View Full Version : Tricks your lovies learned without being taught

04-16-2007, 09:22 PM
Anyone have a lovie that spontaneously learned a new trick? Mine's picked up a few things without me having taught him;

He's toilet-trained. As long as I don't have him out of his cage for longer than 15 minutes, he'll hold it until he's back in his cage, where he lets it go immediately.

When I say "chirpy", that's his cue to bop his head to every syllable I say. It's hilarious! I've got this lovebird on my shoulder frantically bopping his head up and down to match my speech. I tried to get him to do it to the word "groovy" but he only responds to "chirpy".

When he's on my shoulder, he sneaks up to put his beak in my ear, and shrieks when I least expect it. Then he gets all huffed and offended when I take him off my shoulder because my ear is ringing.

Buy A Paper Doll
04-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Milo gives kisses whenever I say "give momma a kiss!"

Melody learned how to say peekaboo. We play peekaboo quite a bit, and eventually she picked it up. I'm regretting this one because today I think she said it about 50 times. :rolleyes:

04-16-2007, 10:22 PM
My Link will give me kisses when I ask for them, even through her cage. Sometimes though she gets over zealous and grabs my lip!!! But mostly she likes this gesture between me and her!!!! I just get worried when she gets tired of this and grabs my lips!! So, I only do the "trick" once or twice with her, though she wants more!!!

04-16-2007, 10:57 PM
Bo kisses too here's a video of her flipping and blowing a kiss at the end.
http://s178.photobucket.com/albums/w...1420070027.flv she loves to flip over and play with things with her feet :) Yikes! that link is not working I'll reupload it

Ok this link works

04-17-2007, 08:20 AM
That "Bo" is the star trickster! :D I love that clip, Cindy!

The only thing that Oliver does consistently is to answer me every time I speak to him. Not with a word but always with a special chirp. Even when he's napping on my neck, quiet as a mouse, when I call his name, he always answers his momma! :) That is our only trick! :lol

04-17-2007, 10:05 AM
Cindy - I think I've seen this video before, or one like it, with bo doing his thing, and I never tire of it. He is soooo cute, and sooooo determined. That kiss at the end is adorable.

Kiwi does a few tricks he taught himself. He loves playing peek-a-boo, by climbing down my shirt, and sticking his head out when I say peek-a-boo. he gives kisses when asked to, he does a specific chirp when I ask him for my favourite chirp, and now a new one. He loves to drink from a glass, and when I ask him to get mommy wet, he drinks and shakes the water off on me. He gets a thrill doing it, because I laugh and laugh, giving him the reaction he wants. He gets so excited, that he doesn't know what to do first, kiss me, chirp over and over again, or run up and down my shirt. He can play this game over and over and over and over again, he never tires of it!!!! :rofl: :rofl: Actually, I don't either!!!! :)

04-18-2007, 02:38 PM
Oh, those tricks sound SO cute! Especially Bo's video!!! Lovebirds can be so adorable when they want to!!! lol

04-21-2007, 08:08 AM
:whistle: Oscar can shake a paw (or should I say foot :rofl: :rofl: )

I have a video of him getting :blush: "friendly":blush: with the kleenex I use to clean up his poop... Thats his only trick.. Being a typical horn doggish male:roll:


Other then that he really doesnt have any trick, except for being the sweetest and cutiest lovie alive!:lol :lol

Suzy & Oscar

04-21-2007, 06:24 PM
Oscar has one more trick up his sleeve - he is gorgeous!! I love his coloring, like a tye died shirt!!!!!

Love the video - Kiwi does the same thing, with a kleenex, as well as the fingers of his human friends (me and my son) :blush: Whenever I try to take a video of it, he yells at me, gives me the lovie glare, deeply offended that I would invade his privacy like that. Never mind that he is doing it out in the open with everyone looking on!! :rofl: :rofl:

04-21-2007, 08:46 PM
Aww Thanks Robyn, - He really does look like a Tye Dyed Shirt! haha -
I think your Kiwi is just the sweetest thing.. All cuddled up in your palm. Oscar is very affectionate like that when he has his wings clipped, But right now they are grown out and he is a WILD man! hehe
Thanks for the lovely comment

Suzy & Oscar