View Full Version : Ollie Loves Me!

04-30-2007, 09:39 PM
I've posted about Ollie in the health section but thought I'd share how he's adjusting here. Ollie has been with us for less than a week but has decided this is his home. He immediately started to bond with me. Yesterday he started to feed me and this afternoon he decided it was time to take the relationship to the next level:omg: . Ollie was out playing and the next thing I knew he was rearranging my robe so he could have his way with my knee. He, of course, had to do this right as my husband came home and to catch me with the other man:rofl: . I didn't have the heart to make him stop but hope in the future he finds another outlet. For a rescue he's adapted to our house MUCH quicker than I ever would have thought. I guess someone in his past must have trained him well. Unforturnately his luck once turned but now he's with us and cared for properly again. I have to say that seeing him happy despite is poor bum makes my heart :happy: . I'll take a few more pictures of him tonight and post them soon.

05-01-2007, 05:51 AM
You may have to not let Ollie "Down town" for awhile. You wouldn't want to spoil him too much! Next thing you know he'll think he can go wherever he pleases! .....Its wonderful Ollie has such a loving home and its so kind of you to share him with us. Thanks Jessica.......Michael and Goofy's awake!

05-01-2007, 08:38 AM
Jessica, that story put a huge :D on my face! Keep that knee clean...wouldn't want him to make love to a dirty knee! :rofl:

05-01-2007, 09:26 AM
:confused: I can't decide whether to admit that the situation/story is cute and kind of endearing or just go "ewwwwww"!

05-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Ollie is defianetly in love and it seems my robe is perfect. It's a little weird have him love me so but I figure he's just doing what's natural to him. I'm going to try and find him something else made of the same material as the robe. Hopefully that will catch his eye and I will not longer have a lovebird doing the swishy on me.

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05-01-2007, 08:53 PM
Ollie is defianetly in love and it seems my robe is perfect. It's a little weird have him love me so but I figure he's just doing what's natural to him. I'm going to try and find him something else made of the same material as the robe. Hopefully that will catch his eye and I will not longer have a lovebird doing the swishy on me.

I wish I had thought of this when my Milo went through a similar, um, phase. :whistle: Do keep us posted on whether this works!

05-02-2007, 09:51 PM
A couple poeple including myself found that those bird buddy fuzzy things you tie to their cage so they can cuddle next to work well for those "intimate" little moments we're ever so fond of while your entertaining company. The blue and green are very popular and sometimes they'll feed them too so you'll need to keep it clean plus convince him your going to give it back. They tend to get a little jealous when you flirt with their mate.......Goofy N' Michael

05-03-2007, 07:53 PM
Well it turns out that the robe is what Ollie loves and isn't as much about me. This good because we can allow the behavior and find something for him to do the swishy with. I think he will get a cozy this weekend when we have time to go to the pet store. If he doesn't take to that I will sew him one out of material closer to the robe. After all he's been through I don't have the heart to alter what I think is natural behavior. Goodness knows he's probably had enough of that to last a lifetime.

05-03-2007, 10:09 PM
Well...there go's the robe. And there's plenty for all his friends too! :blush: :D :blush: ...Michael/Goofy

05-03-2007, 10:58 PM
:rofl: :rofl: Time for some sterilization eh :evil:

My old budgie used to find the cats toys to be intimately fun... :omg:

05-04-2007, 12:12 AM
He's so funny to watch because he likes to roll it up until it's just right and have his way with it. Ollie also waits until my husband is out of the room for some privacy. Once he's started we could have a earthquake and he wouldn't notice. I have starlings and the young males will give me a quick swish once in a while. Lovebirds on the other hand take it much more seriously. I can't imagine having a large parrot choose me as his love:rofl: .

05-04-2007, 09:34 PM
They say they may be prehistorically related to dinosaurs. IMAGINE THAT!........Goofy/Michael