoria Park where Ozzie was tied up and set on fire. I took a police officer in plain clothes to the spot and we found the other half of the electrical flex burnt and still tied to a wire fence. The ground around it was all burned.

"This helped police make their arrest. I had to do this for Ozzie. I couldn't sit by and the let the person, or people, responsible get away with it."

Meanwhile, Ozzie's recovery is continuing. Vets originally gave him a 50:50 chance of survival.

However, an operation he was due to have today was cancelled at the 11th hour after a specialist discovered that burnt skin was beginning to grow back.

The border collie was referred to the specialist at Bristol University's Clinic of Veterinary Science in Langford by the PDSA.

There he was examined and given a special cream that Mr Kaines must apply to Ozzie's body twice a day.

Mr Kaines added: "A really kind woman has donated a water bed for Ozzie to sleep on so he doesn't have to lie on his wounds.

"The specialist said there are definite signs of improvement, Ozzie is making great progress and his skin has already started to heal.

"I now feel more confident about his recovery."

Ozzie has already had an operation at the PDSA clinic last week to remove his burnt flesh.

Ayla's Mom
04-23-2007, 07:33 AM
Gosh! A FIFTEEN year old did this?! I guess I don't really blame him; I blame the way he was raised. It's just like our lovebirds: if we don't properly socialize them, they can be mean and vicious.

I just think that some people are not (never will be) ready to be parents, and some of the children's issues may be caused by that. On the other hand, I know that some parents do everything they can, but mental disorders debilitate their children to the point where they become inhuman...

04-23-2007, 08:06 AM
Wow, a 15 yr old. I hope his family gets him help, he could be very dangerous when he gets older (not that he isn't now).

It sounds like Ozzy is doing pretty good from the article. I hope he continues to get well.

Thanks for the update.

Robin VZ
04-23-2007, 11:51 AM
He's very dangerous now. If he's got so little regard for an animal's suffering, he'll have no conscience when it come to human suffering. Most serial killers start with animals. There need to be some serious consequences and counseling in connection with this. I'm glad they've made an arrest. And, I wouldn't trust his family to be in charge of it.

Good news that Ozzy is continuing to improve.

04-23-2007, 12:14 PM
News Flash.

On news just now, 2 males have now been arrested, 1 is 14 years old and the other is 19 years old. They have been bailed till next month.
( all i can think of them doing this, is they most probably drugged up to the eyeballs or blind drunk. )

04-23-2007, 12:40 PM
I'm speechless.

Glad that Ozzie is doing better and the criminal that did it is in custody. hopefully the punishment will fit the crime.

04-30-2007, 04:03 AM
Pleased to announce that Ozzie, is Now Out of the woods, Vets are astounded at his progress. He is expected to make a full recovery. He still got a long way to go, but to see him wagging his tail on my local news on friday, from when i saw him when it was 50/50 of him surviving his terrible burns, is amazing. Kudos to the P.D.S.A. vets.

04-30-2007, 06:52 AM
Thanks for the update, Cassy!
Poor Ozzie! I'm glad he's going to be OK. :)