View Full Version : The darkside has got me

06-24-2005, 01:28 PM
I have felt the darkside and it is strong :omg: I go daily to the pet finder site were i found Baggy and Kiowa. There are normaly tiels,parrots and budgies(even chickens..lol). I have not seen any love birds..til yesterday. They so beautiful and i want them so badly..lol. They were rescued and only hatched on the 22nd of may. But I do not think that is right because they have all feathers and they are said to be weaned. But I e-mailed them and they want $150 for the pair. They are a 3 hours drive from me though. I do not think my husband is gonna let me have them though... :rofl: . I want to say they are cinimmons. my family thinks I am crazy for wanting more birds. :rolleyes: Well I feel better now that I told someone.lol


06-24-2005, 01:59 PM
Don't be thanking anyone Steph....we are a bad lot.....eventually you'll end up with more lovies, whether the hubby likes it or not. :evil: :D

I look at the listings and see what breeders have available daily. I looked yesterday and today, after just bringing home two new lovies Wednesday night. :lol

06-24-2005, 02:10 PM
LOL My husband knows that. I gave him choice..I get more birds..or more kids...lol. He decided birds are better(can not cage kids legaly :rofl: ). I am glad I am not only one who looks at birds daily..lol. Maybe if i can get him to sell his basball cards I can get them. :evil: .lol.


06-24-2005, 02:14 PM
Sounds like a good plan. Tell him he can name any new lovies after the player's that he sells.....Mickey Mantle, Lou Gehrig....Babe Ruth. That's a fair trade ;)

Course if he has those cards...you can buy a lot more than two lovies from their sale. :D

06-24-2005, 02:44 PM
LOL if he has those cards I would not be worrying about asking him.. He does have a few good ones though..lol.


06-26-2005, 10:34 AM
Hi Steph,
I'm with you.....daily! It's just simply a love for birds. Lovies are soooooo interesting and fun; the sounds they make are wonderful. Isn't that kind of steep for 2 birds? Does that include the cage/toys? Plus 3 hour drive, one way or total? I figure it's either birds, shoes, purses, clothes.....so it might as well be something fun!

06-26-2005, 01:03 PM
Paulette actually that is a good price for 2 birds. If I am right the colors these two are they go for 100 a piece or more. It would be 3 hours one way. I live in the boonies..lol. I am not near anything really. I still want these birds and they guy told me maybe we could work something out. LOL and I have never been a big shopper unless it is books. But I sure am with my birds. I am trying to sell somethings for my new cage fund...lol. if it ever stops raining here.


06-26-2005, 10:06 PM
Steph....you go girl....I have a very hard time giving up my things.....but that is a good idea to sell some stuff that you aren't using and put it in the cage fund. You'll have to go read my post under "Bird Fair" to see the discussion I just had with my husband about future birds. (LOL) I bet the lovebirds that I want (Pallied) are expensive too. So what color are the ones you want?

06-27-2005, 12:12 AM
One is yellow with a peach face and sky blue tail..the other is very pale yellow with a sky blue/aqua tail. They are so pretty. I also want a pair of masked. LOL or two. I am finding myself looking at Budgies too..lol. Finches are nice too. I just have no desire for anything bigger then lovies though. So my husband is thankful for that. LOL the things I am selling are mainly my kids clothes. Their grandmother buys them some many things they never wear half of them.


06-27-2005, 11:39 AM
Hey Steph,
They sound really pretty. I was going to get a yellow with peach head and mate was mostly yellow smidge of aqua blue with light blue tail for 50.00. When I replied a day after she sent pics. she said they were already sold and only had 1 remaining pair that also was a yellow with more light peach head (she called yellow with peach mask)and mate looked like a dutch blue with peach forehead. So I whipped out my new birdy lingo on her, the lutino with peach face is really cute but is the other a dutch blue or pied (she called it pied,but it had no yellow) can you send me a better picture? And that was several days ago and I haven't heard from her since. So.....anyway....may the Force be with you!