View Full Version : Doodle meets Ms. Jiggy & Bibble

04-22-2007, 03:56 PM
I let Doodle out of quarantine yesterday. He was so excited to see Ms. Jiggy and Bibble. I put their cages side by side yesterday so they could all get acqainted with each other. This morning i let them all out together with me sitting right there with them. Ms. Jiggy and Bibble came rushing right over to check him out and they looked like they were getting along just fine. After about 15 minutes, Bibble seemed disinterested and went off to play with a toy. Ms. Jiggy was still sitting right next to Doodle (he is so sweet, has never even attempted to bite) and next thing i know she went for the back of his head ( i had the spray bottle right there, in case a fight broke out). She didn't break skin, but i know this is how lovies kill each other, and especially after reading susan's post, i'm scared to ever let him out around them again:(
Poor little Doodle was so happy to be with them, but after this, for his safety, i can't trust Ms. Jiggy. Does anybody think she will ever accept him, or was she out to kill and it's best to not let him out ever again with her?
