View Full Version : To get Cooper a friend or not?

04-22-2007, 02:45 PM
I've been contemplating for some time whether to get Cooper some birdy company. So far, I have decided that they would have to live seperately - I couldn't trust Cooper, being the territorial testy hen she is, with a live in companion. It was suggested to me that even having someone to speak bird with and watch can provide some company when we are out at work and such (even a budgie, but I would prefer a lovie). I'm not too concerned with noise volume, as long as in speaking to another bird she doesn't teach it the constant alarm clock call. I also heard that there can be some inter-species conflicts, so should we stick with a masked? Or because they wouldn't be together unless under tight survailence is that even an issue?

The bird store lady suggested that I could foster a bird from the local bird rescue, if it did work out, we could very easily adopt. Would a quarantine be needed for a bird like this. The rescue is reputable and closely tied to our bird vet. Or, my dad and wife have many peaches. 17 or 19 and has offered one of those. I just looked at the bird rescue and the lovie I was looking at last week has been adopted :cry: but there are more: http://www.greyhaven.bc.ca/birds.htm

Any suggestions or words of experience? I could really use some advice.

04-22-2007, 03:09 PM
Hi Bronwyn,
I admire your forethought before making a decision to get another bird to keep Cooper company. Personally, I like the idea of rescue, as there are many birds who really need good homes (like yours...) and just don't have them. :(If you were to get another female, you would not necessarily have to stay with the Mask species but if you are thinking male, I would stick to what Cooper is.

Is quarantine necessary? Unless they've tested for the major illness (Polyomavirus, PBFD, Chlamydia), I would have to say yes. Even if the bird's been tested and the tests came back negative, as long as the bird could possibly be exposed to a bird that might have one of these illnesses, you're still not safe in foregoing quarantine. This is for Cooper's protection.

Good luck and let us know what's going on. :)

04-22-2007, 04:47 PM
Oh dear Lord, thank you for not having a birdie rescue too close to my home. My house would be full of birds, and my budget would be broken buying them toys and food. I love each and every one of them, but I know that I could not have them all, and that would break my heart.

So, thank you again Lord. But, bless the little birdies that live at this rescue, and help them all find loving and life-long homes and families.


04-22-2007, 05:26 PM
Why did I click on that link? Whoever wrote about each bird did such a good job in explaining the behavior of the bird looking (longing) for a new home and I felt like each bird was speaking to me. I could just cry when I read this kind of stuff but I know that because of it, many of these birds will get another home and hopefully a forever home.

Bronwyn, sounds like you are giving this a lot of thought and if it works out that you can go the rescue route, some little lovie will be very grateful. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure Cooper would enjoy the company, even in separate cages. Good luck in your decision! :)

04-23-2007, 08:39 PM
I am all about rescue animals. If my husband wasn't allergic to 90% of the animals on the petfinder site (which has birds too btw :whistle: ) then I would have a couple dogs and cats.

I guess it's just a matter of saving for cage number two, etc... and waiting for the right birdie - but there are two little babies available now :D oh geez did I say TWO ;)

04-23-2007, 09:20 PM
Petfinder is a awesome place. Thats how I got 2 of my birds. I still look over there some times.


04-23-2007, 09:47 PM
oh gosh, i clicked on the link.... and there was already this thought buzzing around in the recesses of my mind that i should get Haku a friend... when did i get so weak when it comes to birdies!? :(

04-24-2007, 10:01 AM
It's an illness and highly contagious. The problem is that lovebirds are all so beautiful and they come in so many different colors. I don't think there is a cure, either.

04-24-2007, 12:12 PM
It's an illness and highly contagious. The problem is that lovebirds are all so beautiful and they come in so many different colors. I don't think there is a cure, either.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: exactly!!!!!!

until janie mentioned clicking on the link, i had no intention of looking. darn my curious nature!!!!!! such beautiful birds - they all deserve wonderful homes.

bronwyn - no matter what you decide, you are a good soul for considering a rescue. :)

04-24-2007, 01:54 PM
It's an illness and highly contagious. The problem is that lovebirds are all so beautiful and they come in so many different colors. I don't think there is a cure, either.

I agree completely. A fever. I'm re-arranging every room in my house to make more room for cages.:rofl:

04-24-2007, 03:21 PM
Wow I am seriously glad that the rescue is not near me! I fell in love with almost every bird on that site! I was seriously thinking hmmmm where would I put this one and this one and oh that one too!

I have thought for several years that I wold like to foster animals. The problem is my husband. He is too smart and knows how I am about anything or anyone that needs help. I will adopt them and keep them and love them and never let them go! If we ever hit the lotto my hubby will be in trouble because we will have to buy a huge home with lots of property to house all of the animals that are in need (except snakes...ss snakes).

If you do decide to get your lovie a companion I think the shelter is a great idea! How great to be able to know your new friends personality before adopting him or her. I would still be sure to do the quarenteen though, no matter whom you purchase from.

Cindy aka Finny n Reillys mom