View Full Version : Going away for a few days!!!

05-08-2007, 01:41 PM
I am going up island (4 hours up) with the boyfriend and his family (no one will be home for 3 days) Now the question is: Do I bring Kirby with me or do I put her in boarding?

There's a bird place called FFlocks here in Victoria, BC and they will take a bird for 3$ a day... BUT Kirby would be in a cage by herself just with 50 other birds in the same room... is that worth a risk for a bird cold on Kirby?

I also have a carrier for her which is a small padded one about the size of a cat carrier so I could bring her stuff (food, water, toys etc...)

What would you do in this situation? I dont mind boarding Kirby... just am worried about any colds or illnesses ( I doubt the birds Kirby would be exposed to are deathly ill or even sick at all... just cautious)

05-08-2007, 01:50 PM
If Kirby would be safe and welcome going with you, that's exactly what I would do. You don't know anything about the health of any of the other birds at the shop and you don't want to find out the hard way! Many birds are actually very good travelers and I've never hesitated to take any of mine with me when I've had to!

05-08-2007, 02:03 PM
I agree, I'd take Kirby along. Most of my birds like riding in the car, even the breeders that are not tame don't seem to mind it. Who knows, Kirby might find Roadtrips fun and want to go on more. ;)

05-08-2007, 02:47 PM
Fifty birds make the process of screening for every illness very unlikely. Especially if there are new arrivals every now and then. I would give it some serious thought. It would be Ideal if you could find a person who has only one or two birds that could give Kirby individual care. I know some of us don't have a lot of options but I hope there's something else besides the the boarding house you've indicated.......Michael and Goofy

05-08-2007, 03:45 PM
Well I'll most likely end up taking him/her/it along... when I first got Kirby he was loving the car ride.. singing and watching outside..

The fflocks place I mentioned isn't that bad.. I'm just iffy... they have a lot of birds come in for boarding and also coming and going for sales. So it would definitely be hard to keep up with illnesses...

05-08-2007, 05:23 PM
I say bring the beeb :)

The stores in my area that offer boarding require a health cert but even that isn't a 100% guarantee against illness. If I can bring a critter with me, I do. Otherwise, I have a co-worker look in on Beetle & Cricket (my bunny) or I leave them w/ my parents or a friend. The majority of my local friends are pet-free so I don't worry much about illness in that regard.

Best of luck,


05-09-2007, 06:07 AM
Although Kirby may survive the boarding with not much tado, I quess when your able to take precautions, you do. If your iffy about boarding that may be your gut instinct saying don't do it. Besides Kirby might have a great time with you and you'd know he'd be safe by your side.:) :) :) ....Goofy and Michael

Just so you know Kirby didn't call and tell me to convince you to take him with you.

05-09-2007, 01:29 PM
Hey I live in Qualicum Beach if I see a girl with a lovebird I'll know it's you. lol
In all seriousness it's a nice weekend weather wise I'd take Kirby along for the trip, have a great time.

05-10-2007, 11:59 AM
Finny and Evie Rode with us in our car from Virginia to Arizona and I think they really enjoyed it. Finny would churp along with the radio and only seemed upset when big trucks passed us (I think he did not like that they blocked out the sound of the radio). They enjoyed the numerous hotels we stayed at as well. In fact Finny felt he had to personally announce our arrival in every quiet lobby. I think maybe try a test run that is a couple miles or so and see how your lovie does and if all is ok... take them on vacation with you. I personally would be nervous about boarding Finny or Reilly with 50 other birds that I knew nothing about. But I am admittedly an over protective mommy.

Have a great trip and enjoy!

Cindy aka Finnysmommie

05-10-2007, 02:16 PM
I didn't realize there were more islanders on this site!! I'm from Campbell River!