View Full Version : "Bird Fairs"???

06-26-2005, 10:45 AM
What can one expect from a bird fair? I accidentally found one coming up in Springfield, MO on July 31st and I am so excited and anxious :happy: for it to get here. If shopping for birds....Will the prices be high or reasonable? Is it a good place to get healthy birds? I originally thought that a breeder would be a good place to get less expensive birds (not less quality) than a pet store. Any thoughts?.....But looking at some breeder sites....(and there are not many in my area---most don't even have a web page-----email only)...the cages look dirty and no toys what-so-ever! I have been emailing back and forth with a breeder close to where I grew up and the ad has a wide variety of birds, but they don't know how old their (lovebirds) are and they are breeder pairs. Any thoughts on that?

06-26-2005, 11:34 AM
Paulette, you'll find a little bit of everything at a bird fair. GOOD breeders and BAD breeders. Problem is, how can you tell? Even if they birds are in clean cages at the fair, that doesn't mean they were kept in clean conditions in the breeders home and it certainly doesn't tell you if they have a disease. I've been to only two shows and the first one was so large that it made my head spin but since I wasn't looking to buy a bird, I had fun shopping for toys and food and looking at all the different birds. The second show was much smaller and thanks to Jackie, aka, "Butterfly" I did find a couple of birds that I really wanted. I spent well over an hour talking to the breeder and her husband and observing the 2 babies. Her price, btw, was $100 per lovie but they are hand raised after they reach about 10 days old and they really were very friendly. I didn't take either because I want DNA sexed males only and one of these two Violets turned out to be a female so I'm waiting till she has two males. I've spoken to her on the phone 3 times since the show and do plan to visit her aviary and she has a web site with every babies picture and hatch date and a complete history of the parents. Jackie and I both had a very good feeling about this breeder and her knowledge of lovebirds. She recommends a 90 day quarantine AND insist on a complete vet check of any thing I buy since I have a lovie at home already. I don't mean just a simple gram stain but, the works.

My advice is to be very careful at a show and be sure that if you buy a lovie, it is old enough to be sold. Often times, they are sold weeks before they are totally eating on their own and that is just not right unless the breeder tells you that and you know how to continue feeding the baby after you take it home. The breeder that I'm going to buy from has the hatch date on every single one of her babies. Maybe you can find a breeder at the show who lives in the area and then you can visit the aviary.

Bird shows really are a blast but do find out as much as possible about any bird that you want to purchase.

06-26-2005, 12:46 PM
Hey thanks Janie. You gave me some food for thought. And I think you're right I need to hook up with someone close to my area. I need to see if there are any bird clubs in my area...I just haven't come across anyone that knows anything at all, as if bird people don't exist, and that seems odd to me. I went on a special mission to some of the pet stores this week, but I get distracked looking at the birds/cages/toys...etc.....and forgot to ask about clubs and such. So, maybe the fair can be a link for me to find a breeder or hobbyist to begin with and not go intending to make a purchase. Thanks so much.....Paulette

06-26-2005, 05:02 PM
I see Janie told you a little about the birdfairs we've been to and I'm glad she didn't say I made her spend too much :D

When you go to a birdfair, be sure to wear old shoes you can remove and leave in the garage/outside. Some diseases are carried through the air and you want to be careful not to expose your flock to anything. Also, when you get home remove all clothing and launder it A.S.A.P. Don't touch your birds until you have showered. If you buy toys and accessories, wash them in water and GSE or 10% bleach to water solution. Let them air dry before giving them to your birds. I don't mean to scare you, but you want to keep your flock safe from things you are not aware of.

You will find so many great things at the show. Talk to a lot of people (vendors & visitors), it's amazing who you will meet and what you can find out too. Have fun looking through everything and look around before you buy. Some vendors are cheaper than others. I buy all of my food, toys, cages, etc at the fairs as I can't find anywhere with better prices. Get business cards from vendors you like and write on the back what they had you were interested in or bought. Most have websites &/or mail order too.

Beware of the Dark Side too. You may come home with a whole new flock and wonder "What happened?". :rofl: But it happens to most of us. Most of all - HAVE FUN!

06-26-2005, 09:55 PM
Jackie you girls are awesome. I never even thought about bringing germs,etc. home with me. I am really excited to go. But you are right I need to look around and take some notes because I will get distracted with so much to see. I told my husband that I want a pair of Zebra finches for my birthday coming up shortly and then I showed him an email I got from a lady that lives a couple of towns over from me that is selling 2 cockatiels, cages, playgym for a very good price. He asked me when will it stop? Well, all I had to say was how many toys do you have? How many toys do I have? End of discussion. ;) I do want another pair of lovebirds too. It is already out of control. I think the pallied with Red or Peach face is to die for, its like my birthstone; peridot. And I want a Bettle Volkswagen that is that color too! Thanks for all the important information. Mid-Life Crisis? Anyone???? I'll be 42 shortly and I'm having fun! LOL

06-27-2005, 08:28 PM
:lol Paulette,

I'll be 44 in October and having a ball with my lovies! No midlife crisis here as these are my only babies and I plan on adding at least one more. :happy:

I have a birdfair the weekend of July 15th and I can't wait. The breeder who has violet lovies will be there and I'm looking forward to seeing what she has. I could call her seeing that she's in the Atlanta area with me & Janie. Janie carried two of her babies around at the last show and fell in love. I am buying a new "big" cage for Daisy and lots of toys!! Have fun at your show! :D

06-27-2005, 08:50 PM
:eek: Jackie there is one in july? I only found one in september. Were is it? Maybe if i beg enough i can get husband to take me.


06-28-2005, 09:51 AM

You can go to www.birdfairs.com for the full Atlanta schedule. There is one in Sept in Forest Park and the one in July is in Norcross. :)

06-28-2005, 09:55 AM

And one in August in Nashville. You gals don't forget ;)

06-28-2005, 11:08 AM
Cool Jackie...I would love to see a violet in person. I am certainly jelous of you bird girls in Ga. I wish I had a friend that loved birds and could go with me to the fair. My family likes to come and visit the bird room, but....well.....you know.....my husband will go because he's a great guy....but he won't like it very much. I will be looking forward to here about your adventure to the bird show mid July.

06-28-2005, 11:48 AM
:happy: I got a very strong maybe. Yeah..lol. I had to promise not to buy a bird though :cry: Maybe I will be able to find a cage there though.


06-28-2005, 11:54 AM
Paulette come on down to georgia and you can see mine..lol. My husband will take me because he knows i want to go. But he is not as into birds as I am. i to wish had someone near..lol But most people near me are ummm not into birds..lol. They are into trucks,dogs,and guns..lol


06-28-2005, 02:10 PM
Cool Jackie...I would love to see a violet in person. I am certainly jelous of you bird girls in Ga. I wish I had a friend that loved birds and could go with me to the fair. My family likes to come and visit the bird room, but....well.....you know.....my husband will go because he's a great guy....but he won't like it very much. I will be looking forward to here about your adventure to the bird show mid July.

Ha! My wife is the same way. She tries to show an intrest in my lovebirds, but she just cannot seem to get into them with any great amount of enthusiasm. She is definately from the "I'll-participate-because-you-like-it-but-I'm-bored-out-of-my-gourd" side of the fence. Of course, I don't have to worry about finding a friend to go to the bird show with or taking my spouse, because Utah doesn't seem to get any bird shows passing through here. If the bird world was an apple, Utah would be that small bruise on the bottom that everyone eats around and then discards... :roll:

Buy A Paper Doll
06-28-2005, 08:20 PM
I would love to see a violet in person.
You could HAVE mine, after today. . . He's being a bitey little devil. :evil: Of course I'm kidding, I wouldn't give my baby Milo up for the world.

06-29-2005, 09:43 AM
Oooo, Oooo, Pick me, pick me!! I'll take that "little devil" off your hands :D

06-29-2005, 04:39 PM
Jackie, Jeanett will not be at the July show. I spoke to her yesterday and she had some good news for me.....one baby has feathered out and it is a white faced violet (dark, like the one she had at the show) and she'll DNA IT in a couple of weeks. I told her that if IT is a male, I'll take HIM and any other male in the clutch, no matter what the color. Heck, I'd be thrilled to have another normal peachie! Another one in the clutch is the same color as the cage mate of the violet that we saw. He was beautiful so that is a color I'd love but as long as I can get one w/f violet (i.e. MILO) I'll be happy with any color on the second one. Can't remember why she isn't going to the Norcross show but, she isn't. We'll talk soon!

Jennifer, pack that bird up and send him to me.....Jackie and I can fight over him later! :D

07-04-2005, 04:24 PM
Steph...that sounds like half of my relatives.....;).....I'll be waitng to hear a report on the bird fair with great interest.

07-04-2005, 05:01 PM
:rofl: :happy: I am going. YEAH!!! I finally get to go to my first birdie fair. I told him if I do not get to go he gets to sleep outside :lol Trust me I will give a full report.lol.


07-04-2005, 05:07 PM
Well....Eric I suppose it's a good thing that opposites attrack or we'd probably get bored. I will try to pay good attention so I can give a thorough report. It's a good thing Mike is going with me he will keep me moving along. I'm that girl that can't sit in the back pew at church....I get distracted by: little kids, wispering adults who aren't paying attention who catch my attention...and hair dos! I went to several pet stores the other day to comparison shop for cages and accessories and fully intended to ask about local bird clubs and completely forgot. I was so involved talking to the birds and people, trying to remember prices so I could make notes etc. Yeesh! Maybe you should start something like that in your area, but it would be a lot of work....and well....finding other bird people is difficult....isn't it?!