View Full Version : i havnt been on in a while....

05-07-2007, 10:43 AM
if u remember me i was the mom of bebo.
i still miss him terribly.
but the reson i came on is 2 ask ur guys opinion.
ive been thinking about getting another lovebird and i dont know if its a good idea
if i shuld from who or where should i get one??? i would kinda like 2 get one thats already people friendly... even tho when i got bebo he was a vampire and i got him 2 be a cuddle bear. i dont want 2 spend over 400 dollors cuz that is 2 much money 4 my family right now. i still have the cage and its been completely cleened and dissenfected. soooo what should i do????

05-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Hi Chris Lynn!
Good to see you back!

I don't know of any breeders in your immediate area, but Eric (keltoth) is in Salt Lake City and several of our members have gotten really nice birds from him. If you are interested, I would send him a PM for some information.

If you feel that you can give another lovebird (or 2) a good home, I say go for it! Lovebirds are very addictive and every household should have at least one! I know, I'm not a very good influence...... :rolleyes:

05-07-2007, 07:23 PM
I agree. I keep trying to convince everybody that they want a lovie. I got mine from a guy in Cheyenne, but he was just starting out and didn't wean Widgie quite the way I would have liked. He doesn't really eat anything but pellets, but came pretty tame, though he needed a bit of work for dominance.

05-07-2007, 08:04 PM
Agreed -- if you have space in your heart, the time in your life and some money set aside, bringing home a lovie might be a good thing for you. I'd just talk it up with all the members of the household first, just to be sure.

Since I'm on the East Coast I can't recommend anyone out your way. I will say that I would bring home one of Eric's (keltoth) babies in a heartbeat ;)

Take your time -- the right bird is likely to find you.

Best wishes,


ps - I am sorry about Bebo, too :( I know how much you loved him.

05-07-2007, 08:10 PM
I say if you got the time and you know in your heart you can give one a good loving home, why not? Maybe making sure you get a male will give you a better chance to shape the relationship you so desire regardless of whether its been socialized or not. Certainly worth taking the time to think about it for a while. Adoption, although sometimes falls short of predilection may also be another option.......:) Michael and Goofy:)