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04-14-2007, 07:11 AM
hi. i had a female fischer.i bought a male fischer for her n also a pair of peachfaced lovebirds.what i see now is that the female fischer i had is commanding over the three new ones.the new fischer got a very bad bite on his head by the older female one.i dont see them paired up.if the male tries to come near the female one she scares him away.the other two peachfaced birds are also looking very dull.they dont play.they just sit at the bottom of the cage in the fear of the female fischer.
can any one has any idea why the female fischer is behaving like this.can i do something to pair up the two birds????

04-14-2007, 07:33 AM
Do you have them all caged together? fF so, each pair needs to be separated into their own cages. Evidently the older female sees the others as a threat to her territory and she is attacking them. I'd hate for you to come home to a dead lovebird. If their wounds are bad, they need to seen by an avian vet. You can clean the wounds with witch hazel and put a little neosporin on it. Bottom line - separated the pairs!

04-14-2007, 07:44 AM
but i have a big cage .previously i had a pair of fischer.it was just in december that they made a nest in one of the nest boxes.but one day wat i saw was the male bird died without any reason.when i went to the avain he told me that he was quiet an old bird.now lasst week i bought the other three birds.now wat i see with them is that they are all messed up with each other.can the two fischers be paired up ??i will try to post the pic of my cage.so it would be easy for me to tell the whole story..

04-14-2007, 07:48 AM
So you just put the new birds into the cage with the female Fischer you had? In her eyes, they have invaded her territory and she is defending it. They need to be separated or she might kill one of them. Think of it this way. If someone moved into your house and you didn't know them at all, you would be very defensive of your house too. That's how she feels. It doesn't matter how big the cage is, it's hers and they have invaded it.

04-14-2007, 09:25 AM
Rule of thumb: Even in a large cage it should be TWO or SIX. Three, four and five don't usually work. It's common for one bird (or more) to get picked on and even to the point of death. Were these birds DNA'd to be sure you know their sexes? I've also read that normally peachies and fischers are not a good combination in the same cage.

04-14-2007, 02:17 PM
No cage is large enough for a resident female lovebird (any species except maybe Black Cheeked) and younger lovebirds!! The cage is HERS and the new birds are not welcome!! Even if you move them all to a different cage, you may find the same problem, as the hen is older and many older hens will not tolerate younger birds. The younger ones need time to grow up a bit.

Your best bet is to put the Peachies in a cage of their own and put the Fischer's in a different cage (not with the Peachies or the female Fischer's). You can put the younger Fischer's and the older hen side by side but together is most likely a death sentence for the youngster. This is the way lovebirds are so you have to work around the personality.

04-15-2007, 01:03 AM
OMG..i have done a big mistake...now i have to seprate them all as u all said.
thanks for the idea.it will be very difficult for me to bring another cage for the peachfaced.but i will manage it.thanks again.

04-15-2007, 07:59 AM
i seprated the fischer pair and the peachfaced pair.i kept the peachfaced in the big regular cage and for the fischer pair i bought a steel cage.but i noticed that the old female fischer that i had have hit the new male one on his head.all the feathers on his head were gone. i quickly opened them in my room.but now what i see is that they dont fight when they are open.when i close them the female attacks the male continously.should i keep them with each other or seprately???

04-15-2007, 08:08 AM
You need to separate the Fischer's also. The male you bought may be younger than the female. Females doen't usually take to younger males. I would also leave the female Fischers in her original cage. It's hers in her eyes. Put the Peachfaces in a new cage and the male Fischers in a new cage.

04-15-2007, 12:20 PM
i seprated the fischer pair and the peachfaced pair.i kept the peachfaced in the big regular cage and for the fischer pair i bought a steel cage.but i noticed that the old female fischer that i had have hit the new male one on his head.all the feathers on his head were gone. i quickly opened them in my room.but now what i see is that they dont fight when they are open.when i close them the female attacks the male continously.should i keep them with each other or seprately???

You need to separate the fischers birds. The female is older and she will kill a younger bird. Lovies typically play just fine together, out of the cage, but they do not act the same way when they are in the cage.

How old are your peachfaces? If all three of your new birds are quite young, you may be able to house them in one cage until they are mature. At that point, you will need to separate them as they will fight, but perhaps by that time your little boy will be mature enough to be caged with the older female.

The situation, as it stands now, cannot continue. That young fischers will be killed.

04-18-2007, 04:23 AM
k thanks for that.