View Full Version : Caiques

05-02-2007, 02:51 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew of good books/websites to learn about caiques. I think these are interesting birds and i hope one day i can have the pleasure of having one as a pet. I just want to learn everything i can.

05-02-2007, 03:30 PM
OMG!! Caiques are my dream bird :clap: I haven't found a good website yet. I have read everything in BirdTalk and ask a lot of questions at the birdfairs. I also get to play with one from the breeder my brother got his macaw. They are great little birds.

05-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Yep, it's hard to tear Jackie away from the Caiques we see at bird fairs. :D They are adorable and I've read that they are very smart and charming little birds (real clowns) who don't necessarily like any other birds near their special human.

Cathy on this forum has one so maybe she'll check in and give you some info.

Buy A Paper Doll
05-02-2007, 06:07 PM
I met 3 caiques at the bird store near me. They were babies. Within 2 minutes they had managed to bite holes in my shirt and bruise my arms. Too much birdy for me!!! :)

05-02-2007, 06:15 PM
Don't wait, Jackie. The caique is my perfect parrot even with holey shirts! I got Yankee in October and everyday is a new adventure. He is a wonderful bird. I have only gotten bitten once and if I had been paying attention to his sore quills, first serious molt, it wouldn't have happened.

They aren't the bird for everyone and I am usually a super softy but the Yank and I are learning together. I created a presentation to show to my middle school students before I started taking him to school. They asked so many more questions that I have been continually adding to it and it went from 30-some slides to 74MB.

If you want to watch my slide show go to:

click on shared, download, open and then when it comes up, go to the top of your screen and click on slideshow, view

There is also a wonderful informational site:

Another chat site that I belong to:

05-02-2007, 06:32 PM
Caique Crazy website: http://one.fsphost.com/caiquecrazy/

Caiques are just... well, they are CRAZY little parrots, that's for sure :) I've really not read any bad things about them. They have a very devoted following. They are high energy which might not fit in every household.
