View Full Version : seperating birds

05-01-2007, 08:53 PM
Hi all,
I need advice big time!!! I decided I wanted a GCC so I found a breeder who had babies. Then I figured that Link(Lovie) would like a boyfriend if I got a GCC!! Well, when I went to pick out my baby GCC I got a very sweet lovie! But when I took him/her out of the cage(at the breeders) the sibling just cried and cried and I felt SO bad!!!! Then, when the breeder sent pics of the little GCC's the little left over lovie was in with them! How could I let her be alone??? So, I bought her. Problem was that the GCC was bonding with her and not with me. So, I seperated them, am I selfish on seperating them? I let them visit each other every day and my heart breaks when I have to seperate them!!! The GCC is 8 wks, not sure how old the lovie is but he/she is young too.....Should I let them just be together??? I'm willing to forgo my relationship with my GCC if he/she is so much happier with the lovie??? Please help me with what to do!!!!

05-02-2007, 04:38 PM
I don't know what to tell you! Personally, I'd probably separate them though. :confused: