View Full Version : "Mad" or "Sad" Noises?

05-11-2007, 03:45 PM
Hello everyone. I'm having...not a problem, but it's something my lovebird does that annoys me.
It's what I'm assuming is his "mad" or "sad" noise. He makes it when he goes to the vet and when he's been moved before, so I'm assuming it means he's not happy. How I'd describe it is a kind of weezing tweet.
Anyway, sometimes he makes this noise when I don't see anything that would make him sad or scared. Sometimes I'll just say hi in my "birdie voice" and he'll respond with this yucky sound. Like he wants me to go away or to shut up! But then sometimes a few seconds later he'll be chirping like he's happy to see me. Othertimes he'll be napping, and if we get too loud, he'll make the noise, like he's telling us to be quiet!
Why does he make that noise, especially the time when we're being nice to him? It makes me think he doesn't like us! And plus it's annoying when you're trying to be friendly with him and he responds like he wants you to go away! Or does he just get confused sometimes?
The better I can understand what my bird's saying, the better I can communicate with him. And maybe it won't be on my nerves so much!

05-11-2007, 04:07 PM
I'm not to sure about the noise, but you shouldn't assume he's mad at you or sad. They can be very vocal at times and a noisey bird is better than a quiet one. Constant squawking and squeaking can be annoying so it may be best to get out of range instead of being upset. I've had to do this a few times myself. Provided he's healthy and gets plenty of stimulation, depending on age and other factors its possible he's either looking for a mate or found one or two and is communicating in the usual birdie fashion. Unless he's chasing you down and biting you I doubt either he's mad or sad. It would be interesting to know whats going on in that little feather head though.............Michael and Goofy

05-11-2007, 04:34 PM
If I'm thinking correctly about the sound you describe, it reminds me of a sound that my hens make when they are displeased with something. I've compared it to almost the sound of a donkey braying, but a lovebird version, if that make any sense. I've noticed that if the situation they don't like is not changed, ruffled feathers and possibly a bite will occur shortly thereafter.

Do you know if your lovie is male or female?

05-11-2007, 04:52 PM
I'm with Michael. I wouldn't assume your lovie is mad or sad because he/she makes a particular sound. While there is no doubt lovies make certain sounds at certain times, it may be your lovie uses the sound you describe when he/she is excited and doesn't get mad at the vet but excited. He/she may also be excited when you come over and talk with him/her.

:D :D

05-11-2007, 05:30 PM
That's interesting. No, we don't know what sex our lovebird is. I was thinking it's a he because he does a regurgitating thing, which I read males do. But I would like to think this noise doesn't mean he's mad. Maybe it's just a reaction to excitement. I've noticed he seems to make some noises involuntariliy, almost like he has a reaction to a certain sound (silverware on plates does it), and he can't help himself. I hope that's it.
How does one know when their bird is displeased?

05-11-2007, 05:34 PM
How does one know when their bird is displeased?They bite :p Sometime Molly makes a weird noise with a weird click. I can't really describe it, but it's a weird sound.

05-11-2007, 06:05 PM
Well, that's good--our bird bites very rarely. He never bites me or my boyfriend anymore, just strange people who try to touch him!

05-11-2007, 06:53 PM
You'll know when your baby is not happy!! They Bite ya!!! That is not all true though cause my baby Link bites me, and I think he/she is just trying out her status!!! Just love your lovie no matter what her sound! They love attention!!!


05-11-2007, 08:29 PM
:lol They make noise! Mine make all sorts of different noises. After a time I figure out most of their noises, but not all.

If you watch their body language closely, you will see when they are going to bite. Usually they'll hunch up a little before they bite. It's really good to hear your's doesn't bite much. My seagreen hen bites strangers, but not me. I don't blame her at all. (They are my kids' friends and I'd like to take a bite, too!)

05-12-2007, 04:13 PM
My bird makes a sound when mad it's a grrrrrrrrrr type grunt.

05-12-2007, 04:49 PM
My bird makes a sound when mad it's a grrrrrrrrrr type grunt.

That's what mine do too! I don't know how to describe it, but i think it's cute:)


05-12-2007, 06:13 PM
That's what mine do too! I don't know how to describe it, but i think it's cute:)


It is cute/funny. But thats when shes mad. I ask her YOU WANT A TREAT and the loud sharp chirp is YES. They are so smart if you take the time to teach them they know( i was shocked at first). I also taught her a bed time whistle and when i cover the cage she does the whistle.

05-12-2007, 06:33 PM
Hmmm, if it is a weezing sound he could be a she. MJ's description is similar to the sound of a female that a friend of mine has, only she bites when you get near her. She does give little peeps in there too. Its almost like she's on guard. On the other hand Goof used to make little huffing sounds, almost like a dog sniffing, and sometimes with little unfinished peeps. Its very interesting to hear all the sounds they make, and some of them certainly are funny cute. When I get home, thats the best time to get him to make wacky noises. Before I finally let him out I could swear he throws every name in the book at me to make sure I let him out. Somehow, he always gets his way.....Michael N' Goofy

05-12-2007, 08:14 PM
When I got Olivia, she made SunConure calls. I use to tell her "No, Olivia, we are lovebirds not conures." It really was funny, but very loud. She does have a very loud warning call that my birds never did and now Daisy & Piper make it.

Each flock has it's own "language". New birds learn it and adjust and sometimes they teach their new flock what they learned from their old flock. That's what Olivia has done. They really are very smart! :)

05-13-2007, 07:20 PM
When I got Olivia, she made SunConure calls. I use to tell her "No, Olivia, we are lovebirds not conures." It really was funny, but very loud. She does have a very loud warning call that my birds never did and now Daisy & Piper make it.

Each flock has it's own "language". New birds learn it and adjust and sometimes they teach their new flock what they learned from their old flock. That's what Olivia has done. They really are very smart! :)

I've been watching the falcon cam when I get home in the evenings. Ditto now thinks he's a peragrine! :lol

05-13-2007, 07:20 PM
Wow, thanks for the replies! Yeah even after 6 months I'm stilling learning new things about my bird. I thought I had gotten an idea of which sounds meant what, it was just this one sound that I couldn't place.
Yes the sound is hard to describe but MJ's description of a donkey bray is also how I would describe it. So maybe he IS a she?
Do females do that "chicken dance" regurgitation thing?

05-13-2007, 07:24 PM
OK I just read a post about if females regurgitate and that answered my question!

05-13-2007, 09:24 PM
Acoyle....Believe me, it can be written all over the place and stuck to my forehead to hang in front of my face....But I STILL have to ask!.....:rofl: ....Michael and the sometimes smarter ..Goofy...