View Full Version : Leaving my baby with my parents....

05-15-2007, 12:18 PM
Ok, so I'm going to be going away for a couple days this long weekend, and leaving Tango with my parents, I decided that this was better than boarding him at the vets (risk of exposure to disease, different cage, complete strangers etc.) but I'm still a little nervous about leaving him. I've only ever left him for the odd overnight, always leaving no more than a couple hours before he goes to sleep and getting back no more than a couple hours after he wakes up (and trust me, I didn't sleep well).

I will be leaving my parents with specific instructions about his care, feeding etc. a list of signs of illness, the vets number etc. I will also premix his seed and pellets in the proper amounts and leave them the list of what he can or can't eat.

My concerns are that my parents have never really handled Tango at all, and he's afraid of them and they're afraid of being bitten. I also have an issue in that he can escape his cage when the food and water bowls are out, and I can forsee my parents having major issues getting him back in. Another problem is his happy hut, normally I switch his swing for happy hut at night for him to sleep and then take out the hut in the morning and put the swing back, but I honestly can't see my parents pulling this off without blood being spilt, and my parents aren't as tough as me:whistle: so I'm not sure if it's better to leave the happy hut in (he's not much of a chewer on the hut, but he does get a little nippy when it's in all the time) or to leave it out and hope he's comfy enough on one of his perches (I have a jungle vine one which is probably the one he'll chose, of course he couldn't sleep on the rope perch).

So any advice for leaving my baby?

I also worry that my parents won't take my instructions as seriously as I would like, they very much have a "well it's just a bird" attitude. So any advice in that department would be useful.

05-15-2007, 02:12 PM
Hmmm... That's a tough call. Have you ever boarded Tango before at the vets office? If you are really unsure about leaving him with your parents, you may want to consider it. Both places have pros & cons. I boarded Molly once, but now that I have 4 birds, I don't know what I'd do. I want to go to England in a couple of years for vacation and this is a decision I'm going to have to make too. Let us know what you decide.

05-15-2007, 02:21 PM
I know your concerns about leaving Tango at the vet are valid, but since it is only for a few days, then perhaps you would feel safer leaving him there, than with your parents. If I didn't have anyone to leave Kiwi with, that's what I would do in a pinch. The main thing is he would be safe and sound. But like Jackie said, it is a tough call. I'm sure what ever you decide, Tango will be fine until you return, ready to tell you all the stories about daring to leave him at all!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

05-15-2007, 04:00 PM
You know this may be the opportunity for your parents and Tango to develop a relationship. You've given them all the instructions and as long as they respect how much Tango means to you then Tango should be okay. If they are afraid of him, encourage them to sit by his cage and just talk with him or have him in a place where your parents hang out. If Tango is stick trained then your parents should be able to get him back in his cage if he escapes. If not let him roam around til' dark and show your parents how to safely turn out the lights and towel him to get him in his cage. Me, I would probably leave the cozy in unless it's going to make him lunge at your parents. He will also be fine without the cozy as it's only a couple of days.

Leaving birds, or any pets, is never easy but part of life. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to ensure Tango and your parents get along fine. Finding out how Tango does at your parents is also good for future trips away as well.

Good Luck:)

05-15-2007, 04:05 PM
Jenna, I just went thought that same thing: To leave the happy huts in while I was gone or to HOPE my son could take them out and get them back in the right way! I showed him (10 times) exactly how/where to hang each one, I have two in Shy and Big Boi's cage, and told him which toys should go in their place during the day. At the end, I told him to just leave Big Boi's in all the time and only worry with switching out Shy's and adding the rope swing. Those two don't really like my son but they all got along fine. Since they are in a bird room, they were allowed out several hours a day but I told him if he had any concerns about getting them back in, just to leave them locked up for the 3 nights/days I was gone. If I were you, I think I'd just tell them to leave the HH in the cage the whole time and stress the importance of changing out the food and water dishes with caution so that he doesn't escape. Good luck, I know you're worried. I was worried sick and called home about 10 times. I know my son was rolling his eyes at me every time he saw my number on caller ID. Get a load of this: All of their water bowls (10 to be exact) were clean when I left. I knew my son had not run the dish washer while I was gone and there were 8 clean bowls stacked on the counter. YEP, he had changed their water bowls but only threw out the water and filled it with fresh water every day, never once washed the bowls. Same thing with the water bottle in Big Boi's and Shy's cage.....he did empty and refill it every day but never used one of the 3 other clean ones that I have. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, no one will ever take care of your bird(s) the way you will except another bird person! I would still rather mine take their chances with my son than boarding them at the vets. Don't get me wrong, I would board them if I absolutely had to but for the reasons you mentioned, that would be my last choice.

I hope you can relax and enjoy your trip. Tango will be fine! If my son did it (even the wrong way) I'm sure your parents can! :) I just went back and read what Laura said and that would be great if they decided they enjoy Tango! Finding a good babysitter for future trips would be perfect! :D

05-16-2007, 01:55 AM
I went through this when we lived in Virginia and wanted to spend a few days at the beach. I am an overprotective mommy and I left detailed (and I do mean detailed) instructions with my friend who doggy and birdie sat for me. I also had her come over 3 days in a row before we left and interact with all of the babies. I did call several times a day but surprisingly I had a nice trip and did not stress to much (probably because of the every few hours updates...lol).

I never thought of the exchanging of the cozy at night thing so thanks to those who mentioned it... I am getting a bit tired of buying a new one every 2weeks! Finny and Reilly either chew the strings off or poop on it so that it is all icky so I replace it.

Have a good trip and just go with your gut on birdie care... you are a good fid mommy so you will make the right decision.


05-16-2007, 06:25 PM
Thanks guys, I'm sure my parents will be fine, I know Tango won't get the attention he's accustomed to, but he wouldn't at the vets either.

I was pleasantly surprised this morning when my mom came into my room and put her finger up to the cage and Tango made the gacking motion to her finger, so it seems he's warming up to her.

Cindy- the happy huts are also relatively easy to clean, so you don't have to keep replacing them, by taking it out during the day and washing it on a regular basis, I've made mine last for the past year, if you have and extra or two, you can swap them out so that one can be cleaned and they can still have one at night, even if the one that was washed isn't dry yet or something.

05-16-2007, 08:25 PM
I was pleasantly surprised this morning when my mom came into my room and put her finger up to the cage and Tango made the gacking motion to her finger, so it seems he's warming up to her.Jenna,

That's great. Having your parents "birdie-sit" might not be too bad. Funny how things usually work out in the end :D

05-16-2007, 08:37 PM
You know, one other thing is, I would think that being with your parents you'd be able to call and check on him at times you couldn't if he was boarded at the vet. Is it possible they can confine him to one room when changing food and cleaning his cage? That way if he got loose, at least he wouldn't be all over the house making it even more difficult to contain him. I hope they understand how much Tango means to you and your choice turns out to be a positive experience for everyone. Take care and have a safe little trip.....Michael and Goofy

05-17-2007, 01:04 AM
Cindy- the happy huts are also relatively easy to clean, so you don't have to keep replacing them, by taking it out during the day and washing it on a regular basis, I've made mine last for the past year, if you have and extra or two, you can swap them out so that one can be cleaned and they can still have one at night, even if the one that was washed isn't dry yet or something.

Do you mean washing in the washing machine? or if by hand what should I use for detergent? Actually either way what should I use for cleaning it?

Also, since I am posting anyway... Is clucking a happy sound? Hubby just made Finny and Reilly the coolest play area and they seems to really love it. Tonight while we were having "birdie time" they were playing on it and both kind of clucking. It kinda sounded like a mating thing but since they are both dna'd boys..... I dont know.

Anyway back on subject... glad the birdies are warming up to the parents.... wonder if they will want a lovie of their own after fidsitting???


05-17-2007, 08:24 AM
Cindy, I wash mine on "gentle" cycle in the machine using either cool or warm water. Regular detergent, Tide in my case. No fabric softeners and I do add the extra rinse cycle available on my washing machine. I either let them dry naturally or dry them on low for about ten minutes in the dryer, again using no fabric softener sheets.

05-17-2007, 09:22 AM
I would think that being with your parents you'd be able to call and check on him at times you couldn't if he was boarded at the vet.When I boarded Molly at the vet's office, I called everyday I was gone. They didn't mine. The vet even told me the girls in the office played with Molly everyday and couldn't keep their hands off him. I know they don't get many small birds so it was exciting for them to see a lovebird. I was glad to hear he didn't spend all of his time trapped in the cage. :)

05-17-2007, 07:40 PM
Sounds like a pretty decent vet. These little lovies do have quite an effect on poeple whether they've ever interacted with them or not. I wish I had a camera sometimes when Goofy decides to visit somebody new. Usually its complete surprise that such a little vulnerable birdie will land on them, and other times its one big ear to ear smile. The one thing I learned quickly was that its best to prepare poeple for the surprise landing, some want to flail there arms as though a vampire bat just landed on them!.......Michael N' Goofy