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05-03-2007, 02:14 PM
I want to let my babies out of their cage, BUT...

They aren't landing on my hand yet, or anything, so I'm sort of confused as to how to get them back INTO their cage after they are out.

I feel bad because it's been a week that they've been stuck in there...but I didn't want to place them in a situation where they would get frustrated, and so would I.

What can I do?

05-03-2007, 02:17 PM
Are their wings clipped? If not, that might be a good start so you don't have to run around chasing flying birds. If they are not tame, it can be quite a process and take quite a while, but sometimes you just have to take the upper hand and gently get a hold of them and escort them back to the cage. If they will step up on a hand or dowel, you can try that as well.

05-03-2007, 02:20 PM
Their wings aren't clipped yet. They aren't very old, I've only had them about a week, and they were handfed for me.

I wanted to give them a chance to fly a little before I got them clipped.

They aren't scared of me, and they don't bite...but they aren't coming to me yet...so I guess I will just have to catch them.

05-03-2007, 02:25 PM
I normaly let my birds put themself back in cage. Sometimes I had to chase/catch them. I normaly would put some milliet in the cage to tempt them..lol.


05-03-2007, 02:33 PM
That's what I do as well. I let them out in the evenings when I get home around 5:00, and I go about my business while they get their excercise. Then I clean out the cages, wash the food and water dishes, and then refill them and put a treat of some sort in the cages. By the time the sun starts setting, they wind up back in the cage munching for a little while and then getting ready to roost. :-)

05-03-2007, 02:46 PM
So they will go back on their own?

I didn't know...I'm a first time bird owner, and, like I said...I have only had these two for about a week.

I just had terrible visions of me chasing the birds around the room for hours, making them (and me) completely upset *lol*

05-03-2007, 03:00 PM
I can't speak for everybirdie, but mine go back to their cages when they're read to settle in for the evening. I let them fly around on my screen porch, though, so it doesn't matter if they pooh all over the place. :-)

05-03-2007, 03:04 PM
If you have to "chase" them around to get them back in the cage, turn down the lights in the room. Birds can't see very well in dim light and they will more than likely stay put so you can get to them. My Molly doesn't like going back in his cage so when I get him into the birdroom, I turn off the light (I keep the hall light on) and he stays put on me and then I can put him in his cage for night-night. :2cents:

05-03-2007, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the suggestions! They were really helpful.

I was terrified of, well, terrifying the poor babies. :p

05-03-2007, 08:09 PM
Haku is still a bit scared of me, and so when i let him out of his cage, it;s always traumatic for both of us if i try to catch him. I'll bring his cage close to where he is, and put fresh food in it. So far it has worked every time!! Good luck

05-07-2007, 12:48 PM
mine aren't tame at all but seem to know when its time to go back in - we do have trouble with one (who seems a bit dim! LOL) but generally, they go in when they're tired / hungry