View Full Version : Fireworks?

Buy A Paper Doll
06-26-2005, 08:08 PM
Seeing as 4th of July is coming up (and my crazy neighbors are already outside drinkin' beer and blowin' stuff up) I thought I'd ask those folks who have had their lovies for a while: How do your lovies handle the sounds of fireworks?

Melody will sleep through anything. Give her a cozy and cover her cage and she's out for the night. But Milo, he makes contact calls every time something blows up.

06-26-2005, 09:07 PM
Hi Jennifer,
I usually don't go anywhere for July 4th, as I have a combination of those birds that don't mind and those that are terrified of the loud noises. As long as I'm here and my birds know it, they handle it better but they still don't like the noise.

Like you, my neighbors are beginning to celebrate early, too!

06-26-2005, 09:13 PM
My lovies did pretty well last year and I was worried because we had just moved into the new house. This year I'm going to keep all the windows shut with the AC on to make sure no sounds get through. I don't know about everyone else, but here in Hawaii people are allowed to buy these huge firecracker strands that are like ten feet high (Chinese firecrackers). Luckily they've put a limit on the number allowed as it was getting too out of control and to the point of being a health hazard.

06-27-2005, 01:31 PM
We had quite a few amatuer fireworks displays around our place last year. I made sure the windows and shades were drawn, as well as covering the cages with a dark sheet. I didn't hear a word from the birds; though I was really more concerned with the fumes from all the fireworks.

06-27-2005, 06:23 PM
hello all
well here in OZ they have banned them becoause of several reasons and oine of the being that they do cause distress to our birds (and other animals ) and i must admit i like that idea as i night of pleasure of blowing thing up leads to many deaths of aminals weather it be demostic or wild
well that is my thoughts on it