View Full Version : Need some encouragement.

04-15-2007, 02:54 PM
Hope's been with us for a little bit now.
She's coming around, but still prefers Mikey's companionship... she chases him around, while he's just not into her. :x

Does it take more time to tame a little baby with another adult bird around?
Any suggestions?
It kills Mikey to see her let out more often. :lol But I think he'd rather be doing his own thing than to have a shadow following him around everywhere.

Buy A Paper Doll
04-15-2007, 06:46 PM
With my 2 birds, yes, the 2nd one took a lot longer to want to socialize with the people in the house. Have patience, your new baby will come around. :) It's just going to take time.

04-15-2007, 07:16 PM
Could be the weening process was extended a little with her being around an older "surrogate" Dad. It will be interestng to see who's in charge after Hope matures a little. I would hope they don't turn aggressive towards one another in the future. Poor Mikey probably doesn't quite know what to make of the new Hope addition yet where as the baby knows what she wants......Michael N' Goofy

Buy A Paper Doll
04-15-2007, 07:44 PM
Forgot to add, when I only had 1 lovebird, he didn't have anybody else to play with ... it was just hubby and me. So he had a choice, he could either hang out by himself, or he could get to know the strange non-bird beings that shared his new house.

With the 2nd lovebird, she had a choice, she could either hang out with the strange non-bird beings, or she could hang out with another bird. Her choice was the bird.

One thing that was actually a LOT easier with the second bird, was getting her to eat vegetables! It took a lot of patience to get Milo to eat his veggies, but he was a pretty adventurous eater by the time Melody came to live with us. With Melody, on the other hand, it took zero effort on my part to get her to eat properly because whatever Milo was eating, she wanted to eat.

04-15-2007, 08:37 PM
Forgot to add, when I only had 1 lovebird, he didn't have anybody else to play with ... it was just hubby and me. So he had a choice, he could either hang out by himself, or he could get to know the strange non-bird beings that shared his new house.

With the 2nd lovebird, she had a choice, she could either hang out with the strange non-bird beings, or she could hang out with another bird. Her choice was the bird.

One thing that was actually a LOT easier with the second bird, was getting her to eat vegetables! It took a lot of patience to get Milo to eat his veggies, but he was a pretty adventurous eater by the time Melody came to live with us. With Melody, on the other hand, it took zero effort on my part to get her to eat properly because whatever Milo was eating, she wanted to eat. Hey, if Goofy would hang with Milo instead of me so much, maybe he'd eat his vegge's like a good boy!......Think I could borrow him for a week or two?.....Michael

04-15-2007, 09:43 PM
Babes are a little fickle, too. I think in time things will fall into place. You're doing just fine!

04-16-2007, 12:49 PM
Hope is chattering and playing with her toys today. There is a difference in her voice compared to Mikey's. She's a little less harsh on the ears, while Mikey's like nails on a chalkboard sometimes. :x

I'm going to start training her to drink from a water bottle, it took Mikey less than four days to get it down. Also, Hope is getting a bigger cage. I found someone only 7 minutes away who deals in whole sale cages and he showed me a few cages for $25 where as they normally retail for $59.99 :clap:

Also, today at Three I'm going in for an interveiw at a PetSmart as a pet care specialist. I know... but before you guys get hot under the collar... I'm planning on doing more than just working for "the man" I want to educate people on proper care and probably help people who need to be informed.

At least I know I could be better than the guy they have right now... the hiring manager said he liked my "friendly voice" and wanted to hire "people friendly staff". :D Also, I could be paid to be somewhere with bird toys and stuff all day.

04-16-2007, 02:53 PM
Thats some of the best news I've heard all week! Wish you the best of luck. If you get in maybe eventually you'll become C.E.O. and then everybody here can call you up for a big fat discount!.........Goofy and Michael

04-16-2007, 05:51 PM
One thing that was actually a LOT easier with the second bird, was getting her to eat vegetables! It took a lot of patience to get Milo to eat his veggies, but he was a pretty adventurous eater by the time Melody came to live with us. With Melody, on the other hand, it took zero effort on my part to get her to eat properly because whatever Milo was eating, she wanted to eat.

While everything about Big Boi and Shy was exciting when I got them, the BEST thing was that they were so young (9 weeks) that they'd try anything new in the way of food and then OLIVER started eating many of the things he saw them eat! :clap: It took me three weeks to get Oliver to take a nibble of broccoli but it only took a couple of days for Shy and BB to teach him how to eat veggies....and take a good bath! :D

Yes, Michael, you do need to "borrow" a veggie eating lovie for a few weeks. I'm sure Goofy would just have to have what the visitor was having! :lol

04-16-2007, 10:36 PM
Oh, I need to "borrow" a veggie loving lovie too!!! I can't get my Link to eat ANYTHING THAT SHE IS SUPPOSED TO EAT!!!!