View Full Version : LBPC: Nicest Forum on the Net?

05-14-2007, 08:29 PM
I am/have been on other forums for all different types of reasons...yes other than birds too!:omg: :rofl: :whistle:

I just have to say this is the most wonderful, friendly forum I have ever encountered! Even when people don't agree, it's always presented in a fair, considerate way. I have only been her ~9 months, made (am still making) many mistakes, but I am completely comfortable sharing them with you and learning from all of you. Almost everything I now know about my birds has come from this forum, and I readily share this knowledge with as many people who want to know.

I guess I am just saying THANKS A BUNCH for being so wonderful!! Also, how many others in our lives would we have to talk to about our fids...at least as much as we do here? (:rofl: remembering when I had no idea what a FID was :rofl: )

05-14-2007, 08:45 PM
I absoulutly agree! Most of the other message boards out there can be just downright vicious:omg: . :lol . Post at your own risk should be stressed on some of them. I too, knew nothing about lovebirds when i got adopted:) . Thanks to everyone's friendly information and guidance, my three lovies, i believe, are very well adjusted, happy birdies!


05-14-2007, 10:03 PM
YES! I also agree. Where else can you go where either poeple like you or they love to hate you! And can't wait for you to post again! Its the best of both worlds!:p ...Okay.... maybe it isn't quite like that....But, All the birds are wonderful here..:whistle: .....and I do "kinda" like the poeple here also:whistle: .....OK, OK, I absolutely love this community with all its special poeple and birdies and great information and far out photo's, etc, etc, etc.:D .....And what better place to come where you can ignore your work schedule occasionally...............Michael and sleeping Goofy

05-14-2007, 11:42 PM
I have been on other bird forums and I agree that this is the best place!! I feel I can voice my concerns and how I really feel without worry. You guys are the best and you know sooo much. And the birds.. they are all so beautiful!! You can tell there is great care and love :) ((( hugs to everyone)))

05-15-2007, 07:05 AM
You guys totally have picked up on what makes this board so special. We are very much family here, and while we very much care for, and love each other's fids, we also care about each other:)

We all came here after Linda and Robin started this board to learn how to care for our fids,we stayed because of the genuine sincerity, and then volunteered to share our time, and the knowledge we learned(and are still learning) with anyone else looking for the same. IMHO, there is no better place to find the information you need, along with the willingness to share without criticism. We were all new to this at one point, and we've all made our share of mistakes. That's how we all learn, and hopefully other's can learn from our mistakes, and not make them themselves.

I am constantly amazed at how many special people we get here everyday. I have made some very good friends here, and know I will have them for life. I guess what I'm saying is, you all are saying thanks, but we also say "Thank You". It is a blessing to us all to have found such a wonderful community, and still, other special, loving, kind hearted people find their way here daily. It's comforting to know there are so many out there:)

05-15-2007, 07:29 AM
Oh yes, and we (the fids Diva & Kruemel and Anja who is so kind and types for us ;) ) love this special community too. Great place to get mega-yummi recipes... (by the way, Anja isn't only our sekretary, she is a cook too...hihi).

Thanks for all guys, we enjoy learning more about ourselfs each and every day :)

((((((((((HUGS FOR ALL OF U)))))))))))


05-15-2007, 09:04 AM
Lucky me, this is the FIRST forum I found and it was apparent to me that I didn't need to look further. :D As Lori said, it really is a community of people who care about our own birds and the birds of all of the members here. Bird people are a different breed and nobody understands how we feel about our babies better than this community. I've been lucky enough to meet a few members in person and consider them true friends, even beyond our shared interest in lovebirds.

Thanks to Linda and Robin and SO MANY other members, I've learned how to be a GREAT fidma! :D

05-15-2007, 01:41 PM
I, too am so glad to have found this place - thanks MJ! I am quite the animal lover, far more than my friends and most of my family. So when my babies came along unexpectantly, it was great to have a place to share my fears and joys and of course...lots of pictures!! When I showed the pics to my friends, I usually received a luke warm response - but here, you would all share my excitement! It made this whole experience so much better.

Thank you all!!!!

05-18-2007, 06:42 PM
I belong to quite a few forums on-line, most of which are for companion parrot owners. While each of them have their merits, I have to say that Lovebirdsplus is the best.

Linda and the moderators do their VERY best to keep this a safe, happy place. To put it bluntly, I appreciate NOT having to wade through a bunch of BS posts from trolls and such.

While I haven't had the chance to meet any of you wonderful folks in person I'm grateful for stumbling upon this community shortly before bringing my baby Beetle home. I've enjoyed my time here immensely and look forward to my near-daily visits :)


05-20-2007, 12:09 PM
Lovebirds plus was the first source of information I found as a new fid mommy. I never felt the need to look for anything else. I bought books about lovies when I first got Finny but you know you just cant ask a book a question and get an answer (usually within a few minutes too). When I first started coming to this site I felt terrible that I always needed information and never had anything to offer in return. The thing that kept me coming back was that everyone was ok with that in fact they were more than ok with that they encouraged it. I cant say that these days I contribute much more than my :2cents: but I still feel very welcome. But I have learned so many things that have kept my babies healthy and happy! I also like that every couple of days when I sign in I am going to have some type of emotional reaction ... anything from a great belly laugh to tears to something in between. I love this site and the committed people who are here for us all the time to answer any and all of our questions!

Finny n Reillys Mommy