View Full Version : Paper Balls?

04-23-2007, 10:05 PM
I've noticed this strange thing Haku has been doing lately, he is tearing off strips of paper, rolling it around in his beak, and dipping it in his water dish... i think i remember someone discussing male and female birds' behaviour when it comes to shredding paper in one thread, and if i'm not mistaken i think i read that male birds tend to ball up paper??:confused: Anyway, my Haku is doing this paper thing and seems really absorbed in it, so i was just wondering what this behaviour indicates, and whether anyone's birdies do it too... thanks!!:D

04-23-2007, 10:36 PM
Awww he is making spit balls haha.. Oscar does that sometimes... just plays with the paper and chews it up! I'm not sure if its relevant to any kind of behaviour??

Suzy & Oscar

04-23-2007, 10:58 PM
I've heard the same thing about male and female lovebirds. However, what you describe may be a little different. I have both male and female lovebirds and other birds who dip paper, cardboard, etc. in their water and chew it up. I think they like to get their water that way for some reason.

I also have one male lovebird that is a mean shredder. Of course, it took him some time to actually get done, but he's better than some of my hens8o .

04-24-2007, 08:46 AM
Daisy has a habit of when she is on my desk of taking a tiny piece of paper and balling it up then throwing it over one side. The floor on that side is covered with tiny balled up paper hehehe

Ayla's Mom
04-24-2007, 09:12 AM
that's interesting to read because Ayla, who's DDC DNA test just came back as a female, has NEVER shred paper into strips, and instead BALLS UP her paper in her beak.
Is this really a sex-linked behaviour?!?!?

04-24-2007, 11:52 AM
that's interesting to read because Ayla, who's DDC DNA test just came back as a female, has NEVER shred paper into strips, and instead BALLS UP her paper in her beak.
Is this really a sex-linked behaviour?!?!?

Apparently not!!! :rofl: :rofl: I always though it was, as Kiwi, a male, does roll the paper into a ball and spits it out. However, as we all know, " Daisy :whistle: " there really is no sure fire trait attributable to either sex, other than laying an egg!! :rofl: :rofl: They like to keep us on our toe's don't they!! :)