View Full Version : Am I a Moody Hen!?

04-24-2007, 09:50 AM
haha.. I know the title is a little obscure... haha.. :rofl: :rofl:
Anyways just a little ventage here, as I can't do it anywhere else, as it's about my roomate and I can't phone anyone because there is a chance she will hear me..

AH! I'm in the middle of Final exams, well my last one is today, so I'm pretty burnt out and very sick of studying. Anyways she procedes to tell me that I'm a huge "witch" during exams and very hormonal, and that she refuses to talk to me during my exams, since I "scare" her.. Now this girl is the type of girl who just makes a lot of stuff up and is only at school part time. She has been done her exams for almost 5 days and only took two courses..So she is all summer mode and rubbing it in my face like no one believes.. Anyways, upon hearing her mention of "hormonal" It got me thinking of a nasty, nesty hen.. HAHA:blush: .. Are we really genetically wired to be a little "nasty"? Because I really can't help myself sometimes to be snappy at her.. haha.. Just call me a nasty hen.. I wonder when I'll be laying my clutch.. haha...:lol .

Thanks for listening

Suzy & Oscar

04-24-2007, 12:33 PM
Don't worry I understand. My finals aren't til next week, but I'm already starting to feel the pressure of one final in particular. :x I haven't been able to help but be grouchy at my roomate throughout the semester as I've been studying for evil:evil: exams and she's been going to bed on time. She's an english major, so most of her stuff is papers. While I know that she's still doing work, it just doesn't feel right when I'm continually being kept up.:roll:

So be a grouchy hen!! :wink:

04-24-2007, 03:47 PM
My roommate is doing his final exams right now as well. I took the course he is taking 9 years ago and I understand how intense it is.

He has been moody throughout the many exam times....we just avoid eachother!! So, I guess it's not only females that can act like nasty nesty hens....males do too!!

At least you last exam is today..then WOOHOO!!

04-24-2007, 06:35 PM
I can get nasty during exams and when I'm stressed out, I can get snappy with my roomates, they just kinda ignore me, and I tend to just lock myself up in my room and avoid them when I'm like this, I just don't feel like socializing with anyone, so I guess I am kinda like a nesty hen.

04-24-2007, 08:23 PM
Haha! Well I'm done now so I guess I can't be nasty anymore! haha Thanks for all your replies! Made me feel better about being a bit of a miserable cow.

Suzy & Oscar

Buy A Paper Doll
04-24-2007, 08:27 PM
I am old and have been out of school for quite some time, but believe me when I tell you that I don't need exams to be a moody hen! I think high stress levels in general are all it takes. And I'm there.... :rolleyes:

04-24-2007, 08:54 PM
After 12 hours of work sometimes, and I finally get to sit in my nest of a chair with Goof in one hand and Goof in the other, and I get a call to go back to a site, you could say I'm a SON OF A NASTY HEN!.....Michael

04-25-2007, 07:33 PM
I thought that was just normal female behavior! :evil: :evil: :whistle: :whistle:

04-25-2007, 07:36 PM
I thought that was just normal female behavior! :evil: :evil: :whistle: :whistle:

Yur gonna get yourself in trrrrrrouble!!!!:p

04-25-2007, 07:39 PM
Yur gonna get yourself in trrrrrrouble!!!!:p

Too late. :p

04-25-2007, 07:50 PM
It is normal female behavior! Occasionally I have to try it out to see if it works for me. But it seldom does. Apparently I don't have the visciousness to back it up......OOPS!.....I mean the hormones to back it up. 8) And its not good to hit a BIRD wearing glasses8) .....:D ....Goofy

04-27-2007, 07:02 PM
I know quite a few male "moody hens"!! oh boy, but i know about that exam thing... i've been irritable and snappy for the past few weeks!! i have one more exam to go, and i'm already planning ridiculous, extravagant birdie parties to have fun with Haku and Evie as soon as exams are over... they could use it, i think they feel neglected by mommy:(