View Full Version : Raising babies properly

04-22-2007, 09:35 PM
This baby thing is new to me and I want to be sure I do what's needed to socialize these little guys properly. My babies are about 5 weeks old. How often should I handle them? I just love holding them, but I don't want to overdo it! Is there anything else I should be doing with them (besides holding)...if so, at what age(s)?

Thanks so much!

04-22-2007, 09:50 PM

What I do, is take a sheet and place it on my bed, then take the babies and parents (if they are tame too) and let them run around the sheet and explore. I also have taken a small millet spray and placed on the sheet to see if they will try it to learn to eat on their own. My parents are tame and when everybirdy is out, everybirdy is on ME :lol I snuggle with them and pet them. I try and get them to use their beaks to pull up into my hand, I place them on the opposite side of the bed and let them run to me, I try and get them to perch on my fingers, etc... Hope this helps or gives you some ideas. I had my oldest baby fly up to the ceiling fan with his mother Saturday! I freaked out, but he came down with Mom - whew! Aren't they just adorable :D

04-23-2007, 12:26 PM
Handle them as much as you can or want to. It's hard to keep your hands off them isn't it? ;)
The more socialization, the better. Have everyone in your family handle them so they are familiar with everyone. You can even carry them around so they get use to the house.
I love doing what Jackie was describing and do this with all of my babies. It's a great bonding experience and gives the little ones some freedom to run around, but also the security to run over and snuggle with you too.

04-23-2007, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the info...and thanks for the green light to handle these little guys as much as I want (I was hoping for that answer!). My 16 year old daughter and I just can't get enough of them. We will encourage the others in the family to join in the fun...so far they have been less than interested - I so don't understand that thinking!

Thanks again!