View Full Version : Ayla's biting getting worse...

Ayla's Mom
04-26-2007, 08:34 AM
HI all!

Lately, I have been thinking that I am a horrible mom!:( For some reason, Ayla's biting has grown worse. Not only that, any time she's on me or someone else, she will try to pick out any hairs, follicles, zits, birthmarks, scabs, yes, even nipples!!! It's become VERY painful, and I am wondering if this is my fault for leaving her home for a good portion of the day.

I have tried almost everything imaginable, including waking up earlier so that I can play with her for about 20 minutes to half an hour before I leave for work at 6:30 a.m. When I come home at about 4:00 p.m., the first thing I do is go and let her out of her cage, and she sits on my shoulder for about an hour, and she picks at all hair follicles on my neck, chest, anywhere. So I have to put her back in the cage, at which point she gets loud and protests.

I have already bought another cage so that I can get her a playmate. But now I'm thinking that if I am such a horrible mom that I have ruined one baby, I shouldn't have another. :( :( :(

What do I do?!?

04-26-2007, 12:14 PM
Have you thought about offering her some toys while she's on you or putting her on a playstand near you? Sounds like she might be a bit bored, but also, my lovebirds adore picking at birthmarks, pulling at hairs, etc... If she's not hurting you, it's not meant to be mean.
You can make a really simple necklace from vegetable tanned leather strips and beads or even uncooked pasta that you can wear and she can play with.

Ayla's Mom
04-26-2007, 12:26 PM
That necklace idea is AWESOME! :D
I think you might be JUST ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about the boredom thing. I mean, a lot of times when she finally does calm down, she will "fall asleep" on my chest as I am holding her and scratching her head...

04-26-2007, 12:35 PM
The necklace thing really works. My conure was really bad about picking and preening me to the point that it felt like he was pinching me all over the neck and under my chin, and it HURTS! So, now I keep a foot toy or a string of beads with me to keep him busy if I'm standing too still to keep him from getting bored. You're not a horrible mom. The fact that she will pick on your skin and hair is proof that she trusts you!

04-26-2007, 01:01 PM
I concur, bored birdies = pain!:D Mine likes to grab at my earrings and such, and has taken to nipping at the skin under my chin. I usually say a sharp "No!" and give him something else to chew on. The only reason I haven't made a necklace like that is I'm trying to get him to stop chewing on my jewlery so much. I'm getting to where I can deter him at least.:rolleyes:

04-26-2007, 01:56 PM
All of my jewelry comes off when I spend time with the birds. Actually, I've pretty much stopped wearing it altoghter. There's nothing more determined than a lovebird that wants something and just like a 3 year old; out of sight, out of mind. :lol

04-26-2007, 02:43 PM
All of my jewelry comes off when I spend time with the birds. Actually, I've pretty much stopped wearing it altoghter. There's nothing more determined than a lovebird that wants something and just like a 3 year old; out of sight, out of mind. :lolI agree! As soon as I wak in the door, all jewelry comes off. I don't want to lose a diamond to any bird. All my birds love to be on me - all the time! So I'm very careful what I have on. I even change clothes into an old t-shirt for poopin's. You just never know what they can get into :rolleyes:

04-26-2007, 04:21 PM
I removed my ear rings the first couple of months after I got Big Boi and Shy but after that, they figured out they were off limits to birdies and never bother them anymore. Same thing with my rings but my watch....that Shy bird manages to pull out the stem on a regular basis. I bought two new batteries before I finally realized that the watch was fine, the batteries were fine but SHY was pulling out that tiny little stem and causing my watch to stop. Smart little bugger! :D

04-26-2007, 05:19 PM
I was visiting Bird Paradise (a HUGE bird superstore in NJ) and saw a man w/ what I would call a "parrot play shirt" on. He had taken a simple, plain t-shirt (you can pick up plain tees on discount at AC Moore) and had attached various small bird toys to the front of it: preeners, bells, leather strips w/ beads, etc. I didn't get a chance to ask if his parrot(s) liked the shirt or what kind he had...

I'm thinking of making something similar only in the style of a playmat that I can drape over the top of my couch. That way when Beetle has grown bored w/ the human play gym or the birdie gyms :lol he can play somewhere else nearby.


04-26-2007, 05:55 PM
Although my lovies a male he still got too excited when I let him out after work, even though I couldn't wait to. Besides he is very noisy when I get home and can't wait to get out. The one thing I noticed was it was better to unwind first and let him out later a couple hours before his bed time. He didn't pick on me nearly as much then. As far as bad mommy syndrome, you probably know better than I do that you are all "hers" when she torments you with picking and plucking. What more could a bird ask for? I'd say she might just like you a little bit.............Michael and Goofy